Author Topic: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre  (Read 12224 times)

Offline BlackMuslim

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I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« on: November 11, 2019, 10:42:15 PM »
Mods, can we please do something about this hateful person?

He is quite an awful player to be quite honest, he is a bit like serenity now- both have winning records, but those winning records can be quite deceiving as both are quite awful. I tried to confront Macdre nicely on why when he dies, he is ALWAYS blaming his team, especially if it is not an established name that he can get away with bullying, he will place 100% of the blame on his pard

I tried to confront him peacefully on this, and I have taken screenshots on some of the most hateful, vile things I have ever had said to me, I am literally shaking right now :'(

Mods please take action against this evil hate filled man
« Last Edit: November 11, 2019, 10:53:03 PM by BlackMuslim »


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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2019, 09:56:14 AM »


Offline tk[as]

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2019, 06:38:31 PM »
indeed none work =/

Offline BlackMuslim

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2019, 07:10:11 PM »
Sorry brother Tomasz and TK, I did print screen to capture proof of Macdre's evil, but it appears he has dodged a bullet as all the .pcx files just can't be opened or turn out to be a blue screen!

He was repeatedly calling me a n!gger and saying hurtful untrue things like n!ggers are stupid, and other hate filled things I cannot mention without feeling sick.

Unfortunately, fate would have it that another evil man will continue to get away with their crimes :\

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2019, 08:59:58 PM »
Let me guess, this guy is Pe0N_You who trashed talked everyone in the channel yesterday? for hours and specifically kept talking shit about Macdre.

If you don't PROVE aka, you don't get to complain about anything imo. Put that in writing!

Offline shesycompany

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2019, 10:11:37 PM »

George Jones - Radio Lovers - YouTube the real game is yahoo pool whose gonna build it...what if i told you there was a pool game that was way bigger than wacraft 2

clubbed to death - Matrix soundtrack - YouTube
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 10:32:59 PM by easycompany »

Offline Winchester

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2019, 10:24:54 PM »
Babyshark, You don't have to hide. you have no reason to hide. But you choose to continuously do so anyway and be a pretender by continuously acting like none of the events when told to you happen when you get called out on them. Imagine how much easier it would be if you actually didn't hide from them and just owned up to them. If you need to go out of your way to hide from simple things like this, what else are you hiding? Remember, you have no reason to hide and you don't have to, so why continue doing so?

Offline BlackMuslim

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2019, 12:06:26 AM »
Let me guess, this guy is Pe0N_You who trashed talked everyone in the channel yesterday? for hours and specifically kept talking shit about Macdre.

If you don't PROVE aka, you don't get to complain about anything imo. Put that in writing!

I had all the proof in the screenshots, not sure why they did not work. Not I am not peon, and I only log in very rarely, but Macdre was awful.

This nonsensical ru circus just never ends. Generally not worth the time it takes to string letters together and you can have better conversations with trees, but Harrywangs was someone I once semi-respected since he never in the nearly 20 year history of W2 that I saw him on ever said an inappropriate comment towards me but was actually rather generally unobjectionable and decent.

Harry, your advice after my regularly getting harassed and spammed by multiple users comments like "you suck nigger dick" for about TWO YEARS in a row before I got tired of it was that I should HIDE ON A SMURF NAME.

And now your answer for others is DON'T HIDE ON A SMURF NAME!

Do you even think about anything you say?

People who get harassed should hide on smurf names. But people who are on smurf names, if they get harassed, should be ignored. That's just fantastic. Whoever this guy posting is obviously a silly troll, but had it been a legit complaint, you're obviously the last person anyone should go to with any kind of problem since you can't even work your way out of your own.

I don't have to hide. I have no reason to hide. I'm not the criminal. They are the ones who should go hide in shame.

Yeah, you developed an "issue" against me after you called me too newb to play in the game and I challenged you to 1v1 10 game $50 series, which you dodged, and that is the reason you took a stand against me when I complained about 2 particularly obnoxious and persistent users.

You were angry because I dared challenge you, and you were angry because you were too scared to play me. So you stood with harassers and said I should go hide.

I'm 10-0 against you now. And I can now play all the W2 I want with nice people on a server that isn't an endless crap show. So yeah, didn't take your advice to go hide cuz it sucked. But you're welcome to take it now.

This challenge has now expired.

In my mind,
I win 10-0 vs Jordan
I win 10-0 vs Harrywangs
I win 10-0 vs van


It's a good feeling. :)

Don't you dare use my pain for furthering your agenda, you selfish woman. You go and(stupidly) lecture the great legend Harrywangs,  and then you on to hypocritically dismiss my pain as this is "an obvious troll". So you've outed yourself to be as dismissive as anyone's problems as the very people you spend hours complaining about.

Begone from my thread evil witch!

« Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 12:40:36 AM by BlackMuslim »


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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2019, 07:31:27 AM »



Offline BlackMuslim

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2019, 10:32:37 AM »


Tomasz my brother, not only do you clearly have an amazing skilled brain, as the greatest chop and customs player this game has ever seen, but a very compassionate caring human being.

