Author Topic: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020  (Read 26188 times)

Offline Nox

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2024, 04:12:29 PM »
Im sure equniox never used black2pink replays, warvideo or warlatency before players moved to Ru

Oh wait.....

Ive never used any softwares that it was not release by admnisatration no.

When i started used black to pink everyone knew what it was, everyone could dl the plug in on forum, it was not an hiding software against the community, it was very popular and very use by almost the entire community.

There was some peoples who has always claim it was an hack the same way they claim HD its an hack today, do i say HD is a hack? No.. Not at all, it's only them, because they dont understand the difference between an hack and an update, they think the game most stay the same as it original form and if you change something it's an hack, but its not if admins release it as an official updates for everyone. In your case, you have use of personal modifications that have never been release as an official update from administration.

Also i have never used warvideo in my life, ive always use war2 insight, and war2 insight have always been push by admnistration on official website and forum, it was also create by a tons of different admins.

Also war2 latency have always been in the official folder of warcraft 2 ru edition.

The only thing is war2 latency (the old one) have never work as intended, it always have been a scam, a scam for other hackers to keep using different client so they cant get caught of hacking, confirm by il, untill they bring anti-hack and you have been get caught and il claim it was a false report and remove the anti-hack, but it was not a false report at all, we all know it, for my part, ive never use these different clients anyway, i have always use the official client of war2ru and the anti-hack while it was there, so here again, it dont concern me.

While in your case, you clearly did, here the proof again.

Not only you used rigged hacking client, but you also use rigged hacking value report aka source codes data files.

You can say whatever you want, but pink has never been consider as an hiding update in the game... But in the other side, blue sky color has never been out as an official plug in... So way before they integrate blue sky into the installtion options, you where using it before everyone can have it..

I remember around 2012 you already had the bluesky color, probably even before, but no one else on the server had acces to it.

Same for hotkeys, how much years you have been using custom hotkeys before everyone, if we got hotkeys today its exactly because of you, because no one could have hotkeys other than you and i have make sure everyone could have it, if it was not of me, you will probably be the only one who has custom hotkeys today and maybe some secret peoples of your personal group.

Same with the names on your units, you have been the first to have this plug in..

Everything you did, it was for your personal purpose since the beggining, never i have use anything for my personal purpose, everything i used or use to this day was release to the entire community as the opposite of you.

And something you must understand, its not only about what you use, its about the fact of confidence, when your allow to do whatever the hell you want, what else can you do that we dont know.. By allowing you or peoples like you to modify the game data, it broke the confidence to everyone else in the community, there things we CAN see, and there things we CAN'T see. What else can you do that we dont see?? You want to tell me nothing?? But how can i know?? How can i have confidence when your allow to do whatever you want anyway? Thats the point, right here! You had the opportunitys for years to fix all of this by telling everyone that you did mystakes by editing the game for your personal purpose and tell everyone that we should not do that and your sorry for these mystakes and you would not do it again. You had the opportunity to tell everyone that we must ask administration if we want something added to the game and respect their work. You had opportunitys to take the right decisions for you and for everyone else in that community.. But for years you have act like a child and want to be the special one with special treatment. You are the only one to blame today.

It's not too late to do the right thing, like i said, i dont hate you, but i will never act like something your not, you are not a legit player, you are an hacker by pure definition that show the bad exemple and encourage that behavior to other, old scool players and also new players.. You have edited and modify code source and data files of this game for your personal purpose even if some peoples think its not a big deal, its not about how big the deal is, but about what it mean at the end, and untill you will admit your mystake, i will consider you what your truely are, an hacker.

