Like i said, in this particular custom, if Map Hack is used, it is likely to the DISADVANTAGE of the hacker which is pretty funny when you see it happen and you know that they are hacking.
PERSONALLY, I dont care if players map hack in my 60men tournament, however I will not be map hacking and I will ban Map Hacking to comply with RU policy.
Also, if someone asks for a screenshot, Map Hack is easily seen, and youre not able to turn it off once you turn it on so if you hack YOU WILL BE BANNED from RU, and will have to play campaign forever lol
Also, in my next tournament I'm hoping to have everyone pitch in $10 to a paypal account that will then give the winnings to the first place winner. In this case, it will be important that the games are completely fair, no map hacks, and I will probably require every game be recorded with War2Video and uploaded for proof.