Rebinding a key, so it may be accessed with as much ease an comfort to the gamer as possible, situational to the user.. Is no cheat by any means. If it is available for everyone, it offers no specific advantage to any one single person, but accessibility to all. If anything, to not allow the use of it, is more cheating than actually using it in essence. Simply by the facts, that not everyone has the same size of hands, and thus forcing a base set of key binds, ultimately can be a disadvantage to some, where it could give an advantage to others, with larger hands and longer fingers and such.
In all reality, war2 was the "Alpha" or the "Pioneer" if you would.. when they thought giving the option to hotkey, is there if you choose.. But since those days.. Any competitive gamer out there knows, hotkey's are mandatory, not optional.. lol. That being said, pretty much any game out there now with a competitive spirit, Allows customization of keys... and in my opinion, for good reason.