Several months of hard and secret work resulted in the creation of one of the most advanced additional campaigns for Warcraft 2!
The latest technologies and developments were involved, various previously unseen game mechanics were introduced.
The War2ru team has once again raised the bet on the quality and level with which new campaigns should be released!
In addition to the ordinary missions (oh, no, they are not ordinary at all!), in which the AI has become MUCH smarter and stronger,
for the first time in the history of Warcraft 2, we have done pre-game TUTORIAL, in the format of a small mission (in the best traditions of newer strategies, for example, Warcraft 3).
During the training, you will be able to appreciate the new control mechanics, new unit abilities, new icons and sprites.
Also, the campaign provides TWO difficulties of the game!
But that's not all! During the game you will be surprised more than once.
But this, we are sure, will not prevent you from passing our campaign.
You might even be able to find our secrets and Easter eggs, who knows?..
Of course, the campaign has a simple but fascinating stand-alone storyline that will keep you entertained:
The king of the country of Lakitor, one of the kingdoms of the Old World, has received disturbing news about the severance of ties with a distant but rich Colony in the New World.
There are rumors that recently local Orc tribes in the colonized lands began to behave suspiciously actively.
Now a significant part of the country's budget is cut off from the kingdom. And, unfortunately, there is still a long and hard war with the neighboring country of Dorlanes. The king faces a difficult choice: either the continuation of the war, or an attempt to return the Colony.
King Lakhar III makes a choice.
So what, warrior? Stop resting!
It's time to show what you really stand for!
May the Holy Light protect you!
EN: wishes, suggestions, comments are welcomed!