But you will not, because you dont want to be wrong and prefere to act like if i am the crazy one and im too stoopid to edit the data files myself, but guess what, what you do here, it will clearly be consider hacking in any other games of the world in 2024, but here, your a special one, oh, what we would not do for our special u8.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 12:07:58 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Szwagier

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2024, 07:04:23 PM »
Tl dr for everyone:

U8 hack cause he open mpq

Equniox is clear cause he only hacked when he was 13 years old, we can forgive him

Everyone belive you eq  :poo:

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2024, 07:08:23 PM »
However judging from my experience and my friends experience russians tend to be closed off to non-russians which can come off a bit toxic at times.
Usually it's because many Russians don't know English, which is considered the world language. So it's much harder to build communication with people from other countries. And this is in no way a sign of "toxicity". Imagine if the world language was... say, Chinese. I suppose many English-speaking guys would also find it much harder to communicate with the world that "all speaks Chinese". I can also assume that in this case they would unite around the same English-speaking groups. And that's normal.

So this is what you think about me? You think im racist and i hate russian? Because i already said these kind of stuff too.. I also think that russian on this server have tendancy to be close inside their own circle, you said its because they dont speak english, but its not true at all, some of them talk pretty good english or maybe bad, but they still can speak it, but sometime, they just start to speak russian like no else in the game or the channel was there.. I also dont understand why this server has been call War2 *RU* like if war2 belong to russian... You know why i have never join war2 USA, because i dont think it belong to american either and i dint want to particpate in a server where it look like its russia vs usa, i was here since the biginning, i stayed here period, not because it was russia or usa.. War2 belong to the world... War 2 belong to everyone... And naming this server war2ru just close door to every other nations of the world because they can taught its exclusive to russian peoples.. Do you really think i hate russia or russian peoples?? I actually love russia and russians peoples, and if im mad at russian on this server sometime, its exactly because i feel excluded.

I dont cares about this guy because he became out of no where and speak alot while no one know who he is, but i think hes actully right on something, and i dont say RUSSIA or russian peoples are like this, but clearly russian from this server have tendacy to make me feel excluded since alot of years.

The only russian with who i can have decent discussion sometime are Ragner, Extasey, ArMilitar and Hurt i would say, maybe spb, even if he dont speak at all, but in general the others, they dont speak to me at all if its not to insult me.

And before im done, i want to add something, it's not because i dont agree with the name of this server and i think some russians live in their own circle, that i am not gratefull, if it was not of the russians, there will probably be no war2 community at all anymore, i will always appreciate what the russians did for warcraft II, we may desagree on alot of things, but not on this one, i will never desagree, take my words as the honnest person i am and always have been.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 02:37:33 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2024, 07:11:12 PM »
Man I gotta stop reading your comments nox they remind of those conspiracy theorists I used to hang out with in discord huuh how times changed....anyway what sort of hacking is this? Yeah I know you can replace models my friend said he used it in MP once in wc3 to make readability very easy like changing grunts to question marks or something silly so you instantly recognize it.

But for data? Well what data? If you ever modded MPQ you would know game crashes if unit data is messed with like stats say I made footmen have 520 health compared to original 420 yeah game crashes otherwise you would see people running around with blademasters with 400 agility XD.

But for warcraft 2 since it uses MPQ same must be applied to it yes you can edit visuals , maybe colors (haven't tried this personally so im taking nox claim as true) and if I'm not mistaken even audio (be funny if somebody replace death sounds with moans).

For hotkeys I dunno man I mean looking at other games hotkeys can be edited from inside the game or outside depending on game , games like age of mythology can be edited to have players construct certain chunks of walls this chunk is regularly not available normally , others use some UI plugins that allow you to see certain stats UI usually doesn't have.

Now it depends where hotkeys are in warcraft 2 are they accessible to the general public? How accessible it is? At this point if everybody can edit hotkeys is it hacking anymore?  I don't think so

Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2024, 08:14:00 PM »
Need a TLDR for this entire thread. Also, no take backs. You won but gave icon back to him. It is his now. Not yours to take back. It's like if you give me $100 and then ask for it back in a future time, after I upset you. The world does not work like that.

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2024, 09:16:58 PM »
Lots of hackers here

Offline Nox

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2024, 10:53:38 PM »
Need a TLDR for this entire thread. Also, no take backs. You won but gave icon back to him. It is his now. Not yours to take back. It's like if you give me $100 and then ask for it back in a future time, after I upset you. The world does not work like that.

