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Messages - CuZZo~

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Warcraft II Remastered... Thoughts?
« on: September 04, 2017, 09:57:02 PM »
Never that! This era has been alive for quite sometime now, just goes thru small evolutions. RU would just be like parking your car in a different parking space... Tell everyone "See you there!" Bada bing ^_^ I am new to RU mostly, but I recognize a good % of all the names here from either kali,heat, zone, or bnet. (Take Kali off that actually) I never see anyone from the kali days. Everyone has made a new name since then :(
Well, Definitely time to tear some rust and get back in the swing. Warcraft 3, will always be fun too... but the two games are like apples and oranges. You can never scratch that war2 itch, gaming up some war3... not ever. lol 
Keepin my fingers crossed but my hopes down for now. If they do decide to throw it aside like that.. putting together a group of talent to revamp it could possibly be feasible, with the right resources and motivation.
 Don't push me blizzard  ;)   

2 / Warcraft II Remastered... Thoughts?
« on: September 04, 2017, 05:57:15 PM »
I have to say... for years, I have been saying, if only somehow the game could just be remade with sexier graphics, and finally add the balance (well overdue ^_^ ) to a paladins heal to scale up making them a formidable opponent, thus orc can no longer be undeniably superior  :thumbsup:
When I seen that they were doing this with Starcraft... my eyes was like  :-*  I figured, finally... now only a matter of time before war2 gets it. I mean, war2, was the beginning.. it made blizzard. First game I ever played online, and I continued to play, faithfully pretty much up until warcraft 3 came out. I see alot of people talking about "well if they did remaster it, they would have to remake it from the ground up". Actually, they could start by using the engine they created for the Starcraft version. I guess from everything I have come across... They are saying they are going to do Warcraft 3. That Warcraft 2 will not be remastered, because "It is not that fun anymore". Anyone that played War2, that stopped, did not quit because it was not fun anymore, but simply that playing all these new age games with amazing graphics, smooth mousing and movements, custom keybinds... War2 is still, and always will be, nearly a perfectly built game.. and for a game of its time, Absolutely. I am still playing Warcraft 3 right now and I see no reason to waste time remastering it so to speak. It is perfectly fine the way it is, give or take a few patch balances.

Is anyone feeling like this definitely should be reconsidered before entirely saying no? I mean... for all the dedicated warcraft fans, this is the ultimate prostate exam. To see the possiblity of such an amazing game, be able to make a comeback, and modernized... and then take that idea and throw it out the window on us.. forcing the game further into the abyss.. with donkey kong, frogger, and all of the other great games of the past ^_^

Curious on how other warcraft lifers are feeling about this...

I started playing warcraft when I was 11... 23 years later.. and pretty much the only games I still play.. War2, War3, WoW arenas. 
Safe to say warcraft has been a significant part of my life... Don't play with my emotions blizzard ^_^

3 / Re: Is reassigning hotkeys cheating?
« on: September 04, 2017, 05:10:30 PM »
Rebinding a key, so it may be accessed with as much ease an comfort to the gamer as possible, situational to the user.. Is no cheat by any means. If it is available for everyone, it offers no specific advantage to any one single person, but accessibility to all. If anything, to not allow the use of it, is more cheating than actually using it in essence. Simply by the facts, that not everyone has the same size of hands, and thus forcing a base set of key binds, ultimately can be a disadvantage to some, where it could give an advantage to others, with larger hands and longer fingers and such.   :thumbsup:  In all reality, war2 was the "Alpha" or the "Pioneer" if you would.. when they thought giving the option to hotkey, is there if you choose.. But since those days.. Any competitive gamer out there knows, hotkey's are mandatory, not optional.. lol. That being said, pretty much any game out there now with a competitive spirit, Allows customization of keys... and in my opinion, for good reason.

4 / Re: The return of chayliss™
« on: September 04, 2017, 04:47:10 PM »
I sure the fuck do!  :D Even tho I started playing in 95.. I would say my greatest mentor in the game, and one of my very favorites to observe as well.

I started playing some warcraft 3 on w3arena a couple days ago, and it reminded me of the day that wc3 was released, and we played our first game of wc3 together. We both got home from grabbin that shit, an we were in a game in 5 mins lol. I remember you played as human.. going around raping everything with blizzard  :thumbsup:  15 years ago already.. lol. Anyway.. I remember Allstar telling me about this place back in 2010, so I figured I would come check it out an see if I might run into Chay once more.. and one of the first posts I see... Myyy Niiiiigga!

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