OK I was about to ask IL's logs back to check on something. Turns out I didnt need to I could still get them.
I didn't want to check on messages but at somepoint you have to as I wanted to see what started it all.
Because I know Burnt can be a dickhead sometimes but still...
The IP connections events happen separately than the login event so I could say for sure that the IP of Jordan connected before derber logged off and Jordan did connect at that time, and just before the aka was logged in but I had to check for someone else IP that I wasn't prepared for. Fortunately reading the messaged this time was pretty quick I did not have to read a lot to find this:
Aug 27 06:42:08 [info ] handle_command: [18] user 'thumb$' cmd: "/whisper derber van is on xurnt name rofl , Brb"
Aug 27 21:35:28 [info ] handle_command: [31] user 'thumb$' cmd: "/whisper 00Jordanus give me ur pasw i will kick him so bad lol"
Aug 27 21:35:43 [info ] handle_command: [29] user '00Jordanus' cmd: "/whisper thumb$ u wnat?"
Aug 27 21:35:44 [info ] handle_command: [29] user '00Jordanus' cmd: "/whisper thumb$ pw is ****"
Aug 27 21:35:46 [info ] handle_command: [29] user '00Jordanus' cmd: "/whisper thumb$ go rape him"
Aug 27 21:35:50 [info ] handle_command: [31] user 'thumb$' cmd: "/r sure "
Aug 27 21:36:01 [info ] conn_destroy: [31] "thumb$" logged out
Aug 27 21:36:03 [info ] conn_destroy: [29] "00Jordanus" logged out
Aug 27 21:36:03 [info ] sd_accept: [29] accepted connection from IPOFTHUMBS (he is using VPN)
Aug 27 21:36:04 [info ] sd_accept: [29] accepted connection from IPOFJORDAN (same IP as always)
Aug 27 21:36:13 [info ] _client_loginreq1: [31] "00jordanus" logged in (correct password)
Aug 27 21:36:22 [info ] conn_destroy: [60] "derber" logged out <== Derber logged out after. And no one logged in before the game started from there.
So no it wasn't Swift / Derber, that I triple checked, but it does look like there was something fishy here non the less. And I do owe Xurnt some appology since I had only checked his version of the facts first and didn't dig more after that. I should have obviously but in my mind it was either he is right or he is wrong turns out he was onto something here...
So who is Thumb$?
And at this point I am not an admin I dont care if you think it is not right to reveal part of these logs too much damage has been done in our community not to just go forward with the truth.
I was only trusted to be unbiaised which I am, so here it is when I find something I say it...
This has been dragged for far too loooong now and we need closure and the truth to come out, it is not ok to let Xurnt go completely crazy mad like this and not come forward to try and make things right...
So yes the logs contradicted Xurnt's version for sure, but he was not playing Jordanus either and he could at least feel that...
As a matter of fact it seems that account sharing is a thing here apparently and messing with other people's mind too.
So what do you guys plan to do about it? Is it an accepted thing here?
@~ToRa~ @iL @tk[as] ?
And why did Thumb$ not just come clean about it and not let Xurnt grow crazier and crazier over it to the point he thought people were burning his grass?
To be fair this is probably the only thing that is true about Xurnt's version of the facts, Xurnt was not playing against Jordan that night...
I appologize for not finding out faster...
I am pissed that I did not read these messages before... I really thought I didn't need to because logs showed Swift/Derber was not there...
Xurnt may have become paranoid and start seing ghosts on top of that after a while but at least it didn't come out from thin air. He is not that stupid, he had good reasons to start doubting initialy at least... I hope this helps bring closure to the whole shitshow at somepoint in a near future and at least unfreeze a few tongues in the time being...