Author Topic: Other ideas for patch updates  (Read 9273 times)

Offline MaStA{hR}

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Other ideas for patch updates
« on: December 13, 2015, 08:42:06 PM »
I don't know how farfetched these are but:

Highest Priority
1. Real auto-forwarding ports system to alleviate hosting issues. (Beating a dead horse on this one! It may be that we have to move server location to actually fix this issue, but it's one of the last barriers to entry to make this game playable).

2. Implement an auto ladder system that resets every X months (like every 6 months). Online reporting system of ladder would be great too. This could make the game more competitive and drive people to log on and play more ladder maps.

Medium Priority
1. Implement the new coloring fix/compatibility update into latest download of warcraft 2 combat edition. At the moment it is a separate download, but it should be included in the actual download so that we don't have 50 versions of the game out and about.

2. Make it mandatory to download the latest version of the game and make previous versions unplayable and unavailable. This would make everyone on the AH system. About 1/3 of the current players have an old version of the game so we don't really know if they are hacking or not. I'm sure some people are getting away with it. Anyways, so that we know we have the latest version of the game, we should be prompted to update the game if our current downloaded version is out of date.

3. Make icons a more regular and accessible to change thing. Make a system where you have to have a certain amount of wins to unlock a new level of icon and that the player can manually change his/her icon based on availability of unlocked icons. (Maybe this will prevent a lot of smurfing).
Example: If I have 10 wins, I can choose between whether I want to use the blank, 1 axe, 2 axe or 2 grey bars Icon)
0 wins = blank
1 win = 1 axe
2 win = 2 axe
10 wins = 2 grey bars
100 wins = Newb
150 wins = Grunt pic
200 wins = Archer pic
500 wins = Ogre pic
1000 wins = Profi
3000 wins = Master
5000 wins = King
These are just generic/arbitrary suggestions, but you get my drift. And then, if a clan leader pays to have an icon made/supported for all of his clan members, that can be done as well. (Maybe $20 first time fee for leader, $5 for each subsequent member after that).

4. Have a small turnover of current forum/server admin. It would be nice to have a fresh set of eyes looking at things. Tora has been doing a great job, but everyone else seems to hardly be around. (Blid trolls and smurfs - which is fairly unbecoming of a top admin) and Mouse doesn't like to play more than 1 game a week.

Low Priority
1. Giving this game a higher resolution/HD boost to make graphics appear to be clearer. Would probably take an artist and some breaking down of the coding, I don't really know, but that would be boss and it would definitely attract new blood!

2. Making AH appear in-game chat so that we don't have to search in browser to see who is hacking.

3. Giving players access to the Public Chat banner. If admin could sell a spot and have the banner rotate between 2-5 pictures, people could pay to advertise their personal banner (assuming it's appropriate) for X amount of time depending on what they pay. For example, if I want to promote my company, I could give iL 100 bucks to put my company's banner up for 2 months, and it could be on a 5 second rotation with the other banners. Or maybe Tora wants to promote his next tournament. Or iL wants to tell everyone about the new patch update. Or Yamon wants to tell the world about the new Warcraft movie or Swift wants to buy banner space to tell everyone how he is number 1. It's just a thought and a sustainable way for iL to pay for the monthly server bill.

Cool Factor but not necessarily doable
1. If we could implement a ping system (so i press G and click on a location on the map and an exclamation point shows up on the mini map for a half-second) and all of my partner(s)/allies see target location. This could really beef up teamwork especially if I'm getting attacked and my partner doesn't see it, or we want to coordinate attacks/rendezvous points. I don't know if this is actually possible but it would be super cool and I think add another element to game play.

2. Implement a new race. Like the Undead (in warcraft 3).

3. Find a way to make humans vs. orcs more even. Bloodlust > everything in the game in most instances.

Outlined Strategies that have proven to work that we need to re-double our efforts.
1. Crowd-fund to pay for below suggestions.
-Tk[as] was supposed to champion this and he probably got high and stopped. I never publicly put out my crowd-fund link because people (like him) said they only trust themselves to run treasury initiatives. I have my crowd-fund link but I will not advertise it until I get full support of the community and we have a unified effort, not factioned multiple mini efforts. I have messaged him a few times, but if I hear no response and people tend to agree with my priority list below, we can start raising money for Lance and iL.

2. Get this game onto a new server. Voobly was a good shot but a small stepping stone strategy. We need to think bigger named gamer pool, like Zone or Steam, not Voobly. Finding a way to do this would be great. But we need to find a way to do this with keeping everyone together. This game has been on Kahn, Engage, Heat, Zone, Kali and east/west/asia/europe and Combat Ru. At some points of this game's legendary history, multiple different types of servers were running at the same time. This splits the gamer pool and ultimately helps destroy the game.