You are correct, in that we are are one as a people, and should not turn a blind eye to the racism from evil people like Macdre, who summon evil energy into a racist  hadouken

« Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 10:47:49 AM by BlackMuslim »

Offline BlackMuslim

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2019, 10:38:15 AM »
"The great legend" who dodged BabyShark also dismisses your low quality troll attempt.

You and 00Samuel are the same person.

Just because my screenshots did not work does not mean i did not experience horrible things said to me you heartless witch. I used to think you cared about racism, but you just used racism against black ppl to get attention!

you say you are not smurfing which is a lie! everyone knows you are always on this server when u cant play anywhere else. No more lies witch woman!!
« Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 11:29:51 AM by BlackMuslim »

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2019, 08:31:07 PM »
This nonsensical ru circus just never ends. Generally not worth the time it takes to string letters together and you can have better conversations with trees, but Harrywangs was someone I once semi-respected since he never in the nearly 20 year history of W2 that I saw him on ever said an inappropriate comment towards me but was actually rather generally unobjectionable and decent.

Harry, your advice after my regularly getting harassed and spammed by multiple users comments like "you suck nigger dick" for about TWO YEARS in a row before I got tired of it was that I should HIDE ON A SMURF NAME.

And now your answer for others is DON'T HIDE ON A SMURF NAME!

Do you even think about anything you say?

People who get harassed should hide on smurf names. But people who are on smurf names, if they get harassed, should be ignored. That's just fantastic. Whoever this guy posting is obviously a silly troll, but had it been a legit complaint, you're obviously the last person anyone should go to with any kind of problem since you can't even work your way out of your own.

I don't have to hide. I have no reason to hide. I'm not the criminal. They are the ones who should go hide in shame.

Yeah, you developed an "issue" against me after you called me too newb to play in the game and I challenged you to 1v1 10 game $50 series, which you dodged, and that is the reason you took a stand against me when I complained about 2 particularly obnoxious and persistent users.

You were angry because I dared challenge you, and you were angry because you were too scared to play me. So you stood with harassers and said I should go hide.

I'm 10-0 against you now. And I can now play all the W2 I want with nice people on a server that isn't an endless crap show. So yeah, didn't take your advice to go hide cuz it sucked. But you're welcome to take it now.

I'm confused at your logic. You feel that advice for one person works for every single person? That is how you took that comment and turned it into your own agenda? They are 2 different VERY different situations.

This guy is a smurf, who is talking shit himself, in the channel, trolling people. You, were on the other side being trolled and could not handle it. Someone who is talking unsolicited shit left and right in the channel on a smurf and complains on a smurf forum account, has no right to complain. It is not a legit complaint.

You, on the other hand, complained, but were unable to go on, so my advice was to take yourself out of the situation by smurfing, yes. I can't believe I had to just explain that and that you were unable to put that together yourself.\

I can't work my way out of my own? I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Baby, 1sing you is boring to me. 1sing anyone is boring to me. I 1s people VERY rarely. I have money, I don't need yours. That is not a motivator for me. Again, your logic is, what works for one person, must work for everyone. It does not.

I'm not angry and never was, hahah. I find that quite funny though. I've 1sed you before because you kept bugging me. I won. Why do you want to keep 1sing me? I don't like to 1s anyone.

10-0, heh, alright, whatever, I really don't care to argue this fallacy. I have no idea why I should take that advice and smurf, this makes no sense. You act like we are enemies or something. I really don't care or have anything against you. I simply state my opinions.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 08:33:20 PM by Harrywangs »

Offline tk[as]

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2019, 08:49:54 PM »
babyshark.. it seems the only time you give input to this community is to undermine members within the community. It might not be the same style of toxicity Van has to offer, but it's toxic none the less. It's not healthy or productive for anyone, including yourself. Is this your long-term game plan? Just show up here to advertise a server that the majority of the community will never voluntarily participate in, and stalk what people are saying here until you find your window to spew as much negativity at them as possible? That's how you view your existence/roll here on the forums and within the war2 community in general? ... all the while telling people that the reason they need to come to USA is because it's "active, friendly, and awesome. "

it doesnt seem active based on other's reports. it doesnt seem friendly based on your behavior here, which means it's more than likely not awesome.

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2019, 09:51:59 PM »
If I did say anything I know myself well enough to know that I was totally fucking around.. looking to get a rise out of you.. and not while I was an admin..

I would flat out deny it because I honestly dont think it ever happened, and that's something I feel like I would remember but I could see myself trying to stir some shit up, and you taking it out if context and thinking "damn tk wants a piece of this" .. which I assure you is not accurate and never has been accurate.

Just to cover my ass.. if I ever made any comments towards you in a sexual nature that u took seriously and were offended by.. I apologize. 

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2019, 09:54:36 PM »
Now that we have that out of the way. You're not even playing us ... on our server.. so everything you say here is just for the purpose of being toxic.. my question remains: that's your game plan? Interact with this community for the sole purpose to advertising a server few of us will ever go to, and spewing negativity any chance you get on these here forums?