And what is making him a top 5?
Beating van and ragner?
Beating a rusty bara?
Beating a chop player as maciek?
He even did the same to Yamon as he did to me yerterday.
When he lose he just fucking log off and dont play anymore.
Who know what happen if he keep playing with yamon? Maybe 2-1 yamon? Or 3-1?
His 2 last meaning series are from 7 month ago.
He literally get crush by the old braviet, because braviet is way more stronger then 7 month ago, and he win vs sg while dude was eating every pizza in australia and cant barely move.
Dude did absolutly nothing since the last 7 month, put him against braviet and sg and they both 10-0 him right now.
Actually if we are honnest, braviet rape him so hard the dude just disapear for 7 month after that series, top5, make me laugh.