Ouch I still use a very old installation of the game the only plugins I run are insight and war2observe and I haven't touched the client not even for the black to pink patch, so I am not sure I am the guy to ask but lets give it a try:
We are talking about a .bat file ( war2Laucher2.bat ) ?
If that is the case it should just be a kind of command line script so you should be able to open it with a text editor and look what it written in it probably just a few lines to start the client just like you would from the command line as well as probably other utilities with it.
I play in window mode with the new ddraw.dll and I manually set the window to the size that I want but that also means OBS cannot capture the battle.net interface so there is no perfect solution I suppose or I have not digged enough I guess I tend to be lazy when it comes to my free/play time
My war2Launcher.bat looks something like this though I never use it I dont even know what the first line is supposed to be doing because the game runs just the same for me without it:
start war2ppatcher.exe -a -f -se -ir -i0 -w
To start my game I use a batch file that I made that only does this instead:
TASKLIST | FINDSTR "War2Observe.exe" || START Utils\War2Observe.exe
TASKLIST | FINDSTR "Warcraft II BNE.exe" || START War2noCDloader.exe
It looks for starting war2observe and the game, and it only starts them if they are not already running I used to start insight too that way but since I only use it occasionally I removed that line.
( first part checks the task list to see if a program is running by name and the second part starts them if they are not running since you wanted to start learning programming a bit comparison operators and command line scripting is a
very good and easy place to start)
What is in your .bat file?
Honestly though that is probably the first thing we learn in programming school it is using the command line and to be comfortable with it, so I am not joking when I say you should try and have fun playing with these scripts it is as good as any place to start