I did make a forum post around 2015 too.
My men were running top left or right corner for no reason. After some time it was gone and never come back, weird shit
Like dugs said its some bug, no hack.
I dont know if between 2016 and 2019 it had stopped cuz i was playing HOTS, but i know that thing appear around 2015 for sure, never experience things like that before 2015.
And by the way if it stop for couples months or couple years, then that will almost proof it's not a bug but a hack.
If a bug occure it's because iL put a new add-on on the game, so all those new versions that peoples will download with this add-on create a bug untill iL remove that add-on again and give us a new version to download.
Wich mean that iL put a add-on around 2015 in a new version, then remove that add-on around 2016 in a new version, then reinstall that add-on around 2019-2020 in a new version...
Well.... Then find that add-on that he install 3 times and remove 2 times and you will find that add on that create that bug.
Or...... Someone is hacking us and just stop played for couple months or years wich mean hack disapear with him and reapear with him.
It's possible this hack is comming from only one person, but look like it occure on many different games because maybe that person are smurfing us on different names.
Find that add on, or find that smurfer!