Author Topic: mccain's death  (Read 38405 times)

Offline CumSavorer4385

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #45 on: August 28, 2018, 01:49:32 PM »
Exactly. The truth.

... and if you want to change hearts and minds, start by not alienating the entire armed forces. You may think you're just talking about one person, but but people will apply things to their own life and experience. Don't you want soldiers to vote with you?

No we don't want the kkkracker imperialist pig army on our side moron. They are the enemy. Do we want nazis on our side too? Lol

Also you say "exactly, the truth!" And then argue we should lie so the pigs will like us. Lmao
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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #46 on: August 28, 2018, 05:28:20 PM »
Exactly. The truth.

... and if you want to change hearts and minds, start by not alienating the entire armed forces. You may think you're just talking about one person, but but people will apply things to their own life and experience. Don't you want soldiers to vote with you?

No we don't want the kkkracker imperialist pig army on our side moron. They are the enemy. Do we want nazis on our side too? Lol

Also you say "exactly, the truth!" And then argue we should lie so the pigs will like us. Lmao

No I said you should NOT lie or people with real life experience will smell the bullshit.

You think every kid who joins the army is an evil person? Then you are simply a moron and a facist, and no less biggoted than the KKK. Calling every soldier a war criminal is just stupid beyond belief. I fell dumb for even bothering to speak to you.

Is every kid who throws a rock at a tank also evil?

Don't bother answering that. I really don't care what crap falls out of your mouth next. I can already hear the answer: "it's ok if I like the side they're on".

FFS no wonder you retards elected Trump.

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #47 on: August 28, 2018, 05:50:51 PM »
when you equate it with throwing a rock at a tank, it sounds like you believe we're describing everyone who engages in the concept of violence as evil.  that's not it at all.  you have to investigate the purpose of the violence, and in the case of a military force, the history and current goals of that force.  in the US's case it's been pretty much universally evil since ww2, leaving millions dead always for the purpose increasing the US's relative strength in juxtaposition with non-aligned states. 

just take the tally: korean war - evil, up to 2m dead. vietnam war - evil, up to 4m dead.  iraq war - evil, up to 1m dead.  all these are cases of the US just deciding it doesn't like the way the people of a particular nation/state half the world away is handling their affairs and that it would prefer to go in there and wage war to precipitate an outcome more to its selfish preference.  it's bad all the time, throw in what was done in libya and syria, what's going on in palestine and yemen, what the US daydreams of doing to iran, when none of these places has shown aggression toward the US.

The people who join the US's fighting forces are signing up as enablers in violence on a massive scale, they are agents of a great evil, and they do so entirely willingly.  a lot of them are small people that grew up playing violent video games and want to go off and witness bloodshed, others are scions of people who have long served empire for profit as part of family tradition.  many are tricked by american fairytales and bedtime stories but they should know better before they sign the dotted line to risk their lives and end many others.  We can hope the ones who are good, who are simply misled, will change their minds and stop abetting in this worldwide wholesale slaughter, but that will only happen if we speak clearly.  Against fascism.  Against empire.  Against death to increase the profits of a very narrow segment of a population thousands of miles away from the sphere of battle.

Offline CumSavorer4385

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #48 on: August 28, 2018, 06:45:21 PM »
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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #49 on: August 28, 2018, 07:36:44 PM »
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

Offline Lambchops

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #50 on: August 28, 2018, 08:24:02 PM »
when you equate it with throwing a rock at a tank, it sounds like you believe we're describing everyone who engages in the concept of violence as evil.

It sounds a bit like you are prejudiced against dumb kids depending on what country they are born in.

you have to investigate the purpose of the violence, and in the case of a military force, the history and current goals... etc ... ( bunch of examples that I mostly agree with )

Yes and the American people should hold those responsible accountable for those actions, and get people with some common decency into those positions.

