If you dig deep enough, there is a video on my twitch showing the 12p lust thats useful for small maps where the opponent will not have enough time to out produce units to kill your 6 lusted ogies. The premise for "lusting" is that the smaller the map, the fewer peons you can get away with before you run the risk of giving the opponent to much res to out produce your first hit. Any "fast lust" relies upon your first hit being game deciding. If it fails. You fail. It's also useful for an all sap or just plain ogre rush. But remember, the fewer p's you have when you go hold or fort, the further back in res you are putting yourself. So it doesnt matter how quick you get lust, it wont mean shit if you cant produce units due to a poor economy after your first hit. Also, the smaller the map, the quicker you can get your units to their base, and thus the more efficient a fast lust can be. IE: A fast lust on say, GSEFW is going to be more powerful than GoW because you'll know where to go sooner and you'll be able to get to your opponent quicker. Personally, I dont like fast lust on the larger maps. It's just to risky if things dont go your way on the first hit. I like options, and you dont have very many options if your shit fails. It's a great "cookbook" strat, but as we all know, cookbooks also have great counters. Cookbooks are useful for all the new players however, so there is a place for them. Thats not to say that cookbooking is bad, but you're also not going to be in tier 1 if all you can do is read/execute a cookbook strat either.