Im sorry but i dont necessairly agree with that, when i let him keep my master tag it was for 2 reason.

First, it's because at the time i was the one hosting the master tag challenge, so i dint want to have peoples saying i abbuse of my position to have one.

The second reason is link to the first one, because i just want to be nice with him and act like if that series never happen, so i let him keep it.

At the end, these master tag have a main purpose and it's to be deserve, and since he lose, he dont deserve it at all.

Plus, hes a liar, even worst, he call me the liar, and even worst you guys refuse to tell truth and let him keep the lies going on.

He should definitly be strip of it.

PS: Dont forgot why im not leading the master challenge anymore, because you guys want to force me to give back a master tag to lone when he lose 7-1 vs baraman because he said he was drunk, even worst you guys have accuse me of giving the master tag to baraman because we were both in the TD clan and accuse me of favoritism while in fact he just lose 7-1 and i refuse to fall into some stoopid argument, if it was a valid argument everyone should just say they are drunk everytime they lose or say wathever they want at this point, the fact that you are drunk or not should not be the fault of the player who win, the moment you accept a challenge and lose its your entire fault, drunk or not, but here again you guys force me to do things i dint want and i just left because i dint want to be part of sush bad decisions.

So your good faith is not something that make sens for me.

And while im on it, your exemple of 100$ is not good, because the 100$ is between me and you, but the master tag is something that belong to the community, so when someone dont deserve a master tag, its not about me and about my own feeling, but about the respect of the entire community, he dont deserve it, period.

My main issue is not about the fact that i dont have a master tag, is about the fact that he got one while he dont deserve it, the same way Ragner offert me numerous time a free master tag and i refuse it because i dint beat no one for it and i also dont deserve it.

I just want him to be strip of it, because he dont deserve it, and thats the truth, thats all.

But for you, it's just fun to see me unhappy, thats why your covering him and keep the lies goin on, plus, these master tag dont mean anything at all for you, your just giving them to whoever you want, but giving a master tag at someone who stole money from peoples of our community? Thats a good one. 
« Last Edit: December 10, 2024, 11:55:57 PM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2024, 11:49:52 PM »
Any GMs on?

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2024, 01:10:08 AM »

Offline Szwagier

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2024, 03:47:27 AM »


Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #40 on: December 11, 2024, 04:50:15 AM »


Thats why i cant take you as an honnest person, you act like these medias who take a short part of a story and cut only the part they need to make someone look bad.

You should also explain the entire history of this account and this post instead of just trying to make it look like the way you want to make it look.

This account and this post is clearly coming from a time where i was fighting with the admnistration for these old hacking clients from 2000 era, these hacking clients from 25 years ago full of vunerability to our server here, these hacking clients that have never been fix by the way and are still use today by peoples like you! Peoples who act like they have reason to use these client, while in fact the only reason that they truly have is hacking the game easier without being caught.

This is clearly coming from a time where admins was literally banning me everyday, for saying what i think in a time where i was fighting to make these old hacking clients close for our server.

So what did i do, i said that i will hack into games because anyway this is what they let peoples do, so why hiding about it??! Lets just all hacks??! Its not like if i was hacking, its like if i want to show them that i am mad at this point and i just will hack openly because anyway everyone hacks here, so lets just hack at this point. If the point was hacking, i will not write a shit at all and i would just hack period, it was not like if i want to hack, it was like if i want to make a point.

You see u8, its gonna be a week we argue each other, i have explain you in full details with no lies at all and being honnest as much i can do with you, not from hating point, just from a legit perception, and what did you do the entire week as defense? Always lie and trying to put me back as your level... Instead of explaining why you use different clients that allow hacking, instead of explaning why you edit the mpq, the data files and whatever you do, instead of explaining why there an unknow code source in the anti hack that you have provoke yourself, instead of explaining whatever you can explain like a grown man person, you always get back to your lies and your insults and try to act like if i was worst than you.