3. Find initiatives that make current players want to recruit friends. This probably needs to be a monetary incentive based on an honor system or a system with an authenticity check list. We should probably try to create a English-based culture but definitely do not want to exclude anyone.

4. Advertise the crap out of this game to get old people back on and get these new 10 year olds that never new an awesome RTS like wc2 exists to download this game.

5. Continue to host tournaments. (Good job Tora, I don't know how long you can continue to keep this up).

6. Host an annual event that can attract 200+ people on the game at once. Some sort of reunion thing with cookies and soda.

7. Use twitch live streaming. I look at our warcraft stream page and it's always empty. No one is streaming! Hard to promote the game using free advertising if no one uses it!
« Last Edit: December 13, 2015, 08:45:56 PM by MaStA{hR} »
I love this game!

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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2015, 05:56:29 AM »
Nice to see you back, MaStA{hR}!

1. Real auto-forwarding ports system to alleviate hosting issues. (Beating a dead horse on this one! It may be that we have to move server location to actually fix this issue, but it's one of the last barriers to entry to make this game playable).
Auto-forwarding is working fine now, it's named uPNP (for routers supporting uPNP).
Server location is not related to auto-forwarding.

Also, i think moving the server location could be a good idea, this Netherlands location is laggy for many people. Also need hosting with DDoS protection supported.
Any offers?

2. Implement an auto ladder system that resets every X months (like every 6 months). Online reporting system of ladder would be great too. This could make the game more competitive and drive people to log on and play more ladder maps. is what we have now.
Any offers about new ladder requirements are welcomed. And help with that ladder is welcomed also.
Let's discuss what it should be.
So, waiting for your turn.

1. Implement the new coloring fix/compatibility update into latest download of warcraft 2 combat edition. At the moment it is a separate download, but it should be included in the actual download so that we don't have 50 versions of the game out and about.
Sure, combat 4.02 coming soon! As soon as new ddraw beta-testing stage will be finished.
I hope 4.x branch will be the only one supported one.

I also plan to include music soon (not sure, 4.02 or future versions).

I'll get it myself.

2. Make it mandatory to download the latest version of the game and make previous versions unplayable and unavailable.
Maybe, at least to make new version to be strongly recommended. I'm still not sure if all these antihack mechanizms are stable, i don't want to get unplayable server because of a bug...
I'll get it myself.

3. Make icons a more regular and accessible to change thing.
Let me concentrate my forces on higher-priority tasks, i can brief a task to any programmer if you find him... That should be a php-script for serveral admins and clan leaders to change and for others to read.

So, waiting for your turn while finishing other tasks.

4. Have a small turnover of current forum/server admin.
Not so easy. Admins for what tasks? We don't want more admins to abuse their power and ban people for personal dislikes. I think we can split the administration tasks for different roles (to let them ban newbies/smurfs for example, to change icons, to migrate stats if we really need that).
So, waiting for your offers about the admins tasks.

1. Giving this game a higher resolution/HD boost to make graphics appear to be clearer. Would probably take an artist and some breaking down of the coding, I don't really know, but that would be boss and it would definitely attract new blood!
Let's explain about what you mean as "higher resolution" firstly.
What i think could be possible (in theory) is to change 640x480 to 1280x960 (as 640*2 x 480*2) and to just redraw each tile and to the same picture with *2 width and height. No any 3d rendering as in war3, nothing except to increase the resolution for each texture. Is that exaclty what you talking about?

Let's detail your wishes about graphics, i don't think we can reach sufficient changes for even lots of money.

2. Making AH appear in-game chat so that we don't have to search in browser to see who is hacking.
Sure, in plans, I'll get it myself.

3. Giving players access to the Public Chat banner.
Good idea also, what i need is:
1. to make sure new ddraw fixed the palette with banner rotation.
2. to get picture2smk convertor. The only one i have is smacker tools and it works on win 32bit only as graphics window. Need to eighter have a software like jpg2smk working under unix-systems, or a vps hosting with 32bit+autoit plugin for smacker tools. Another words, i need a thing to send .jpg (or .gif, or .bmp, nvm) and get .smk.

So, waiting for your turn here.

Cool Factor but not necessarily doable
I actually don't think we should touch the gameplay at all. War2 is war2, otherwise you can get quite a different game. Let's see wargus for example...

