Can I request you take it off? That hacking tournament should not be recognized. (there's a map hack download right on the sign up page)
It actually still hasn't posted to the website calendar (which is strange since they've been posting almost instantly). At your request I will remove it, although I may wait to see how long it takes to actually appear on the calendar.
Edit/Update: After just looking at the calendar now, it has been posted. It has now been removed on the Google Calendar side and should update soon.
I've tried to stay out of this conversation as I feel it resides in a gray area. I think it's a good example of an inadequacy in the rules of the server as anything that's written in stone is always open to interpretation and potential abuse. My favorite page on the new website is the Server Etiquette page. It has so much potential to replace the rules altogether. I'd still like to see a community vote on things such as this to avoid the type of situation that we're currently in. He won't be banned and attempts are being made to block him from advertising his tournament. People have spoken out about it and he refuses to remove it. There is no resolution to be seen so far and the bickering about it has gone on for days. I think giving players the ability to bring up matters such as this to a vote with the rest of the community is much more productive. The matter is then resolved quickly and less time is spent arguing about it. The sole responsibility of the admins in these matter would be to enforce community decisions. There are a lot of benefits to using a system like this. I think it's something we should at least consider experimenting with.
Since a admin is requesting that I remove this from the calendar, I will do so. I also recommend that USA~Archer remove the link in order to avoid a lack of promotion for his tournament. I'd like to see this tournament succeed.