But im not, its not true, i hacked when i was something like 13 years old, i hacked when i was a kid dude, i hacked for somes months, someting like 6 months, i hacked when i was probably not even realising the impact of it... I hacked because i download a maphack on google like everyone would do at this time and age. I admit what i did, i said sorry for it, and there been a long long time normal peoples have forgive me, because they are not like you.

You?? You hacked while you was a grown adult, you hacked for years, at least 10 years, you probably still hack to these days, who know?? And you never download hacks on google as a kid like me, you literally created them, never in your life i have eard you said that hacking was bad, the only thing i did eard, is, your an hacker too, you have hacked at 13 years old.

But it's inside you, you know you are guilty and you just cant say nothing at all other than ''you are the hacker''!

It was working before, because before, my english was so bad that i cant explain myself properly, and since everything had bad explanation in what i wanted to say, i was just raging and saying mean thing.

But im better now, i can explain myself properly and make all the points i need to make without raging like the mongoloid i was.

You cant compare me as you, because there nothing to compare, the only grand master title you deserve is the one for hacking.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 04:56:43 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #41 on: December 11, 2024, 04:51:13 AM »
I meant the russian gamers.
Then it would be more correct to say (and we use this term) "Russian-speaking players". For example, Ragner is from Ukraine, but speaks Russian perfectly (which is not surprising, since it is a former part of the USSR).

here the proof again.
Stop posting this photo, it doesn't prove anything. Antihack is not perfect and it has errors. Player U8 was tested for cheats at one time. The results showed that U8 did not use cheats.

You have edited and modify code source and data files of this game for your personal purpose
The source code of the game does not exist. Only Blizzard has it. Stop talking complete nonsense. MPQ-files are not source code.

So this is what you think about me? You think im racist and i hate russian? Because i already said these kind of stuff too.. I also think that russian on this server have tendancy to be close inside their own circle, you said its because they dont speak english, but its not true at all, some of them talk pretty good english or maybe bad, but they still can speak it, but sometime, they just start to speak russian like no else in the game or the channel was there.. I also dont understand why this server has been call War2 *RU* like if war2 belong to russian... You know why i have never join war2 USA, because i dont think it belong to american either and i dint want to particpate in a server where it look like its russia vs usa, i was here since the biginning, i stayed here period, not because it was russia or usa.. War2 belong to the world... War 2 belong to everyone... And naming this server war2ru just close door to every other nations of the world because they can taught its exclusive to russian peoples.. Do you really think i hate russia or russian peoples?? I actually love russia and russians peoples, and if im mad at russian on this server sometime, its exactly because i feel excluded.

I dont cares about this guy because he became out of no where and speak alot while no one know who he is, but i think hes actully right on something, and i dont say RUSSIA or russian peoples are like this, but clearly russian from this server have tendacy to make me feel excluded since alot of years.

The only russian with who i can have decent discussion sometime are Ragner, Extasey, ArMilitar and Hurt i would say, maybe spb, even if he dont speak at all, but in general the others, they dont speak to me at all if its not to insult me.

And before im done, i want to add something, it's not because i dont agree with the name of this server and i think some russians live in their own circle, that i am not gratefull, if it was not of the russians, there will probably be no war2 community at all anymore, i will always appreciate what the russians did for warcraft II, we may desagree on alot of things, but not on this one, i will never desagree, take my words as the honnest person i am and always have been.
Thank God there are no problems with racism in Russia. That's why it's quite unusual for me to see that almost the biggest accusation against a person is that he is a racist.

Of course, we have those who know English well. And many players play with the rest of the world quite normally. I myself, not knowing English well, used to play quite a lot among English speakers.

And why don't people have the right to speak their own language on the server? I've seen U8 communicate in Polish many times, like the Spanish in Spanish. I once communicated with Cel in French... Why do you think that everyone on the server HAS to write in English? I don't think so. This is a world server. You can even write in Japanese.

