i actually did something very similar to this the other day -- someone said in the channel that wf2ogre was joining games & ruining them by not building which i've seen someone do before (they built halls/farms/peons and nothing else many games in a row), so i kicked him with /kill and gave a tempban. i didn't think much of doing this because -- 1) if someone is actively complaining about getting their games ruined repeatedly then i think it's reasonable to try to do something to improve the quality of their gaming experience in that moment, and have done so before with dellam/martin, and 2) i view not building repeatedly as blatant trolling & it's overwhelmingly likely that a troll will know how to change their IP & reconnect almost immediately, so this is like a simple way to inconvenience them & make it slightly less easy/enjoyable to continue doing what they're doing.
maybe this is a little different than workwork if he is someone who plays normally in most games & will occasionally fuck around, rather than someone who joins purely to go on intentional sprees of game ruining (i.e. an obvious troll who has no other purpose than trolling).
it's arguable that policing such behavior can be left up to the game hosts to ban people they know will mess up games, but in that case it gives a troll many opportunities to ruin games hosted by different people which seems avoidable
I'm just going to throw this out there.. but there was a certain Smurf about 2 weeks ago who went around killing watchers during a game. Should that person have been banned as well?
My opinion: Yes. Someone doing that sort of stuff repeatedly should be warned to stop it and if they continue some official action should be taken against them.
Basically if you're doing something antisocial and a server admin tells you to stop it, then you should stop it. What is so hard about that?
If an admin can't adjudicte about things as they arise then what's the point of having admins?.... what, just to police the SS rule? You can get a badly trained monkey to do that.
imo this is reasonable, and is essentially what happened when leeroy was harassing babyshark -- leeroy wasn't getting punished for breaking rules (since flaming/trolling isn't against any rule), it was for ignoring admins when they stepped in & told him to stop. so from that perspective Warbux's actions aren't all that extreme. the potential for harm from such a policy also seems very low if all we're talking about is people getting a /kill & 1 hour tempban or a nick locked for 24 hours or w/e, then it's not anywhere near the territory of "omg you're killing the server by banning all these people"
listen i dont like banning people an i been 1 to say no 1 should be banend but ... a 24 hour ban is a slap on a wrist an i didnt ban him for building in my game i banned him for doing it repeatively ... i like work work an get along with him fine an he understands why i did it ... im not gonna sit here an be an admin for nothing .. im for enforcing rules an i dont like shit gettin by for nothing .. if u guys made rules againts talking shit ida banned van to i dont care whos in my clan makes no difference u break rules u get a warning u do it again then u should be put in time out simple as that .. an ima push for that til were all on the same page
@Warbux this makes sense but i think you should also be willing to hear what other people say about your decisions & be willing to agree to whatever is the consensus. for instance, like you say there's no rule against talking shit but if you started banning people for that at your own discretion & people started complaining that would be similar to what's happening here.
clearly the consensus here is that building in games should be dealt with by game hosts, but i think it's worth talking about whether continuing that practice is causing more harm than good overall & considering alternatives. if we have active admins who are readily available to deal with things then it does seem reasonable to let them and so improve the overall quality of the gaming environment. this should include considering things like 1) do we have the time/manpower to realistically enforce such a policy consistently, 2) do people want to be deprived of their right to fuck around in games, 3) will it do more harm than good by causing retaliatory trolling, 4) do admins ban people for this any time they see it, or only when someone asks for help, etc.
i also don't think Warbux should be demoted from admin or have any of his existing powers removed for one single controversial decision, he's brand new & should be given a reasonable chance to figure out the role. if it becomes a recurring problem or there is a demonstrable unwillingness to cooperate as part of the "admin team" then it will be time to talk about it