The people who join the US's fighting forces are signing up as enablers in violence on a massive scale, they are agents of a great evil, and they do so entirely
willingly............ but that will only happen if we speak clearly.  Against fascism.  Against empire.

They are mainly poor kids who don't have the money or the grades to go to college and don't want to work in the local coal mine or whatever. It's the same the world over. They are your fellow human-beings and you should be trying to educate and not alienate them.

Do you really think that if you say "don't be a soldier because our country is rich and our leaders are corrupt" that people will stop joining the army? At best, you might stop a few of the slightly more educated ones, and slightly decrease the IQ of average soldier. Do you think this attitude is ever going to result in the type of soldier that will refuse to carry out a criminal order?

In some alternate reality where this would actually stop people signing up, they would just re-introduce conscription. In some absolutely impossible world where this actually caused the US to lose its armed forces then America would cease to exist. You would all be speaking Russian or Chinese or even Spanish.

The US armed forces may be over-funded, oversized and mainly used for aggression, but that is a problem with the people running the country and giving the orders. If there was no army at all there would be no over-privileged middle class people that are too lazy to get off their couch and vote... just ask the native Americans what happens when you have a big, resource rich continent and someone with a bigger stick than you wants to take it.

I absolutely agree that most of America's foreign military activity has been acts of aggression and that the people responsible are criminals and should be stopped. The way to do that is not by pointing the finger at soldiers, it's by educating the stupid people who let them do it - the electorate (which includes the soldiers).

War is old men sending young men to die, blaming the young men is just cheap and easy.

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #51 on: August 28, 2018, 10:56:43 PM »
lol what a rotting liberal brain.

Offline Lambchops

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #52 on: August 29, 2018, 01:36:37 AM »
lol what a rotting liberal brain.

Haha don't you ever get sick of being wrong? It must wear you down after a while surely....
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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #53 on: August 29, 2018, 01:48:43 AM »
The people who join the US's fighting forces are signing up as enablers in violence on a massive scale, they are agents of a great evil, and they do so entirely willingly.  a lot of them are small people that grew up playing violent video games and want to go off and witness bloodshed, others are scions of people who have long served empire for profit as part of family tradition.  many are tricked by american fairytales and bedtime stories but they should know better before they sign the dotted line to risk their lives and end many others.  We can hope the ones who are good, who are simply misled, will change their minds and stop abetting in this worldwide wholesale slaughter, but that will only happen if we speak clearly.  Against fascism.  Against empire.  Against death to increase the profits of a very narrow segment of a population thousands of miles away from the sphere of battle.

Trolling aside let’s be real for a min.

18 year olds that join the military do so mainly because of the benefits that come with being a veteran. Many of these kids join the military with the intention of having the government paying for their college degree, which would otherwise be unattainable.

Saying these kids are “evil” is a bit of a stretch u disagree @eyyy im walkin here ?
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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #54 on: August 29, 2018, 07:42:38 AM »
lol what a rotting liberal brain.

it really is a mental disorder
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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #55 on: August 29, 2018, 07:44:20 AM »
The people who join the US's fighting forces are signing up as enablers in violence on a massive scale, they are agents of a great evil, and they do so entirely willingly.  a lot of them are small people that grew up playing violent video games and want to go off and witness bloodshed, others are scions of people who have long served empire for profit as part of family tradition.  many are tricked by american fairytales and bedtime stories but they should know better before they sign the dotted line to risk their lives and end many others.  We can hope the ones who are good, who are simply misled, will change their minds and stop abetting in this worldwide wholesale slaughter, but that will only happen if we speak clearly.  Against fascism.  Against empire.  Against death to increase the profits of a very narrow segment of a population thousands of miles away from the sphere of battle.

Trolling aside let’s be real for a min.

18 year olds that join the military do so mainly because of the benefits that come with being a veteran. Many of these kids join the military with the intention of having the government paying for their college degree, which would otherwise be unattainable.

Saying these kids are “evil” is a bit of a stretch u disagree @eyyy im walkin here ?

