I will take you up on that offer, loser pays burnt the 150 buck to do our Ch0ppy memorial on that sunday in jan. We gotta plan now or something else will be on his schedule. Nothing would please me more than having 2 ch0ppy tourneys so please feel free to host your own. I might even let you win like i always do. "why do i win when i smrf everytime but if I play on my name i never win." Come lose woofy I challenge you same thing. You both know i will crush you with humans. Go watch Xurnt crush kyle in 1v1 before i take it down. Its a previously unreleased game with with bith Xurnt and Kyle on voice that I am sure he cryed about too much for it to be released public. I remember when SPB beat him in HSC he threated to have us removed from war2 if I published it. Looks like you are doing a pretty good job of that against Xurnt whether he won or lost. Also i saw that van posted something. We should mute him for 24 hours regardless of what he posted cuz [z] = poop and [as] is the best. I thankyou cel if you are being respectful to xurnt and all that he has done for you. It really means a lot to me. You dual commentated that SPB vrs Kyle game and swift was very rude to you in it if I remember correctly. In fact I couldn't watch any more games because they banned you and I had your back so couldn't watch either. Woofy I have been asking for replays from you for years, way before you spent that time pretending to be willing to 1v1 just because you knew how much it hurt me when you would laugh and log off. Go look at the ss.war2 page. One of the last ss's were of me crushing you , and you asking for an ss. I explain to you why I have that chip on my shoulder. Its from your asshole joke. FUck you and i really am sorry that it was ch0ppy who died and not you. He was a good man. I repsect and value you, but do not act like Xurnt is the first admin to be an asshole to someone.