Author Topic: Streaming help  (Read 14711 times)

Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2021, 08:37:48 AM »
Tk has the best stream and is the best at war2.
Cause everyone knows TK #1.
war2 > war3

Offline Justasheep

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2021, 02:29:11 PM »
Equinox is cool, swinging in his boss-chair wearing a snapback like a true rapper, thug life.

All streamers are good, the more the better, even ouin-the-legend said he was streaming!
And CEL/Troglodyte got a nice stream, speaking with niko in Discord like good old friends.

Tried to read some EQ messages here though, got a headache, I wonder if I could catch some mental disorder just by reading them, I'll better get outta here.

And this SHEEP  :critter: guy is a smart one! Listen to him EQ and u'll get 500+ viewers.
To be fair, I also got a headache trying to read his last message. I think he means I'm someone he knows? no idea. :P

Offline baRa

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2021, 06:51:11 PM »
Can mods delete this thread? It kind of went off the rails, a little bit

Offline Nox

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2021, 06:58:22 PM »
They dont delete anything here, you can delete ur account on facebook, instagram, twitter, youtube... But on war2ru forum of the greateast game ever with a community of 80 members, you cant.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline baRa

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #49 on: April 28, 2021, 07:24:49 PM »
Ouin did a nice gesture today raiding my channel. I wish I could do the same but I guess I can't until I get 50 followers.

Offline Droid

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #50 on: April 29, 2021, 08:41:43 AM »
The thread is alright, EQ asked for help, U8 helped him, EQ started to shittalk.

It helps to understand why people watch U8 and don't watch EQ.

Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #51 on: April 29, 2021, 09:35:42 AM »
Can mods delete this thread? It kind of went off the rails, a little bit

Nah this is gold lol. I'm putting this in the mine when it's over.
war2 > war3

Offline Nox

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #52 on: April 29, 2021, 12:30:25 PM »
This is gold for real ive never had so much viewers tonight, thanks everyone  :ok_hand:

And everyone was telling me, KenshyTV best war2 stream ever  :rofl:
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Justasheep

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #53 on: April 29, 2021, 06:57:45 PM »
This is gold for real ive never had so much viewers tonight, thanks everyone  :ok_hand:

And everyone was telling me, KenshyTV best war2 stream ever  :rofl:

Didn't know your mother had a twitch account! Good for you!

I've never someone as delusional as you. You really live in your own world. You know why after all the stupid things you say people come to your stream? Have you ever seen something so horrible you can't stop looking? You're just like a train wreck or a plane crash.

It's horrible and disgusting but you HAVE to look. Humans are made that way.

And nothing is funnier than a guy that doesn't know why he's funny!

Until now right? Because I think I just told you we are not laughing with you, we are laughing about you. I know it's subtle but that's the difference between a jester and an idiot. And you my friend, are the second one ;)

Offline Justasheep

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #54 on: April 29, 2021, 07:01:51 PM »
The thread is alright, EQ asked for help, U8 helped him, EQ started to shittalk.

It helps to understand why people watch U8 and don't watch EQ.

Actually I think you meant EQ started throwing poop like the chimpanzee he is :D  :poo:

Offline Nox

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2021, 12:45:58 AM »
u8 din't try to help bara, he try to make him subliminal message  by talking about me.

U8 have never help no one in this community, never help a streamer, never host a tournament, nothing, he dont even play with the community, wake up ball sack eater. lol

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 01:15:46 AM by Delete ME NOW! »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Justasheep

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2021, 01:55:09 AM »
u8 din't try to help bara, he try to make him subliminal message  by talking about me.

U8 have never help no one in this community, never help a streamer, never host a tournament, nothing, he dont even play with the community, wake up ball sack eater. lol

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know that subliminal messages aren't exactly that right? OF COURSE NOT! You don't even know what subliminal means... But that's ok... Being smart isn't a prerogative to be part of the community per say. Although I'd refrain using words you don't master okayyy :) makes you look even more stupid than usual if that's even possible.

