Author Topic: Since their inception, the United States have been at war on 222 out of 239 year  (Read 24827 times)

Offline Teron-Gorefiend

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Since their inception, the United States have been at war on 222 out of 239 years
February 26, 2015 Source: Info Wars
HistoryQasim ' news
Depuis leur création, les États-Unis ont été en guerre 222 années sur 239
Below you will find a chronology of all the wars waged by the United States since the year of their founding, 1776.

17 years. This is the number of years during which the United States have lived in peace. On more than two centuries of existence, it does not weigh heavy.

To give you an idea, if you randomly choose a year between 1776 and 2015, 92.88% chance that the United States were at war during the year you have chosen there.

No U.S. president is strictly speaking a "peace President". All the presidents of the United States of history can be technically considered "war presidents.

It has never happened that the United States spend more than a decade without participating in a war.

The only time that the United States spent five years without war (1935-1940), it was during the isolationist period of the Great Depression.

1776: the United States revolutionary war, the wars of Chickamagua, Cherokee, the Pennamite-Yankee war war

1777: war of independence of the United States, the wars of Chickamagua, Cherokee, the Pennamite-Yankee war war

1778: war of independence of the United States, the wars of Chickamagua, Cherokee, the Pennamite-Yankee war war

1779 – war of independence of the United States, the wars of Chickamagua, Cherokee, the Pennamite-Yankee war war

1780: war of independence of the United States, the wars of Chickamagua, Cherokee, the Pennamite-Yankee war war

1781: war of independence of the United States, the wars of Chickamagua, Cherokee, the Pennamite-Yankee war war

1782: war of independence of the United States, the wars of Chickamagua, Cherokee, the Pennamite-Yankee war war

1783: war of independence of the United States, the wars of Chickamagua, Cherokee, the Pennamite-Yankee war war

1784: Chickamauga wars, wars of Pennamite-Yankee War, war of Oconee

1785: Chickamauga wars, the Northwest Indian war

1786: Chickamauga wars, the Northwest Indian war

1787: Chickamauga wars, the Northwest Indian war

1788: Chickamauga wars, the Northwest Indian war

1789: Chickamauga wars, the Northwest Indian war

1790: Chickamauga wars, the Northwest Indian war

1791: Chickamauga wars, the Northwest Indian war

1792: Chickamauga wars, the Northwest Indian war

1793: Chickamauga wars, the Northwest Indian war

1794: Chickamauga wars, the Northwest Indian war

1795: Northwest Indian war

1796: no major war

1797: no major war

1798: virtual war (between the France and the United States)

1799: virtual war (between the France and the United States)

1800: virtual war (between the France and the United States)

1801: Tripoli war

1802: Tripoli war

1803: Tripoli war

1804: Tripoli war

1805: Tripoli war

1806: Sabine Expedition

1807: no major war

1808: no major war

1809: no major war

1810: the United States occupy the West Florida under Spanish control until then

1811: the war of Tecumseh

1812: the war of 1812, the war Tecumseh, wars Seminole Wars, the United States occupy the Amelia Island under Spanish control previously, as well as other portions of the East Florida

1813: the war of 1812, the war Tecumseh, Peoria war, war Creek, the United States extend their territories in Western Florida

1814: the war of 1812, war Creek, the United States extend their territories in Florida, war against pirates in the West Indies

1815: the war of 1812, the second Barbary war, war against pirates in the West Indies

1816: first seminole war, war against hackers

1817: first seminole war, war against hackers

1818: first seminole war, war against hackers

1819: Yellowstone Expedition, war against hackers

1820: Yellowstone Expedition, war against hackers

1821: war against hackers

1822: war against hackers

1823: war against hackers, war Arikara

1824: war against hackers

1825: Yellowstone Expedition, war against hackers

1826: no major war

1827: war Winnebago

1828: no major war

1829: no major war

1830: no major war

1831: Sac and Fox Indian War

1832 – Black Hawk War

1833: Cherokee Indian War

1834: Cherokee Indian War, Pawnee Indian Territory Campaign

1835: Cherokee Indian War, Seminole Wars, second Creek war

1836: Cherokee Indian War, Seminole Wars, war Creek, Missouri-Iowa Border War

1837: Cherokee Indian War, Seminole Wars, war Creek, Osage Indian War, Buckshot War

1838: Cherokee Indian War, seminoles, Buckshot War, Heatherly Indian War wars

1839: Cherokee Indian War, Seminole Wars

1840: wars seminoles, forces naval U.S. invade Fiji Islands

1841: wars seminoles, forces naval U.S. invade McKean Island, Gilbert Islands, and Samoa