I have my crowd-fund link but I will not advertise it until I get full support of the community and we have a unified effort, not factioned multiple mini efforts. I have messaged him a few times, but if I hear no response and people tend to agree with my priority list below, we can start raising money for Lance and iL.
Absolutely agree, we should do everything together, to coordinate our tasks. Then we will reach the success.

We need to think bigger named gamer pool, like Zone or Steam, not Voobly. Finding a way to do this would be great. But we need to find a way to do this with keeping everyone together.
Also agree, i think that should be done after resolving thechnical problems we talking about.

3. Find initiatives that make current players want to recruit friends. This probably needs to be a monetary incentive based on an honor system or a system with an authenticity check list. We should probably try to create a English-based culture but definitely do not want to exclude anyone.
Here's a lot to think and to talk about. Of course that is what we need, the main question is what to do exactly.

of course great ideas also. Everyone is welcomed to do that. Let me know if i can help, i'm ready to do what you need here.

7. Use twitch live streaming.
Also in plans to integrate live streaming into some future versions of combat.
I'll try to understand what should be done here.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 05:58:53 AM by iL »
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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2015, 07:08:03 AM »

Also, i think moving the server location could be a good idea, this Netherlands location is laggy for many people. Also need hosting with DDoS protection supported.
Any offers?

i spoke with blid not too long ago. He said he wouldnt mind paying up to 100$ USD a month for new hosting

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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2015, 07:12:08 AM »
that was a joke btw iL. blid didn't say that.

The day you give me admin back and let me decide who is op/admin server side is the day i offer to pay for hosting

so looks like you're stuck with netherlands  (which i dont hear too many people complaining about)

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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2015, 06:29:19 PM »
Also, i think moving the server location could be a good idea, this Netherlands location is laggy for many people. Also need hosting with DDoS protection supported.
Any offers?
Actually I saw someone on the server, I think it was GruntX, saying he could legit host it on a great server for free, because at his job he gets a certain amount that he can use for himself.  Was it GruntX?  He didn't want to have to do the work of setting it up or running it, but it sounded like he could do it legit.

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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2015, 09:12:42 PM »
Way to be proactive and keep this information to yourself and wait until someone else brings it up you go getter you

Offline EviL~Ryu

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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2015, 09:55:52 PM »

Way to be proactive and keep this information to yourself and wait until someone else brings it up you go getter you


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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2015, 09:56:59 PM »
Many people can host it for free, just need to be more giving [emoji38]

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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2015, 03:52:02 AM »
he could legit host it on a great server for free
2 questions about "a great server for free":
who can guarantee the privacy?
who can guarantee the performance?

I'd prefer some kind of known hosting with VPS for that purposes...
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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2015, 10:06:05 AM »
I'll look into the servers located in Chicago, IL USA. I'm sure we could find a decent plan with ddos protection. I currently use windows VPS or easily linux... but i pay every 3 months 25.00 USD.

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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2015, 10:12:11 AM »

Also, i think moving the server location could be a good idea, this Netherlands location is laggy for many people. Also need hosting with DDoS protection supported.
Any offers?

i spoke with blid not too long ago. He said he wouldnt mind paying up to 100$ USD a month for new hosting

we dont need $100 hosts, there is like 50 players max on. you could run it on a $5/month hosting and spend the rest on advertising.
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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2015, 10:35:54 AM »

Also, i think moving the server location could be a good idea, this Netherlands location is laggy for many people. Also need hosting with DDoS protection supported.
Any offers?

i spoke with blid not too long ago. He said he wouldnt mind paying up to 100$ USD a month for new hosting

we dont need $100 hosts, there is like 50 players max on. you could run it on a $5/month hosting and spend the rest on advertising.
Probably not worth it. Need ddos protection and those prices are normally stiff.

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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2015, 11:14:27 AM »
he could legit host it on a great server for free

2 questions about "a great server for free":
who can guarantee the privacy?
who can guarantee the performance?

I'd prefer some kind of known hosting with VPS for that purposes...

We'll have to see him again to find out.  I don't know how often he logs on and I don't have contact info for him.

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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2015, 12:13:16 PM »
If you log on server.War2.RU (I know it sounds crazy but just listen) .. type /mail send gruntX "hey this is Blid.. I'm smurfing but I assure you it is me. Next time you're online /msg tk[as] hey tell Blid I'm online and he will come find me on the forums since I'm never on the server so I can ask questions about your server hosting proposition"

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Re: Other ideas for patch updates
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2015, 12:14:42 PM »
That seems to be the most popular method to contact u these days any way..