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« on: March 04, 2018, 08:55:41 AM »
« Last Edit: April 03, 2022, 03:27:37 PM by LiveFreeorDie »

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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2018, 10:31:58 AM »
Oh yeah, Tora tolerates bullies...because he IS one!

How can this kind of person be an admin of anything?

The job of community leaders is to protect the community, such as from bullying, harassment, and abuse.

LeeRoyJenkins is a habitual offender.

The evidence was brought forward.

Tora does nothing.

Then continues gaming with his buddy.

The community deserves better than this.

Tora should NOT be admin. He has shown that not only is he a bully himself, but he's again also proved he won't do a thing to stop community members from being harassed, bullied, and attacked on his watch.

Admins that only look out for themselves are not fit to be admins.

"LeeRoyJenkins is an active member blah blah blah"

So is TheGoodShepherd. And TheGoodShepherd is actually a nice person that you risk losing (which would be an actual LOSS to the community).

Losing bullies and horrible people like LeeRoyJenkins is a GAIN to the community, and opens up some clean air for the community to grow instead of being choked out by the putrid fumes of filth that Tora himself loves to wallow in.

Is tora the one exposing everybody's aka's while he is smurfing?

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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2018, 10:41:52 AM »
But you should be admin right BS?
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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2018, 10:43:53 AM »
Tora talked to Leeroy, who said he'd stop. Tora said if he didn't stop, action would be taken. It seems like the bullying has been dealt with, and now you're just hungry for revenge.

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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2018, 11:02:12 AM »
Leeroy has agreed to stop.

Thegoodshep made his point. GS and the water map community won't have to deal with him anymore.
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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2018, 12:15:12 PM »
agree, he was asked & agreed to stop, if he does then perfect, if he doesn't then we can step in. TGS did the right thing documenting it well & reporting, hopefully this is the end of it

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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2018, 12:26:25 PM »
Bs are you sad because I told you that I didn’t like you?
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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2018, 10:27:47 AM »
Hamlet: Act 1, scene 4, page 5.
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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2018, 10:54:46 AM »
babyshark, your obsession with ripe makes you look stupid.  that was a guy who was threatening to go on a murder rampage, and we've seen even in the recent news w/ the florida school shooting how threats like that sometimes can be carried out, and your endlessly, endlessly stanning for a professed white supremacist potential murderer is disgusting.

lethal viruz hacked and the hacking rule on this server is old as time.

believe it or not, the community never wanted rules against being mean.  a poll we held about 3 years ago found the following:
Insulting should cause nothing
Offensive language should cause nothing
Defaming and baseless accusations should cause nothing

on the other hand, we did find:
Using similar nicks/clantags and impersonating should cause muting
Spam, obnoxious pictures, offtopic garbage should cause muting

the last bit above might mostly have been referring to the forum rather than the server, but impersonating users has resulted in locked accounts, and spamming people can lead to a temp ban.  i would put ongoing harassment into that container also, not simply where someone dislikes you and insults you when they see you, but where they routinely follow you into your msgs, into games, where you have to squelch them constantly, etc.  we should make sure such targeted behavior stops, and if someone refuses to stop, we should do something about it.  but it seems tora has accomplished that.  if not, more action will be taken.

that's not like someone refusing a ss, which always has had a defined outcome, for literally a decade, and where the user in question, lethal~viruz, outright refused to post it, because "everyone knows him," which was intentional defiance of a rule with a known punishment and an open and shut situation

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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2018, 12:38:54 PM »
Not sure when the discussion took place.. But fevertree aka leeroy was doing the same shit yesterday that hes been doing the last few months.

I personally feel like it's a community's responsibility to alienate him from their games. Not the admins responsibility to punish them. If the host of the game is being abusive towards other players stand up for each other and leave the game. Get somebody else to start a new game. As long as you stay and his games while he is being abusive nothing will change

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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2018, 12:39:19 PM »
Strength in numbers. People stand together and all leave his games he will stop doing it plain and simple

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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2018, 02:26:45 PM »
I dont often agree wth TK but he is absolutely correct. Self regulate the server, stop being little bitches. I hate smurfs so I boot them, hoping to do my small part in stopping smurfing. Ask TK ;P Sparkyboy

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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2018, 02:30:29 PM »
bullys i can relate.. i used to be a bully sometime i can still find traces of bullys in me i have 2 of them dogs that is... well i guess tolerating bullies is not right and i will stop tolerating them and i will give them a taste of their own medicine.. i can be the devil if need me be.. my double edge sword soars with no boundaries. i have let many arrows fly that i wish i can take back.. but it is what it is..... anyways can i practice what i preach is the bigger question.    :blank: >:D :-X
« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 02:33:05 PM by woot. »
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i can be a bit oxymoron at times help me with english.. i am a hs drop out and and english is not my first language so gyeh..

