Author Topic: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?  (Read 15391 times)

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EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« on: December 19, 2014, 02:59:19 AM »
That's how we lose people.

So, there was a big fight between them by future server ideas, then fight turned to mutual insults, racism and slander.
Then Lb was gone disliked to being insulted for all he'd do for community.
And Eq was gone too.

Both of them were very active members with good ideas for community future, for total happiness.
That is how we loose people. Maybe the best and active part of community.
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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2014, 03:32:21 AM »
You ban men after everything i do for this server, you dint deserve me.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2014, 03:56:18 AM »
I appreciate what you do for the server and community, but Lb did do many good things too.
You insulted him and he is gone, he didn't deserve that too.

If you take important place on the server that doesn't mean you are entitled to force people leave.
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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2014, 05:03:53 AM »
You do nothing for the server EQ except harass people and cry and play the "I've been raped, you need to give me extreme amounts of sympathy and do everything I want" card when someone /f adds you. (You towards TK when Koorb /f a you)   
 You then go on to do the exact same thing that you cried about to other people (Myself included), as well as a ton of other offenses (Name impersonating, clantag stuff, and even Build & Spell Hacking which you threatened to do on the occult forums a day in advance to then carry it out the next couple days). You are everything you hate , you don't deserve RU is more like it.

There was a time where you had good ideas, but anyone who tried talking to you or reasoning with you knows that you're just an impossible person to deal with ( You abusing IL, the guy who NEVER talks shit to ANYONE) and any of your ideas simply become a joke after that. Your forums for your league is pointless because there is already a forum for warcraft related stuff, and secondly you probably never even asked those players if they wanted a seperate forum for the league, knowing you, you just shoved it down there throat and expected them to love it and worship you for it (Which comes down to you not doing it for the community but just for yourself). Thirdly, they probably didn't trust you in a position of power because of who you are and your history of being Unstable (Not good for business to have a psychotic person knowing everybodys IP Addresses), and having a history of hacking.

You do nothing but grief the server now. Last time you were actually normal on this game was like 3 years ago. Since you came back you've been nothing but trouble.  I'm no saint, but I don't go around pretending to be the Jesus Christ of Warcraft 2 only to then turn into a hybrid of Stalin & Hitler like you, anybody who knows me in-game will tell you that I don't talk shit to people unless the person does it to me first, my forum posts are different to my in-game behavior generally as I will pick the fight on the forum, However, that is already an existing fight with the people who have started crap with me in-game or on forums before, examples include Messiah and yourself in the past year. Can probably throw BHC-Master into that mix now since he has a forum account now.
And all that really comes down to is a "Treat people how you want to be treated" situation, which is exactly what you're getting from me. The same kind of behavior that you show me as well as several others..

Lance is considered untrustworthy and hated to alot of the people in the community, and he does more for the server now then you do given that position his in by simply offering his knowledge on the subject and telling admins how to implement some potential features to the server. His not crying that the server doesn't deserve him and backstabbing allies in games and go around build and spell hacking in games. His streaming his games, getting newer players to play the game, offering his help to them, Fixing peoples Hosting/Joining games issues ( I had a joining games issue for almost 2 years which several tech-savvy war2 players did not know how to fix even with remote access to my computer, and Lance fixed it for me easy ), and even though the Voobly thing hasn't been working out too great Lance has been the go-to person for Mich_ to get it to all working. He doesn't need a position of power to be helpful to the community.

But you're right though EQ, we don't deserve you! No-one deserves your crap.

Your ass must really be jealous of all the shit coming out of your mouth everyday.

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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2014, 05:08:08 AM »
I dont read your bullshiting lie praise, dint you dont understand? Your losing your time, your a pathetic newbe liar, anyone who take you serious need to told me now, so i gonna put them on my black list too.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 05:10:30 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2014, 05:24:31 AM »
I dont read your bullshiting lie praise, dint you dont understand? Your losing your time, your a pathetic newbe liar, anyone who take you serious need to told me now, so i gonna put them on my black list too.

You're lieing again. You always say you don't read my posts but continually read my posts addressing you. This is ILs thread so how do you know this wasn't me talking to him only? That's right! Because you read it! Haha, nice "bullshiting lie" Eq.

Your ass  must really be jealous of all the shit coming out of your mouth everyday.

But keep telling people im the lier, when you're the one who's changed the story 20 different times. Whereas i've stuck to the same thing and provided evidence of your crimes.

Don't you have an MMORPG to be cheating on right now?

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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2014, 05:34:24 AM »
muzlimbringer will come back and equinox will never really quit, trust me on this one :3

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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2014, 10:19:48 AM »
we need a new subforum called, "The Recycler, Goofs and other unsubstantial crap goes here", and move this thread over there.

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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2014, 10:33:17 AM »
Equinox, Winchester, i'm not about who did what for war2 and how much.
Let's be tolerant to each other.

I think here's the problem: one half of community likes the opportunity to to call each other, insult, racism, etc. Another part - doens't.
While we are neutral - they just hope we take their part.

Lb liked my ideas about stop insulting, he turned to me and against EQ.
EQ disliked that.

So, when we turned to Lb to ban EQ, EQ took displeasure and left.
When community turned to EQ, Lb took displeasure and left too.

Here's the problem as i see it: 2 different opinions from 2 different parts of community. They like different things. Any rules will be liked by 1 half and disliked by another.
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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2014, 11:15:40 AM »
Based on the polls I've seen its more like 80% to 20%. Only a small fraction of insecure people can't handle being insulted on an online forum, everyone else it just rolls off and doesn't even bother them and is easily ignored.

Insulting should cause muting
    0 (0%)
Insulting should cause nothing
    4 (7.3%)
Offensive language should cause muting
    1 (1.8%)
Offensive language should cause nothing
    4 (7.3%)
Defaming and baseless accusations should cause muting
    0 (0%)
Defaming and baseless accusations should cause nothing
    4 (7.3%
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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2014, 11:17:23 AM »
yeah il both are old adult war2 players
let them be
stop getting in the way
you are making a storm in a teaccup
theres no problem.

besides lb is known for his gullibility and intolerance to shittalk, all ru knows.

so is EQ... in a way..
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 11:19:38 AM by SmurfKinG »

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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2014, 12:08:37 PM »
wtf, EQ was banned for talking shit or am I missing something? 

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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2014, 02:22:28 PM »
Well tell them both to stfu and go play war2. That's the whole point isn't it??

Offline SmurfKinG

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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2014, 02:25:17 PM »

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: EQ vs Lb, and both gone, wtf?
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2014, 03:53:58 PM »
LB's gripe is that server rules clearly state he should be protected from that sort of ongoing harassment. EQ's gripe is that server rules infringe upon his right to be a hateful moron. All we can do is hope EQ stays gone, which is unlikely given that he now knows he has an audience here, and will continue to be indulged like he's some sort of valuable, reasonable person.