1842: Seminole Wars

1843: U.S. forces clash with Chinese forces, US troops invade the African coast

1844: Texas-Indian Wars

1845: Texas-Indian Wars

1846 – Mexican-American war, Texas-Indian Wars

1847 – Mexican-American war, Texas-Indian Wars

1848 – Mexican-American war, Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse war

1849: Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse war, wars of the Indian Southwest, Navajo, skirmish wars between the first cavalry and Indians

1850: Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse war, wars of the Indian Southwest, Navajo wars, war Yuma, California Indian Wars, Pitt River Expedition

1851: Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse war, Southwest Indian wars, wars Navajo, Apache wars, war Yuma, Utah Indian Wars, California Indian Wars

1852: Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse war, wars of the Indian Southwest, Navajo wars, war Yuma, Utah Indian Wars, California Indian Wars

1853: Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse war, wars of the Indian Southwest, Navajo wars, war Yuma, war Walker, Utah Indian Wars, California Indian Wars

1854: Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse war, wars of the Indian Southwest, Navajo wars, wars Apache, California Indian Wars, skirmish between the first cavalry and Indians

1855: Seminole Wars, Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse war, wars of the Indian Southwest, wars Navajo war Apache, California Indian Wars, Yakima War, Winnas Expedition, Klickitat War, Puget Sound War, Rogue River Wars, forces us invade the Fiji Islands and the Uruguay

1856: Seminole Wars, Texas-Indian Wars, the Southwest Indian wars, wars Navajo, California Indian Wars, Puget Sound War, Rogue River Wars, Tintic War

1857: Seminole Wars, Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, wars Navajo, California Indian Wars, Utah War, conflict in the Nicaragua

1858: Seminole Wars, Texas-Indian Wars, wars of the Indian Southwest, wars Navajo, Mohave War, California Indian Wars, of Spokane-Coeur d'Alene-Paloos War, Utah War, forces us invade the Fiji Islands and the Uruguay

1859: Texas-Indian Wars, the Southwest Indian wars, wars Navajo, California Indian Wars, Pecos Expedition, Antelope Hills Expedition, Bear River Expedition, John Brown's raid, forces us launch an attack against the Paraguay and invade the Mexico

1860: Texas-Indian Wars, wars of the Indian Southwest, Navajo wars, wars Apache, California Indian Wars, Paiute War, Kiowa-Comanche War

1861: American civil war, Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, wars Navajo, Apache, California Indian Wars, Cheyenne Campaign wars

1862: war civil American, Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo wars, wars Apache, California Indian Wars, Cheyenne Campaign, Dakota War of 1862

1863: war civil American, Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo wars, wars Apache, California Indian Wars, Cheyenne Campaign, Colorado War, Goshute War

1864 – American civil war, Texas-Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, wars Apache, California Indian Wars, Cheyenne Campaign, Colorado War, Snake War

1865: American civil war, Texas-Indian Wars, Navajo wars, wars Apache, California Indian Wars, Colorado War, Snake War, Utah's Black Hawk War

1866: Texas-Indian Wars, wars Navajo, Apache, California Indian Wars wars, skirmish between the first cavalry and Indians, Snake War, Utah's Black Hawk War, Red Cloud's War, Franklin County War, the United States invaded the Mexico and come into conflict with China

1867: Texas-Indian Wars, Long Walk of the Navajo, Apache, Skirmish between wars 1 st Cavalry and Indians, Snake War, Utah's Black Hawk War, Red Cloud's War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War, American troops occupy the Nicaragua and attack Taiwan

1868: Texas-Indian Wars, Long Walk of the Navajo, Apache wars, skirmish between the first cavalry and the Indians, Snake War, Utah's Black Hawk War, Red Cloud's War, Comanche Wars, Battle of Washita River, Franklin County War

1869: Texas-Indian Wars, wars Apache, skirmish between the first cavalry and the Indians, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War

1870: Texas-Indian Wars, wars Apache, skirmish between the first cavalry and the Indians, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War

1871: Texas-Indian Wars, wars Apache, skirmish between the first cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War, Kingsley Cave Massacre, the United States invade the Korea

1872: Texas-Indian Wars, wars Apache, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Modoc War, Franklin County War

1873: Texas-Indian Wars, Comanche Wars, Modoc War, wars Apache, Cypress Hills Massacre, the United States invaded the Mexico

1874: Texas-Indian Wars, Comanche Wars, Red River War, Mason County War, the United States invaded the Mexico