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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2018, 04:01:29 PM »
babyshark, your obsession with ripe makes you look stupid.  that was a guy who was threatening to go on a murder rampage, and we've seen even in the recent news w/ the florida school shooting how threats like that sometimes can be carried out, and your endlessly, endlessly stanning for a professed white supremacist potential murderer is disgusting.

First of all, I'd like to thank you for not calling me stupid. That would have been uncharitable, and we know how you are pro-charitableness. Saying it makes me look stupid implies the appearance and the reality aren't congruent. How very generous of you.

Second of all, you completely missed the point every time in every direction with everything having to do with Ripe. Trying to get a point into you is like trying to cut into a live fish with a wooden spoon.

I'm gonna go ahead and quote myself on Ripe:

I agree with Ripe's ban and support Blid's desire to have a cleaner, safer forum for everyone. I think people who are talking violence and murder should be curbed and given time to think about their behavior and hopefully calm down. I think he should be allowed to come back after a cool-down period and given a chance to explain himself and perhaps address his concerns in a more productive way, though.

Back to Ripe, though. I am all for admins stepping in when someone acts out of line. I do think, however, that it should be identified which rule he broke and refer to it publicly so there is awareness of any rules that may exist, and the rules should be enforced equally for everyone, rather than arbitrarily when someone "feels" that something is worse than others. Some people shouldn't be allowed to do what others aren't, based on personal emotional responses and interpretations of writers' motives.

I never at any time supported Ripe's conduct. I agreed with violent speech resulting in a ban.

What we didn't see is fairness, the same treatment for all people. Someone wrote against communists and liberals, so you protect your own group by silencing him, even when you saw the SS's of him saying he was just venting (like many do online) and had no intention to harm anyone in real life. You won't give others the same kind of protection, even when it's not a general statement against a group, but a target at a specific individual like death wishes or someone who has expressed to you that the harassment is going too far. And you won't give others the same kind of punishment, even when identical words are used.

Others have carte blanche to spam violent speech all they want. THAT is the issue I had, not an issue with a ban being carried out against an inappropriately behaved user.

The OTHER point you missed regarding Ripe, again not defending his behavior, was that you issued a ban in response to bad behavior. If someone else wants a ban for bad behavior, you call it "revenge". The point is that carrying out discipline is not revenge when you are the "leader" and it's your job or when you are appealing to the leaders to do their job.

lethal viruz hacked and the hacking rule on this server is old as time.

Lethal~Viruz has never hacked. The reason he was targetted was because he as a perceived "newb" won against someone who couldn't emotionally handle losing, who also verbally harassed him until he was agitated. The victim of harassment of a hostile smurfer got banned and defamed. He happens to be actually an awesome person, kind and fun and helpful and friendly (unlike the vast majority of players on W2 that are slimy dirtbags). And yes, I took revenge because justice couldn't be found. And no, I don't feel bad about it. No one else was lifting a finger to stop bad behavior that had been going on for 16+ years. W2 lost a good guy when Lethal~Viruz left. And yes, there are some people who think I should be murdered or go to hell for that or be spammed with hate during tournaments that I'm playing in or who publicly attack my real life family who get thumbs up from their followers for attacking me, and more recently speaking wicked lies about people they've seen me playing W2 with in the past and making real life threats against my family. There are some truly disgusting people playing W2. Lethal~Viruz was one of the good ones.

I am willing to take the abuse and I am willing to take any ban of any length, even permanent, to stand up for people who are worth standing up for.

As long as the community leaders embrace toxic behavior and protect bullies, a lot of the decent people why try out W2 will leave. You aren't sitting at 30 users or less many evenings because the game W2 isn't awesome. It's because the people are gross.

I stay because there are still cool people to play with. If there were such a thing as a restraining order to keep the nasty pile of filth confined to their own corner to wallow in each others' putrid excretions, that would be amazing. Normal people don't want to breathe those fumes.

The SS rule is also carried out haphazardly according to the whims of those who bow to the most vile users as long as their skill level at a video game is up there.

believe it or not, the community never wanted rules against being mean.  a poll we held about 3 years ago found the following:
Insulting should cause nothing
Offensive language should cause nothing
Defaming and baseless accusations should cause nothing

Yeah, and rapists don't want laws against rape, murderers don't want laws against murder. Shocker.

The W2 community is formed up by a majority of scumbags. This is true. However, this user group is neither a representative of real life populations, nor are their opinions that they should be allowed to harm others with toxic behavior the ultimate basis for human conduct.

Using similar nicks/clantags and impersonating should cause muting

Off with their heads.

that's not like someone refusing a ss, which always has had a defined outcome,

D@ta had no repercussions for failing to post even when proper protocol was followed.,3528.0.html#quickreply

There is no consistency. It goes back to who is the one asking for the SS and how much power they hold over the admin group.

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Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2018, 04:22:32 PM »
Do you know lethal~viruz in real life?  You keep bringing him up over and over.
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