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Author Topic: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone  (Read 8459 times)

Offline Yamon

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Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« on: September 03, 2017, 11:16:38 AM »
It's been about two months since i stopped taking my 17 prescriptions, and started taking niacin, and various other nutrients based on what my body needs according to my symptoms.

My current vitamin regiment:
Niacin 500mg 3 times a day with a meal. - Schizophrenia
Lugol's Iodine 2 drops a day in the morning - Hypothyroidism - Leaky Gut
Vitamin C 6000mg a day - smoking ( causes vitamin c deficiency, cancer is metabolic disorder. This is how smoking causes cancer ), leaky gut - bolstering the immune system.
Probiotic once a day - Leaky Gut
Omega-3 Various forms, dosage varies: coconut oil, chia seeds, and fish oil. - Leaky gut
Vitamin D 4000 IU a day - Everyone is deficient in vitamin D - overall health, leaky gut
USDA 100% Pure Food Grade Lumino Diatacemous Earth ( DE, silica ) - Once a week for detox and cleanse, and/or as medicine as symptoms occur. I also brush my teeth with it, and use it for athlete's foot.

Hippocrates- "Let food by thy medicine, and medicine by thy food."

Ortholecular medicine is using nutrients and minerals to treat every single disease in the book. Chiropractors prescribe vitamins and minerals instead of drugs. It emphasizes on a heavy understanding of chemistry and the anatomy and physiology of the human body. The best example I can give for this type of medicine, is how it treated for a period of time, and then absolutely cured my schizophrenia. Everyone in my life that has seen me in the last 2 months have come the unanimous opinion that my schizophrenia is gone.

I first discovered ortholecular medicine by the late great Dr. Abram Hoffer. Also the great ones are Linus Pauling, Andrew Saul, and Bill W.
This form of medicine is dated back to Hippocrates's days in theory, and then mastered at a scientific level in the 1950's to the 1960's; until it was rebuffed by big pharma with their cogs in congress. My favorite advocate that still lives of ortholecular medicine is Dr. John Bergman ( he has a massive channel on youtube treating any disease you can think of with dozens of client testimonials).

Please, I urge you if you know anyone suffering from one of the most horrible diseases known to man, shizophrenia; please tell them about niacin and ortholecular medicine. Do your own homework! Do not take my word for it! BUT IT WORKED FOR ME AND THAT'S AN UNDERSTATEMENT

Here is Dr. Abram Hoffer:

Doctor cures schizophrenic son with niacin, Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD - YouTube

EDIT: I get all of my vitamins from Linus Pauling's company of choice: Bronson. All of their vitamins are the best on the market, and one third the price :/ https://www.bronsonvitamins.com/

« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 11:05:10 AM by Yamon »

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2017, 11:22:01 AM »
wat in the world

Offline Yamon

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2017, 11:36:24 AM »

Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2017, 11:38:49 AM »
Doesnt niacin make you pee a lot.
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Offline Yamon

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2017, 11:51:42 AM »
Doesnt niacin make you pee a lot.
I haven't noticed a single side effect. Only when I stopped taking insitol niacin ( non-flush ) to bronson pure niacin, I got some pretty intense flushes, I looked like a tomato. other than that Nothing. I am just 100% alert and cool headed. Hoffer says the flush is beneficial to increase blood flow and makes the blood healthier.

I forgot to mention all of the symptoms I have been having. Also you can spell it ortholecuar, or othomolecular based on whether you're Candian or American if there's any confusion :).

But here are the symptoms i was experiencing and now that are all gone:
Daily Unrinary incontinance
Daily Bowel incontinance ( in the morning )
Daily MASSIVE panic attacks ( for no reason )
Bad skin and skin lesions
Racing Heart
High Blood Pressure
EXTREME fatigue
EXTREME insomnia
crying uncontrollabily for no reason
EXTREME depression
EXTREME social anxiety
Unable to have a bowel movement, and very small bowel volume
Abdominal Pain, and flank pain that was never ending
Neck and shoulder pain
Dry Calloused feet and skin
Water retention
an off equilibrium and i was bumping into stuff and tripping ( i thought i was getting ALS or lupus )
A terrible memory ( I would look for my lighter when it was in my hand )
and tons more stuff that i can't even recall.
I was super super sick.

I went to the ER like 11 times in one year. And Not a single one of those malpractice doctors did a single fucking thing for me.

Now I don't have anything to complain about....
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 11:54:31 AM by Yamon »

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2017, 12:11:01 PM »
Tbh I think what you are experiencing is a placebo effect.
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Offline Yamon

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2017, 12:12:10 PM »
Here is the contrast between the mainstream media and real doctors.