1875: conflict with the Mexico, Texas-Indian Wars, Comanche Wars, Eastern Nevada, Mason County War, Colfax County War, the United States invaded the Mexico

1876: Texas-Indian Wars, Black Hills War, Mason County War, the United States invaded the Mexico

1877: Texas-Indian Wars, skirmish between the first cavalry and Indians, Black Hills War, nose piercing War, Mason County War, Lincoln County War, San Elizario Salt War, the United States invaded the Mexico

1878: Paiute Indian conflict, Bannock War, Cheyenne War, Lincoln County War, the United States invaded the Mexico

1879: Cheyenne War, Sheepeater Indian War, White River War, the United States invaded the Mexico

1880: the United States invade the Mexico

1881: the United States invade the Mexico

1882: the United States invade the Mexico

1883: the United States invade the Mexico

1884: the United States invade the Mexico

1885: wars Apache, Eastern Nevada shipping, the United States invaded the Mexico

1886: wars Apache, Pleasant Valley War, the United States invaded the Mexico

1887: the United States invade the Mexico

1888: force American demonstration against Haiti, the United States invaded the Mexico

1889: the United States invade the Mexico

1890: Sioux Indian War skirmish between the Indian and the first Cavalry, Ghost Dance War, Wounded Knee, the United States invaded the Mexico

1891: Sioux Indian War, Ghost Dance War, the United States invaded the Mexico

1892: Johnson County War, the United States invaded the Mexico

1893: the United States invade Mexico and Hawaii

1894: the United States invade the Mexico

1895: the United States invade Mexico, Bannock Indian Disturbances

1896: the United States invade the Mexico

1897: major conflict-weary

1898 – Spanish-American war, Battle of Leech Lake, Chippewa Indian Disturbances

1899 – Philippine-American war, banana war

1900 – Philippine-American war, banana war

1901: Philippine-American war, banana war

1902: Philippine-American war, banana war

1903: Philippine-American war, banana war

1904: Philippine-American war, banana war

1905: Philippine-American war, banana war

1906: Philippine-American war, banana war

1907: Philippine-American war, banana war

1908: Philippine-American war, banana war

1909: Philippine-American war, banana war

1910: Philippine-American war, banana war

1911: Philippine-American war, banana war

1912: Philippine-American war, banana war

1913: Philippine-American war, banana war, New Mexico Navajo War

1914: war of bananas, the United States invaded the Mexico

1915: war of bananas, the United States invaded Mexico, Colorado Paiute War

1916: war of bananas, the United States invaded the Mexico

1917: war of bananas first world war, the United States invaded the Mexico

1918: war bananas, first world war, the United States invaded the Mexico

1919: banana war, U.S. invades Mexicoles United States invade the Mexico

1920: banana war

1921: banana war

1922: banana war

1923: banana, Posey War war

1924: banana war

1925: banana war

1926: banana war

1927: banana war

1928: banana war

1930: banana war

1931: banana war

1932: banana war

1933: banana war

1934: banana war

1935: no major conflict

1936: no major conflict

1937: no major conflict

1938: no major conflict

1939: no major conflict

1940: no major conflict

1941: Second World War

1942: Second World War

1943: Second World War

1944: Second World War

1945: Second World War

1946: cold war (the United States occupy the Philippines and South Korea)

1947: cold war (the United States occupy South Korea, the United States put foot in Greece to combat the Communists)

1948: cold war (the United States support the Chinese nationalist party against the Communists)

1949: cold war (the United States support the Chinese nationalist party against the Communists)

1950: Korea war, uprising of Jayuga

1951: war of Korea

1952: war of Korea

1953: war of Korea

1954: war under cover and coup d ' état in Guatemala

1955: the Viet Nam war

1956: the Viet Nam war

1957: the Viet Nam war

1958: the Viet Nam war

1959: war conflict in Haiti, Viet Nam

1960: the Viet Nam war

1961: the Viet Nam war

1962: the Viet Nam war, cold war (the Cuban missile crisis; U.S. Navy combat Communists in Thailand)

1963: the Viet Nam war

1964: the Viet Nam war

1965: war from Viet Nam, the United States occupied the Dominican Republic

1966: war from Viet Nam, the United States occupied the Dominican Republic

1967: the Viet Nam war

1968: the Viet Nam war

1969: the Viet Nam war

1970: the Viet Nam war

1971: the Viet Nam war

1972: the Viet Nam war

1973: war from Viet Nam, the United States supported Israel in the Yom Kippur war

