Author Topic: Australia quarantine  (Read 43830 times)

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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #60 on: January 19, 2022, 03:16:30 PM »
you dont really need to do things like double mask if you can get an N95 mask and wear it properly.  here they have them in home depots and stuff, 3M is a good brand.  ordering on amazon is risky because theres so much counterfeit shit but theres other good online vendors.  the 95 stands for 95% filter effectiveness but in testing these things all hit over 99%.  and yeah, sorry to hear about the trouble sleeping.  i read one thing that even with mild cases, post-covid symptoms are common (it's at like 40% among unvaccinated people according to one thing i read) and the post covid symptoms can be basically anything, it's very weird
« Last Edit: January 19, 2022, 03:20:04 PM by Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) »

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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #61 on: January 19, 2022, 03:17:26 PM »
that wasnt the content of tk's post. 
I’m guessing TK mostly trolling just re read his posts.
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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #62 on: January 19, 2022, 03:18:19 PM »
anyway, in many cases (where vaccines are more effective) we can completely eradicate diseases from our society, like polio or measles.  if 99% of people are sane and will take these vaccines you dont need a mandate (cuba for example doesnt even have one despite being a communist country). 

Not fair to compare a covid shot with polio or measles.
Most scientists agree covid-19 is here to stay with us and it’s not going anywhere. People should get inoculated with a covid shot(like an annual flu shot)but arguing that the end goal here is to eradicate the disease through inoculations doesn’t seem likely.
agree with all that and yeah it's not really the same thing.  that was juts an example for vaccine mandates in general.

that wasnt the content of tk's post. 
I’m guessing TK mostly trolling just re read his posts.
those are common opinions among certain sets that he's expressing

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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2022, 03:21:58 PM »
I won’t disagree I have met some crazy people that seem to think this is all a conspiracy to “depopulate the world.”
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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #64 on: January 19, 2022, 03:33:06 PM »
you dont really need to do things like double mask if you can get an N95 mask and wear it properly.  here they have them in home depots and stuff, 3M is a good brand.  ordering on amazon is risky because theres so much counterfeit shit but theres other good online vendors.  the 95 stands for 95% filter effectiveness but in testing these things all hit over 99%.  and yeah, sorry to hear about the trouble sleeping.  i read one thing that even with mild cases, post-covid symptoms are common (it's at like 40% among unvaccinated people according to one thing i read) and the post covid symptoms can be basically anything, it's very weird

n95 and kn95 masks aren't economically viable for most people. i change masks frequently.

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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #65 on: January 19, 2022, 03:42:19 PM »
i mean, governments should be distributing these, but they're not all that expensive.  Here's a solid one:

$14 for 10 masks.  You can wear each mask at least 40 hours

N95 a little more expensive, $45 for 20.  not bad though, that's 4-5 months of masks


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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #66 on: January 19, 2022, 05:39:26 PM »
seems like your freedumbs are getting a lot of people killed and hospitals over capacity.

Sounds like the vaccine has killed thousands of people. Sounds like it's seriously fucking with many women's menstrual cycle. sounds like the vaccine is likely accelerating the rate of mutation. Sounds like the vaccine doesn't prevent infection or spreading. Sounds like Big Pharma is making insane amounts of money off of public fear. Sounds like any information conflicting with the government/media/big pharma narrative is being censored.

.... For someone who claims to dislike Billionaires... You're sure as shit eating all of the bullshit they're force feeding you. The irony is so fucking thick lol.
the vaccines are not without side effects (and the menstrual cycle thing is confirmed) but they havent killed "thousands" of people, thats a big overstatement... meanwhile covid is pushing to the 1,000,000 death mark in america alone.  the latter number is definitely the more important one. 

do you have any data to back that up? because when congress asked Walensky how many people have died from the covid vaccine (suggesting it was in the thousands) she did not refute it, and she did not answer the question. She gave some bullshit excuse about "if someone gets hit by a car after they get vaccinated it gets reported in the Adverse reporting system ...."  Both the congressman and Walensky failed to follow up with "well how many people are dying that arent getting hit by cars after being vaccined?!"   ... but important that she did not directly refute "in the thousands"

viruses mutate and will mutate especially when theres like 1 billion people infected, so more mutations are 100% on their way and the only way to stop it would've been to all go china-style lockdown, but the rest of the world didnt and we're kinda fucked now lol.  the "natural immunity" folks will all get infected again and again every several months

Essentially all independent data is showing that natural immunity is at least 13x more effective than a double dose of the pfizer vaccine.. so idk why you would have bothered saying that.... Whereas its possible the vaccines could literally be increasing the vaccinated person's risk of becoming infectious according to the literal inventor of mRNA vaccines, Dr. Robert Malone... who has also been completely censored on social media for stating his medial opinions regarding this pandemic.