The server was renamed to a few years ago. Your claims are groundless. The old name is still preserved. But I'm sorry - it happened historically. I'm not complaining to you that English has become the world language, am I? And don't complain that you play on a RU server. I think there's no point in discussing these things at all.

The name doesn't affect "open or closed doors" for other countries.

You can always register in our social networks and communicate with us if you need to. As some English speakers have already done.
It's not very noticeable that you value this server and community.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 05:56:57 AM by Oragorn »

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #42 on: December 11, 2024, 05:05:06 AM »
I meant the russian gamers.
Then it would be more correct to say (and we use this term) "Russian-speaking players". For example, Ragner is from Ukraine, but speaks Russian perfectly (which is not surprising, since it is a former part of the USSR).

here the proof again.
Stop posting this photo, it doesn't prove anything. Antihack is not perfect and it has errors. Player U8 was tested for cheats at one time. The results showed that U8 did not use cheats.

You have edited and modify code source and data files of this game for your personal purpose
The source code of the game does not exist. Only Blizzard has it. Stop talking complete nonsense. MPQ-files are not source code.

So this is what you think about me? You think im racist and i hate russian? Because i already said these kind of stuff too.. I also think that russian on this server have tendancy to be close inside their own circle, you said its because they dont speak english, but its not true at all, some of them talk pretty good english or maybe bad, but they still can speak it, but sometime, they just start to speak russian like no else in the game or the channel was there.. I also dont understand why this server has been call War2 *RU* like if war2 belong to russian... You know why i have never join war2 USA, because i dont think it belong to american either and i dint want to particpate in a server where it look like its russia vs usa, i was here since the biginning, i stayed here period, not because it was russia or usa.. War2 belong to the world... War 2 belong to everyone... And naming this server war2ru just close door to every other nations of the world because they can taught its exclusive to russian peoples.. Do you really think i hate russia or russian peoples?? I actually love russia and russians peoples, and if im mad at russian on this server sometime, its exactly because i feel excluded.

I dont cares about this guy because he became out of no where and speak alot while no one know who he is, but i think hes actully right on something, and i dont say RUSSIA or russian peoples are like this, but clearly russian from this server have tendacy to make me feel excluded since alot of years.

The only russian with who i can have decent discussion sometime are Ragner, Extasey, ArMilitar and Hurt i would say, maybe spb, even if he dont speak at all, but in general the others, they dont speak to me at all if its not to insult me.

And before im done, i want to add something, it's not because i dont agree with the name of this server and i think some russians live in their own circle, that i am not gratefull, if it was not of the russians, there will probably be no war2 community at all anymore, i will always appreciate what the russians did for warcraft II, we may desagree on alot of things, but not on this one, i will never desagree, take my words as the honnest person i am and always have been.
Thank God there are no problems with racism in Russia. That's why it's quite unusual for me to see that almost the biggest accusation against a person is that he is a racist.

Of course, we have those who know English well. And many players play with the rest of the world quite normally. I myself, not knowing English well, used to play quite a lot among English speakers.

And why don't people have the right to speak their own language on the server? I've seen U8 communicate in Polish many times, like the Spanish in Spanish. I once communicated with Cel in French... Why do you think that everyone on the server HAS to write in English? I don't think so. This is a world server. You can even write in Japanese.

The server was renamed to a few years ago. Your claims are groundless. The old name is still preserved. But I'm sorry - it happened historically. I'm not complaining to you that English has become the world language, am I? And don't complain that you play on a RU server. I think there's no point in discussing these things at all.

The name doesn't affect "open or closed doors" for other countries.

You can always register in our social networks and communicate with us if you need to. As some English speakers have already done.
It's not very noticeable that you value this server and community.

Then thats on me I should have said "russian gamers" from the start , well I know russians are hospitable people.

Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #43 on: December 11, 2024, 05:13:57 AM »
And why don't people have the right to speak their own language on the server? I've seen U8 communicate in Polish many times, like the Spanish in Spanish. I once communicated with Cel in French... Why do you think that everyone on the server HAS to write in English? I don't think so. This is a world server. You can even write in Japanese.

speak language what you want, but west people will not understand russian language, special when we see random symbols, so if you got 8 players in game and everyone is from diffrent country, people will use english, noone expect perfect english, just basic

The source code of the game does not exist. Only Blizzard has it. Stop talking complete nonsense. MPQ-files are not source code.

he doesnt understand, he is just... to dumb, he showed it many times, he sit whole time at home and he could read something to read what is what, one time I gave him definiton, he didnt understand it and it was about IP how it works cause he was sure I logged as alf and played with him

Stop posting this photo, it doesn't prove anything. Antihack is not perfect and it has errors. Player U8 was tested for cheats at one time. The results showed that U8 did not use cheats.
I remember I had problem to run warcraft 2 on windows 8, cause it was asking me for cd, so had use second? exe there was loader, after few tries it worked

Only you probably read his post
« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 05:16:53 AM by Szwagier »

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #44 on: December 11, 2024, 05:36:51 AM »
here the proof again.
Stop posting this photo, it doesn't prove anything. Antihack is not perfect and it has errors. Player U8 was tested for cheats at one time. The results showed that U8 did not use cheats.[/quote]

I dont think so bro, as someone who has wait for anti hack for years, i was always watching it, and i have never see any false report the time it was there, because actually, everyone who was using anti hack had the anti hack tag, the peoples who could use hacks, where basicly using the old client and was flag as NONE, and the peoples who was caught with unknow report value was flag was unknow, tell me now, what is an unknow report value?!

You have edited and modify code source and data files of this game for your personal purpose
The source code of the game does not exist. Only Blizzard has it. Stop talking complete nonsense. MPQ-files are not source code.[/quote]

So how did you guys made the 2 ogers mode? How did you guys made the rebalance mode? If you guys did these change, you guys clearly have the source code or a way to play with it.
MPQ file may not be directly the source code it self, but its still important data that should not be edited by peoples without autorization, people who work for the server themself.

So this is what you think about me? You think im racist and i hate russian? Because i already said these kind of stuff too.. I also think that russian on this server have tendancy to be close inside their own circle, you said its because they dont speak english, but its not true at all, some of them talk pretty good english or maybe bad, but they still can speak it, but sometime, they just start to speak russian like no else in the game or the channel was there.. I also dont understand why this server has been call War2 *RU* like if war2 belong to russian... You know why i have never join war2 USA, because i dont think it belong to american either and i dint want to particpate in a server where it look like its russia vs usa, i was here since the biginning, i stayed here period, not because it was russia or usa.. War2 belong to the world... War 2 belong to everyone... And naming this server war2ru just close door to every other nations of the world because they can taught its exclusive to russian peoples.. Do you really think i hate russia or russian peoples?? I actually love russia and russians peoples, and if im mad at russian on this server sometime, its exactly because i feel excluded.

I dont cares about this guy because he became out of no where and speak alot while no one know who he is, but i think hes actully right on something, and i dont say RUSSIA or russian peoples are like this, but clearly russian from this server have tendacy to make me feel excluded since alot of years.

The only russian with who i can have decent discussion sometime are Ragner, Extasey, ArMilitar and Hurt i would say, maybe spb, even if he dont speak at all, but in general the others, they dont speak to me at all if its not to insult me.

And before im done, i want to add something, it's not because i dont agree with the name of this server and i think some russians live in their own circle, that i am not gratefull, if it was not of the russians, there will probably be no war2 community at all anymore, i will always appreciate what the russians did for warcraft II, we may desagree on alot of things, but not on this one, i will never desagree, take my words as the honnest person i am and always have been.
Thank God there are no problems with racism in Russia. That's why it's quite unusual for me to see that almost the biggest accusation against a person is that he is a racist.

Of course, we have those who know English well. And many players play with the rest of the world quite normally. I myself, not knowing English well, used to play quite a lot among English speakers.

