As I said you make the ultimate choice and I will respect that, I am just bringing up extra thoughts.
We can agree it takes ultimately more time and effort for Justin and others to make all this content for Youtube .
These players are playing these special matches to be given a honorific distinction in the community in the first place, I do not feel it is wrong to have them give something back to earn such a distinction.
Especially a distinction for which the name is "Master" a true "Master" teaches things no?
But you are totally right anything we do to make it even easier for them is a good thing .
What i see here is pretty simple, i think we need to think about where we are now, it mean 2020, if you look every games in the entire world then you will agree with me that the only thing people have to do is connect to the game play and enjoy the competition, whatever the level they are... It can be newbe or pro players... What i mean is this server have to make everything easier for peoples and try to bring everything less complicated for the player.
It's not something that i enjoy to have obligation about taking my times and recording/saving/sending files that any other games in the world would not ask me.
That kind of obligation is a discouragement for players and a way to get borred about those competitions, even taking the time to came on forum and ask a challenge is a pure discouragement and waste of time. But i try to be comprehensive about those old rules that tora put in place and just close my eyes about it, but it's not something that will help the league to grow up let me tell you now.
Players can show exemple by having anti-hack and things like that, it dosent need efforts and most important it donsent affect there focus while playing, but having to record/save/sending 12 videos almost became a full time work just to have the right to compete in a league where you belong anyway, replay or not.....
The idea that you bring is pure love, i love it, but like all the staff we got right now, you are giving an idea from your excitement and not by what we really have to do.
Idea is super great, execution is super bad, thats how i see it, i think if we have to work on sush things, we cant waste our time and energie on something that we will have to be change in six month anyway.
So i literally insist that we found a solution now for that auto saving if we require replay as a official rule.