All I will say is that in xurnt's defense, he never joined the game "jordan wants one more game", the game name was something normal like just a letter for game name an password. 00Jordanus joins the game, once we figure out jordan vs xurnt, jordan leaves, comes back at 00jordanus with lower case J. In my personal experience vs jordan, from what I saw from the 00jordanus.... it was not jordan. Jordan is very mediocre skill set, xurnt has been training with lone and playing 1v1 with lone and I have been watching the games. Xurnt is getting very good at 1v1 and could keep up with lone for the most part... which makes me think that swift logged on jordan account, wasnt expecting as hard of a game and xurnt took the win, which made him embarassed because that was the whole point of swift logging on his account was to get a easy win to shut xurnt up, instead xurnt won a really close LONG game that looked like swift. You all claim that swift is so good that he somehow couldnt lose, which is not true at all. I have watched a few of braviet vs swift 1v1 lately and swift was getting his ass handed to him by braviet quite easily in some of the games, which we all know braviet is at the bottom of the elite totum pole so if braviet can take some wins from swift, its not like its impossible for xurnt who has been training with lone, to get a win. So after the game is over, 00jordanus hosts immediately and when we make fun of him for losing, he gets all pissy like swift does when he loses and says " did you play in the game? no so stfu" . Xurnt proceeds to tell them that he is going to take a shower, i said oh that means hes gonna piss on you hoes. Then he literally went to take a shower, so 00jordanus logs off, no more than 30 seconds to a min later, blid logs on for less than a minute or so, then logs off. I thought this was super wierd I almost even took a SS because of it, then when xurnt comes back to play later on that night. His game log says Jordan wants one more in the game log, which there was never a game hosted that said that, i was online the whole time, and played a few more games after their 1v1. and the game name was NEVER hosted, so the theory that xurnt clicked on the game name or was in a game named that , and thats how it showed up is FALSE.. the game report with the game name Jordan wants one more, with xurnt in it, is a FABRICATED GAME, he NEVER WAS IN THAT GAME, I WAS ONLINE THE WHOLE TIME, WITNESSED IT ALL, THAT GAME NAME WAS NEVER HOSTED. It was added to the game log by blid. You guys treating xurnt like he has mental issues is extremely fucked up.... he is trying to keep the playing field as accurate and fair as possible and you guys are just making fun of him for it, shame on you. This has been mentally fucking with xurnts head because he is a really good person and cares about the community. If any of you have any sort of decency in you, you wouldnt treat xurnt like this. Keep your bias bullshit about me to the side. No Lone isnt Viruz, but I am almost POSITIVE blid is jordan. Which makes 100% sense , because he covered up swifts hacking in the past with iL. I don't really give a shit about any of you to be perfectly honest, thats why I never comment on here, but xurnt is my homie and I am tired of you guys being total pieces of shit to him. He has done more for this game than ANY of you, including blid and swift and your pathetic ass TK.