And why don't people have the right to speak their own language on the server? I've seen U8 communicate in Polish many times, like the Spanish in Spanish. I once communicated with Cel in French... Why do you think that everyone on the server HAS to write in English? I don't think so. This is a world server. You can even write in Japanese.

The server was renamed to a few years ago. Your claims are groundless. The old name is still preserved. But I'm sorry - it happened historically. I'm not complaining to you that English has become the world language, am I? And don't complain that you play on a RU server. I think there's no point in discussing these things at all.

The name doesn't affect "open or closed doors" for other countries.

You can always register in our social networks and communicate with us if you need to. As some English speakers have already done.
It's not very noticeable that you value this server and community.

As honnest peoples right now we can agree that its not what happening, we can make the difference between someone who dont speak english at all and someone who speak it but want to speak his own language. You see, im french, tyrus is french, kanuks is french, and rarely, very rarely we talk in french togheter, we always speak english because we want peoples to be include in our conversation and not feel excluded. The only time while we speak between us in french, its when we tell to each to go fuck ourself, because yes we mad at each other sometime. But in general, we never speak in french, and we like french language, but somewhere where the world meet and we know 90% can speak in english, then we speak in english. I dont say russian cant speak russian at all, but its true that russian or polaks have tendancy to do it pretty often at a point where i think peoples can start to feel exclude. Does you have to stop speaking russian because i feel exclude, not at all, you can keep doing it as much as you want, but dont be surprise if peoples can feel that way. And you are right, its not only russian who does it, polaks do this alot too. Now you are also right, some part of the website have been rename warcraft II online, and i will not lie about the fact that from my point of view, i really appreciate it, i feel like its way much more welcoming for everyone and i respect what you guys did there.

Now you can say whatever you want about my appreciation on the server and the community, but i garantee you, your all wrong!

You may be new here, even if your russian, but i was here since 2006, i was here since 2006 and hosting tournaments as jack94, before tora and duda was here, i was probably the biggest tournaments hoster of the server after burnt, i also host leagues.. I was making my tournament with flyers and posters that i was making myself in photoshop paint, i was putting all the love i can for it, for basicly 20 years, i have been here every day every night, 6 hours to 18 hours per day!!! I was hosting games for everyone in public, no password, ive been taking all the new players in my teams every games i was hosting, i have create clan with more then 100 players at least, you got the data of this game, go watch ALL the '' LPz '' players this server had in the last 20 years, i have always try to speak in english, even if everyone was mocking me because i was bad, it never stop me! Ive been streaming since 2013 for this server, ive been hosting tournament with my own money even if im poor, because i want to show the love i had for this community. Ive always been loyal to this community, always try to make sure peoples can play in a safe enviroment and fight for it! Ive never really played no where else, i could go on usa, i could go on gog, i could go on blizzard, but ive always been here. You can say whatever you want about my appreciation about this community, but when you say your not sure about it, its because your new here, or you lie, because everyone who know me since 2006, know that i have always do whatever i can for this community! The fact that you think its not case, it's probably because we dont agree in alot of things, but the fact that we dont agree on alot of things dont mean i dont appreciate the community or even what the russians did for warcraft II. Yes i think the administration did alot of mystake, and not because they are russians, but just because of the mystakes period, but i still appreciate the fact that we still have a place to play because russian take cares of it, our desagreement has nothing to do with the fact that they are russians. And im gonna tell you something else, for now, i have always been loyal to the server, even in the hard times, but dont missunderstood something, the community, is not the server, the community is everyone, and if one day everyone decide to go on remastered, i will follow them, and if it happen, make sure it will not change anything about my appreciation for the russians who have take cares of this game for the last 20 years. War2RU, and yes, right now i say War2RU, because it almost always has been War2RU for 20 years, war2ru and the russian and whoever has take cares of warcraft II will always be in my heart, and i will always appreciate it even in our total desagreement.

And now before we end this, have you ever think that maybe its the server that dont appreciatie my value!

« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 05:52:54 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.