U8 didn't start any of this, you did. Sure he said things you shouldn't do on a stream that you are actually doing but you can't get mad about him just because he says the truth.

He said be manner... Sure people like that!
He said people like war2 music... WHO DOESN'T!?!
He said don't ban people... Of course that's the spirit!

Your little mind wrapped around these words and turned them into insults towards your person and you decided to attack back :sweat:

And then I kind of jumped into the fray to entertain people around because it is really amazing to see all that delusion and paranoïa comming from a grown up adult like you and it inspires me so so much...

Offline Nox

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #57 on: April 30, 2021, 02:09:02 AM »
u8 din't try to help bara, he try to make him subliminal message  by talking about me.

U8 have never help no one in this community, never help a streamer, never host a tournament, nothing, he dont even play with the community, wake up ball sack eater. lol

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know that subliminal messages aren't exactly that right? OF COURSE NOT! You don't even know what subliminal means... But that's ok... Being smart isn't a prerogative to be part of the community per say. Although I'd refrain using words you don't master okayyy :) makes you look even more stupid than usual if that's even possible.

U8 didn't start any of this, you did. Sure he said things you shouldn't do on a stream that you are actually doing but you can't get mad about him just because he says the truth.

He said be manner... Sure people like that!
He said people like war2 music... WHO DOESN'T!?!
He said don't ban people... Of course that's the spirit!

Your little mind wrapped around these words and turned them into insults towards your person and you decided to attack back :sweat:

And then I kind of jumped into the fray to entertain people around because it is really amazing to see all that delusion and paranoïa comming from a grown up adult like you and it inspires me so so much...

God damn it The_One_Crow, being moderator on u8 stream is a serious job  :sob:
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Justasheep

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #58 on: April 30, 2021, 12:13:24 PM »
I wonder how long it is gonna take for you to know who I really am! I've been around for much longer than the one crow xD

Offline Nox

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Re: Streaming help
« Reply #59 on: April 30, 2021, 01:23:19 PM »
Nobody cares whos the heck you are and how mad you are.

You cant even use ur true identity, why that? Because you are the_One_Crow fucking loser multi personality spychopath.

You know the fact that u8 got more viewers or more follower then me is not a reason to dont have an opinion on it.

His stream is fucking bad. period...

No cam, no mic, no contain, 10% english language, 90% polaks, no pro gaming, only retarded maps with basiclily newb peoples.. Thats stream have literally nothing to offert, only things that he got is a bunch of peoples that make him bigger because other viewers are the first stream they click because he got most viewers.

Thats the only things he got!

U8 got a special stream for special peoples, sadly for you, im not part of that special peoples and im really happy.

You think i dont like other stream then mine? I think trogallart got a good stream even if he got no cam, because actually, he did work hard on his stream, he try to bring something else, and he is creative.

I think bara and swift also got nice stream even if they just start, at least we can share something real with them and i enjoy watching ther stream.

Dont be mad cuz i tell truth about ur hero.

You tell that u8 is the best streamer? I think hes the worst one.

Only reason why he got 1300 followers is because bunch of polaks boost his stream everyday and it bring other viewers to watch that stream first instead of other one, second reason it's because that punk buy followers on black market, third reason is because community take this guy with mercy...

Dont be mad cuz ur boy got the worst stream of all..... And he give advice, advice that dosent matter at all, cuz at the end its not even advice, it's juste trying to talkshit about me without being a man with 2 balls and do it clearly.

Please Bara follow my advice so you got 1400 followers when peoples with bad manner and techno music got 1400000 followers all around twitch.

You want good advice bara? Just being urself, have a personality, and work hard on ur stream to bring something to peoples, peoples dont watch stream because you good or bad but because you give them containt! If you watch all around twitch, you will see manner and music and 95% of what u8 just said is pure bullshit.

But i dont even think u8 know there other streamers out there then himself  :sob:

« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 02:54:19 PM by Delete ME NOW! »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.