I could maybe have an 8 Alleria tournament sometime in the future. Personally I STRONGLY prefer 2 Alleria, that is my favorite Alleria map(also 60 Man which is technically an Alleria map but a bit different than most Alleria maps and doesn't carry the name).
I dislike 1 Alleria one of my least favorite PBalls as I don't like any PB map with only 1 ranged unit as it can be pretty lucky in ways. 6 Alleria is decent and 8 Alleria is an alright map. 8 Alleria is my favorite of the walled Alleria maps but walled Allerias are not my favorite in general I prefer an open playing field.
That being said that is just me and 6a and 8a are still classic/famous PBalls that a lot of people still love. I haven't had a tournament in any walled Alleria and it's something to consider for the future.