, and so will vaccinated people, and every infection is gonna break down peoples bodies more.  the media isnt really even focusing on all the shit covid does to people after the initial infection clears up (30% risk increase in diabetes, blood clotting, brain fog, etc etc).  the best way to protect yourself is to wear an n95 mask whenever you are out in public and do not take it off.  the virus doesnt care if youre drinking a beer or eating a sandwich, there's no timeouts.  keep your mask on. 

and yes, get vaccinated.

and no..there is no reliable data suggesting that's the correct thing to do. And it's impossible to even have reliable data that suggests it's the correct thing to do when we're dealing with a literal newly 100% experimental vaccine. Experimental for what it's targeting, and experimental because a mRNA vaccine has never been FDA approved before pfizer's covid vaccine.

 big pharma sucks ass but that doesnt mean we should all become antivaxxers now lol.  china is vaccinating their people, cuba developed their own vaccine, so did russia, and i believe india has a new nasal spray vaccine coming out.  the whole world knows vaccines are an important tool.  denying yourself that protection to stick it to big business (who also control everything else in your life already) is foolish.

They're a good tool if they're well understood. These vaccines are not... We have literally no idea what the potential long term consequences of taking this experimental vaccine are. It's impossible to know right now. And to pretend like you do by encouraging other people to get vaccinated also is insanely irresponsible.  This virus is clearly not

trump was president during the development of these vaccines and is vaccinated and boosted so please try not to be dumber than trump.  get the vaccine.  it's not a silver bullet but it decreases infection and hospitalization/death rates by like 6x last i looked, decreased hospitalization i believe.. decreased rate of infection is so blatantly untrue.. all you have to do is look and listen. Literally everyone who is vaccinated is getting covid again...

and the post covid stuff i mentioned too.  tk if you refuse  to get vaccinated because you are worried about your menstrual cycle you should be extra cautious in everything else.


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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #67 on: January 19, 2022, 05:49:57 PM »
you seem to suggest that "if only the rest of the world went on lockdown like china we would be ok lol"

china never went on lockdown. If china went on lockdown this entire global economy would have already collapsed.. within 2 weeks of when they went on lockdown.

If you want to say "well like 90% of them kinda went on lockdown and we needed to do that too" Then you have absolutely no idea how respiratory viruses spread.

1 ship with 30-50 crewmen where just 1 was infectious when they landed on U.S. soil is enough to get it to spread to this entire continent.

If you cannot COMPLETELY quarantine an entire country.. Nobody in, Nobody out.. then there is absolutely no reason to quarantine anyone. Because you cant stop it. So why try to stop something that you're literally incapable of stopping. Makes absolutely no sense.

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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2022, 06:00:23 PM »
What if we all quarantined .. completely isolated ourselves from eachother.. other countries... no shipments.. no exchange of goods.. food.. etc... AND no economic collapse. like everything would have been just fine if we quarantined.. it would all be over if we all just did that..

Unless you believe that the virus did not/could not/would not mutate in China, we would STILL be quarantining China lol. over 2 years later.

So the ONLY way quarantining would have worked is if it didnt create a global economic collapse.. Which sorry bud.. If you say "nothing in or out of china until this is gone", then you're saying "i want a depression on a scale this globe has never seen before"    AND that the virus would never mutate in it's country of origin, China.

Do you realize how silly the idea of quarantine to stop this thing is?  It's insanity. Like you literally have to turn your brain off to believe it.

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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #69 on: January 19, 2022, 08:05:13 PM »
China locks down wherever cases are detected in pursuit of zero covid. They don’t lock down random unrelated cities with no infections, but they do quarantine at the border also, and their strategy works and has kept the virus from spreading anytime some infections occur. They continue to occur because the rest of the world is not taking any action. Omicron plus the Olympics will make continuing this extremely difficult but to date they’ve kept cases in the hundreds at worst in a country of 1.4 billion.

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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #70 on: January 19, 2022, 08:45:44 PM »
China locks down wherever cases are detected in pursuit of zero covid. They don’t lock down random unrelated cities with no infections, but they do quarantine at the border also, and their strategy works and has kept the virus from spreading anytime some infections occur. They continue to occur because the rest of the world is not taking any action. Omicron plus the Olympics will make continuing this extremely difficult but to date they’ve kept cases in the hundreds at worst in a country of 1.4 billion.

Didn't covid originate from a lab in China due to gain of function research funded by Dr Faucci's organization?
Or is that a conspiracy theory by the conservative party?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2022, 08:48:38 PM by ~ToRa~ »
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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #71 on: January 19, 2022, 09:07:51 PM »
It’s an unsupported theory that’s widely held across both parties, but the original strain dies in lab settings so the alternative, that it jumped species from bats, is probably more likely imo.

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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #72 on: January 19, 2022, 10:51:55 PM »
Czech singer Hana Horka, who deliberately infected herself with coronavirus so she wouldn't have to get vaccinated, has died of COVID-19 - BBC

dumb bitch

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Re: Australia quarantine
« Reply #74 on: January 20, 2022, 06:44:22 AM »
There's nothing about the virus occurring naturally that is more likely wtf

You're turning your brain off again