He said they are "agents of a great evil," which is a distinction. They are doing evil acts for evil ends, whether they realize they are or not, and thus they are complicit in them.

Again, many soldiers with consciences in places like Vietnam refused to serve or obey unethical or unlawful orders. This happens much less now since the military is all volunteer, so its self selecting for people who want to go kill helpless people in their homes, but it still puts the lie to this excuse.
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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #56 on: August 29, 2018, 07:46:14 AM »

Warrant Officer (WO1) Hugh Thompson, Jr., a helicopter pilot from Company B (Aero-Scouts), 123rd Aviation Battalion, Americal Division, saw dead and wounded civilians as he was flying over the village of Sơn Mỹ, providing close-air support for ground forces.[47] The crew made several attempts to radio for help for the wounded. They landed their helicopter by a ditch, which they noted was full of bodies and in which there was movement.[47] Thompson asked a sergeant he encountered there (David Mitchell of the 1st Platoon) if he could help get the people out of the ditch, and the sergeant replied that he would "help them out of their misery". Thompson, shocked and confused, then spoke with Calley, who claimed to be "just following orders". As the helicopter took off, Thompson saw Mitchell firing into the ditch.[47]

Thompson and his crew witnessed an unarmed woman being kicked and shot at point-blank range by Captain Medina, who later claimed that he thought she had a hand grenade.[48] Thompson then saw a group of civilians (again consisting of children, women, and old men) at a bunker being approached by ground personnel. Thompson landed and told his crew that if the soldiers shot at the Vietnamese while he was trying to get them out of the bunker that they were to open fire on these soldiers.[47]

You cheapen real courage and sacrifice and decency like this when you say the perpetrators of this massacre are no worse than the people who stopped it.
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i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #57 on: August 29, 2018, 08:52:39 AM »
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #58 on: August 29, 2018, 10:06:39 AM »

Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #59 on: August 29, 2018, 10:52:23 AM »
The people who join the US's fighting forces are signing up as enablers in violence on a massive scale, they are agents of a great evil, and they do so entirely willingly.  a lot of them are small people that grew up playing violent video games and want to go off and witness bloodshed, others are scions of people who have long served empire for profit as part of family tradition.  many are tricked by american fairytales and bedtime stories but they should know better before they sign the dotted line to risk their lives and end many others.  We can hope the ones who are good, who are simply misled, will change their minds and stop abetting in this worldwide wholesale slaughter, but that will only happen if we speak clearly.  Against fascism.  Against empire.  Against death to increase the profits of a very narrow segment of a population thousands of miles away from the sphere of battle.

Trolling aside let’s be real for a min.

18 year olds that join the military do so mainly because of the benefits that come with being a veteran. Many of these kids join the military with the intention of having the government paying for their college degree, which would otherwise be unattainable.

Saying these kids are “evil” is a bit of a stretch u disagree @eyyy im walkin here ?
when you equate it with throwing a rock at a tank, it sounds like you believe we're describing everyone who engages in the concept of violence as evil.

It sounds a bit like you are prejudiced against dumb kids depending on what country they are born in.
not really, i said they are doing evil, not that they are evil.  I mean, like i said, everyone should think and investigate long and hard before they sign up to kill other human beings and possibly be killed themselves, so they should know better before enlisting.  but many, who dont knowingly hold any ill intentions, fail in this regard.  and doing it to get some benefits or free school, murdering strangers overseas, isnt really an excuse, esp when knowing the majority of people in the US military actually arent coming from the poorest communities.  the people who dont suck and who make a mistake, like i said, will hopefully come around if we speak clearly and loudly.  the people that arent interested in changing their minds, who refuse to do so, even if theyre not intentionally "bad people," are quite simply not on our side, and thats fine with me.  what that means though is i dont censor myself and refrain from saying what i see as the truth out of fear of offending them.  let them listen and see.  if theyre against us then let them be against us.