1974: the Viet Nam war

1975: the Viet Nam war

1976: no major conflict

1977: no major conflict

1978: no major conflict

1979: cold war (war by proxy of the CIA in Afghanistan)

1980: cold war (war by proxy of the CIA in Afghanistan)

1981: cold war (war by proxy of the CIA in Afghanistan and the Nicaragua), first incident of the Gulf of Sirte

1982: cold war (war by proxy of the CIA in Afghanistan and the Nicaragua), the Lebanon conflict

1983: cold war (invasion of Grenada, the CIA in Afghanistan and the Nicaragua proxy war), the Lebanon conflict

1984: cold war (war by proxy of the CIA in Afghanistan and the Nicaragua), conflict in the Persian Gulf

1985: cold war (war by proxy of the CIA in Afghanistan and the Nicaragua)

1986: cold war (war by proxy of the CIA in Afghanistan and the Nicaragua)

1987: conflict in the Persian Gulf

1988: conflict in the Persian Gulf, the USA occupy Panama

1989: second incident of the Gulf of Sirte, the USA occupy Panama, conflict in the Philippines

1990: first the Gulf war, the USA occupy Panama

1991: first Gulf war

1992: conflict in Iraq

1993: conflict in Iraq

1994: conflict in Iraq, the USA invade Haiti

1995: conflict in Iraq, the USA invade Haiti, NATO bombs Bosnia and Herzegovina

1996: conflict in Iraq

1997: no major conflict

1998: bombing of Iraq, air strikes in Afghanistan and Sudan

1999: Kosovo war

2000: no major conflict

2001: war on terror in Afghanistan

2002: war against terrorism in Afghanistan and the Yemen

2003: war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq

2004: war on terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and the Yemen

2005: war on terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and the Yemen

2006: war on terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and the Yemen

2007: war on terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia and the Yemen

2008: war on terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and the Yemen

2009: war on terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and the Yemen

2010: war on terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and the Yemen

2011: war on terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia and the Yemen. Conflict in Libya (Libyan civil war)

2012: war on terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria and the Yemen

2013: war against terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and in the Yemen

2014: war against terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and the Yemen. Civil war in Ukraine

2015: war on terror in Iraq, Somalia, Syria and the Yemen. Civil war in Ukraine
This is the reason I ended it all.

The newb, the mad and the retired.

Offline tk[as]

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the sad part is there are plenty of countries that have been at war 239 of the last 239 years.

Offline Teron-Gorefiend

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This is the reason I ended it all.

The newb, the mad and the retired.

Offline CumSavorer4385

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Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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"Defense" budjet

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Offline EviL~Ryu

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After all we are the world's police [emoji6]

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It looks more like a budget for world conquest.

US Bases. Everywhere but russia lol, and the west is saying russia is a threat to world peace hahaha.

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Best of luck to the brave fighters of Novorossiya in their fight against the fascist junta in Kiev.
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

Offline EviL~Ryu

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It looks more like a budget for world conquest.

US Bases. Everywhere but russia lol, and the west is saying russia is a threat to world peace hahaha.

We don't spend the most on our military than any other country for no reason [emoji6]

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After all we are the world's police [emoji6]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

The US isn't doing any of this in the function of "world police," it's all about projecting their imperial power. 

All those Indian wars were part of a running genocide that allowed western continental expansion.  Then there's the wars that allowed us to take Texas and huge swaths of Mexico.  Korea and Vietnam is the US fighting back against socialist governments that would have resisted resource and labor exploitation.  The Cold War is basically the same, capital battling against the Soviet counter-power.  The recent wars in the Middle East have been about subjugating violent resistance against our military bases, support of Israel, the toppling of less sympathetic governments, etc., all things that have nothing to do with anything in our own nation's borders.

The US is a vampire, mouth red with the blood of the people of the world.  Cheers.

Offline EviL~Ryu

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After all we are the world's police [emoji6]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

The US isn't doing any of this in the function of "world police," it's all about projecting their imperial power. 

All those Indian wars were part of a running genocide that allowed western continental expansion.  Then there's the wars that allowed us to take Texas and huge swaths of Mexico.  Korea and Vietnam is the US fighting back against socialist governments that would have resisted resource and labor exploitation.  The Cold War is basically the same, capital battling against the Soviet counter-power.  The recent wars in the Middle East have been about subjugating violent resistance against our military bases, support of Israel, the toppling of less sympathetic governments, etc., all things that have nothing to do with anything in our own nation's borders.

The US is a vampire, mouth red with the blood of the people of the world.  Cheers.
You must of not gotten a tax refund this year [emoji16]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

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