A lot of those polls would probably never see the light of day and if they did, I'm almost positive they would be voted down.
Oh, so you're for the "admin/mod poll pre-approval". If this is the case, I'd rather see the thread being stickied at the main board until it finishes - just like it was with the 'to close or not to close the other clients'. That way it's still easy to find and everyone on war2 was aware of it, because it was being displayed on the welcome screen.
Do you really expect so many polls to be started to need a separate board for them? Because personally I think it's optimistic to assume that we'll have a poll every two weeks, and a sticky thread would work juuuuust fine in that case.
If you have any specific examples of injustice on this server due to democracy, please let them be known.
The community voted for a specific set of forum rules and then get all butthurt when they are being executed.
Most of the forum users wanted the karma thingy and in the end it turned out to be a circlejerking / hate machine for haters and people with issues. The votes were worth nothing and had nothing to do with the content of posts...
And do you see this poll?
http://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,699.0.html The mad trio and a troll made the score 7-5 (so NEARLY a draw) even though mouse is doing a pretty well job here. What does it tell us? A bunch of biased people plus a bit of trolls can fuck up the server pretty badly. I can think of a 10-vote-power polish troll squad if we need one! The number of active, normal and reasonable players is not sufficient, people don't give a fuck and that's why we get 12 votes total.
Moreover I do not wish the retired or inactive players to be my lawmakers. Only active players should be entitled to a vote regarding the server. Just as only the forum users were entitled to a vote regarding the forum...