warvid con is not working fine for me. It cuts video to some random parts.
I updating warvideo and paused work on console and tray versions, i plan to fix them later.
oh i didn't realize. i was using warvid console for months since it was released & it always seemed to work fine. now that it's working again the new videos it's recorded seem fine too, so i'm happy to continue using it
Upd: windows 7?
There's a problem with windows 7 appeared months ago: that broke insight, warvideo and probably other utils:
open the task manager and check the process list:
You can probably see 2 different processes with the same name: Warcraft II BNE.exe
Kill the process that requires less memory and then everything will work fine.
yeah it's win7 & i did notice the 2 processes, but i also had a problem with rundll32 maxing out the CPU every time i start war2combat and found out it's something to do with the "Game Explorer". i followed this guide to fix it
http://ubeogesh-things.blogspot.com/2012/08/resolve-it-finally-game-explorer-aka.html For ones that are looking the guide how to resolve, here it is:
1) If you're x64 OS, go to windows\syswow64\ and rename gameux.dll to something without .dll extension
2) If you're x86 OS, go to windows\system32\ and rename gameux.dll to something without .dll extension
In both cases you'll have to take ownership and add file permissions.
If you don't know how, here is a BAT file that will do it for you: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BzmX0_bU30dRaGJWdi1iRnV2S0k
now war2 starts fine with no delay/crashing/high cpu and only one Warcraft II BNE.exe process
i don't think it was breaking warvid or insight though, but maybe it's because i'm not using latest war2combat? i think i have 4.01. i also have
fois latest ddraw & lamby's plugin system. the Warcraft II BNE.exe file from the plugin system does break insight though, it gives this error:
without the plugin system insight seems to work normally.
hope that's useful & thanks for following up