to fix it, its needed to change the entire system and make all from 0, which is too hard for me now
This is a total cop-out. You could have antropic's Claude fix it in about 3 seconds. Literally. Just make a new "project", paste the source of the ladder into the project as text, label it as "files", dump the DB structures with the describe command, put it in another text entry called "db schema" and then tell it to fix the OOM error by using queue systems and pagers. It will take about 15-30 minutes to do. The ladder code is so small that it would be perfect for a chatbot to fix because it can see the entire codebase. You could even tell it to convert it to a complete OOP project by asking it to use an MVC methodology. And it wouldnt result in people losing stats either. Since the chatbot could see the schema, if the DB is unusable, you could simply have it create a porting script for the DB and the new schema that it comes up with and it would port the old data to the new format (if its even needed which I highly doubt, the problem isnt the DB, it's the code and it's probably 1 line at that)
It's so easy that someone with literally no coding experience at all could fix it. All they would need is the source to start with. Saying it's "to hard" is just a complete lie because we both know it's NOT hard
with or without a chatbot.