depressed little cunts with no life at all.
eq + winchester depressed and spam fight fight, the only people actually reading the other guys posts
ryu the spamming newbie thundercunt 24/7 always ready to throw his 2 worthless cents
ganz the faglord whos supposedly retired for years yet he is and will always be worthless at this game, trying to beat semi-noobs at instant action and xmarks, the biggest joke of BNE maps there is
there are others but the sum of their post dont exceed 5% so theyre irrelevant. The people above make this forum tee hee.
its all good n shit, but how do these retards think they have ANY voting power at all lololo. you will never have any impact on who's the admin here, you clownz. youre all retarded but too deep into the shithole to see the big picture