Adam Ruins Everything - The Weird Reason We Think Vitamins Are Good for Us (They're Not) - YouTube

Linus Pauling: High dose vitamin C is a cure for cancer, AIDS and heart disease! - YouTube

Notice the most important part to remember is they stopped all of the studies after 75 days, which is OBVIOUS fraud.

Offline Yamon

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2017, 12:12:37 PM »
Tbh I think what you are experiencing is a placebo effect.

nope. Even my nurse confirmed it's not placebo effect in july. I also find it kind of odd that you would even suggest it is placebo effect. It's been over 2 months. That's some placebo effect. Talk about mind over body!  I stopped taking it because i was having clay colored stools and I thought it was related to the niacin ( it was not ), so i stopped taking it. I fell right back into the same mental symptoms within 2 days.

I also have been treating my step mother's chronic headaches with orthomolecular therapy. She has had chronic headaches her whole life has seen countless doctors, and has been on countless prescription drugs. My father has spent about 10k dollars on her drugs. I put her on zinc, copper, magnesium and iodine. her headaches are gone.

My father before I got here had uncontrollable diabetes and his blood sugar was at an average of 500 while taking 7 injections a day. I got him off of sugar and grains for a week and a half, his blood sugar was 120 on average without his insulin. I also used DE to get omega-6 oils out of his system. Now he only eats organic food ( which is void of omega-6 additives ). Now the highest blood sugar he's gotten ever is about 300 ( without taking insulin and eating grains and sugars ).

Attached is a paper I wrote ( very rough draft was never done a second time ) on diabetes. It worked.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 12:31:19 PM by Yamon »

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2017, 12:50:39 PM »
i dont take anything but id be super leery of giving up anti psychotics etc. i hope it's really working because ive seen mentally ill people online talk about going off meds and they often end up pretty insane
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 12:54:01 PM by eyyy im walkin here »

Offline Yamon

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2017, 01:54:35 PM »
i dont take anything but id be super leery of giving up anti psychotics etc. i hope it's really working because ive seen mentally ill people online talk about going off meds and they often end up pretty insane
it works because schizophrenia was theorized to be pellagra by Dr. Abam Hoffer in the 40's. Align the symptoms of Pellagra ( niacin deficiency ) with "schizophrenia" which is defined as a idiopathic dis-ease, in which they admit they don't know what it is or what causes it. Also pellagra is genetic, which is even more in line with schizophrenia.

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2017, 03:26:01 PM »
youre banking on the speculative theory of some rando 1940s doctor being the truth which seems pretty suspect to me, but i mean if you can both go off the medication and be more healthy then that's obviously great. be careful though

Offline Yamon

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2017, 03:36:04 PM »
youre banking on the speculative theory of some rando 1940s doctor being the truth which seems pretty suspect to me, but i mean if you can both go off the medication and be more healthy then that's obviously great. be careful though
The important distinction here is i am getting more symptom relief with the niacin than i was with the drugs.

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2017, 03:42:08 PM »
yes well i hope your mental state holds up because i just googled that dr abram d00d and i see stuff that says hes a quack and subsequent studies w/ niacin didnt back up his claims

Offline Yamon

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2017, 04:08:35 PM »
yes well i hope your mental state holds up because i just googled that dr abram d00d and i see stuff that says hes a quack and subsequent studies w/ niacin didnt back up his claims
yeah you googled it. :/ they stop all of the "studies" after 75 days and they're a big racket full of bullshit

i'm afraid if you want to argue the legitimacy of abram hoffer you need much more preceding  knowledge to bring to the table. E.g.g how the rackets in America work in perfect harmony; the food industry, with the drug industry, and how they all have their company's men in congress etc. They pay researchers to say that these men are quacks. Someone is making a living off of defaming doctor's medical discoveries.

I didn't make this post as a "hey this worked for me" I am using that as an example; however i am an authority on this form of medicine. The same way a M.D. becomes an authority on drugs. By studying it.

Put your bias aside and realize that i've accomplished for 3 different people what an entire army of doctors couldn't do in a decade, in 2 weeks.

Of course i understand your skepticism. I actually tried the niacin with the same level of skepticism, but it was a last ditch effort because i really thought that i was going to die if i didn't do something.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 04:23:25 PM by Yamon »

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Re: Ortholecular Medicine for Everyone
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2017, 04:37:09 PM »
i hope it keeps working, thats really great if it does.  im just saying be careful, if youve gone off antipsychotics i hope u have people close to you that can alert you if your behavior starts getting iffy