Author Topic: tupac dealing final blow to War2  (Read 21775 times)

Offline woofy

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2018, 05:32:22 PM »
i'm angry at your willful ignorance

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2018, 05:37:11 PM »
Attacking me or being rude to me is only going to convince me that you're a mean person to people who have never been rude to you.

This girl takes insults on the internet very seriously.
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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2018, 05:40:21 PM »
Attacking me or being rude to me is only going to convince me that you're a mean person to people who have never been rude to you.

This girl takes insults on the internet very seriously.

I'm not the one flipping my top and wanting to put people to death because I can't play a video game.

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2018, 05:47:01 PM »
Even if it is not him doing the attack he still showed us his true colors by saying:

"I hope the attacks never end"

Thus supporting what is undoubtedly a destructive and very stupid action had it be done to any server.

Tupac is encouraging it and actively trying to use it to his own profit by misleading people to believe his thing is an official solution to the problems people encounter because for the attacks.
I have proof for all that  here:,4480.0.html

Now he must know there are no safe place on the internet I've seen him make some pretty nasty comments and threats on here too.

"@XuRnT What happend last time you choose to fuck with me? That didn't end to well for you did it?"

Apparently threatening to hack into other user's computers namely Xurnt and implying he should shut up because what?
He is going to do that again, is that what he is implying here?
Is there any case scenario were that is acceptable on your so called non-toxic server?
Would that be qualifying as bullying and toxic enough for you?

If someone in your server has hacked an other user and threaten him to do it again would you say it is cool and perfectly non-toxic?
Maybe you should ban that toxic player from his own server he clearly cant be in contact with 13 years old lol.

Oh yeah, smart guy indeed, Tupac is definitely showing that through his restraint and perfectly acceptable behavior... <= sarcasm

All I said are not just blank accusations, these are facts now you can choose to say you think these facts do not matter and are irrelevant to you.
But understand that many will think that they are far from irrelevant and should be taken into consideration when ever him or that server is mentioned.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 05:51:27 PM by Cel »

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2018, 05:55:41 PM »
+1 tk for admin

Offline woofy

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2018, 05:56:58 PM »
If you want to convince me of some truth, bring evidence.

For starters, explain to me why someone would invest tons of time and money into building a server, only to sabotage it and destroy its reputation by attacking ru. Explain that one to me.

People will not join by force. That's a known fact. Anyone who plays there plays there because they want to be there and it's a fun place to be with fun and nice people.

Attacking me or being rude to me is only going to convince me that you're a mean person to people who have never been rude to you.

Like I said, I am willing to donate to the cause of hiring an unbiased professional computer expert to track down who actually did this.

what? you kept saying on discord private messages how brainwashed i am, and i was in cahoots with swift, and that i was evil for "unjustly banning" deathknight. like, not just one message but the spiel was repeated over a course of weeks. so one day i thought "fuckit", pulled in my chair, took 10 minutes out of my busy work/life/war2 schedule and addressed all of your points. in that message i addressed your points so well it could have been used to solve the hunger crisis in africa, be the answer to world peace, or even *wait for it* motivate you to see things clearly through that fog-of-war going on in your head. nope. didn't work. still just a bunch of peons in there walking around aimlessly with sacks of gold and no townhall

also, why are you defending tupac so bad? you do know he's openly admitted to attacking the server before, right? i was made channel mod to help get rid of tupac's floodbots (that he admitted were his) and dellam years ago. he also openly admitted to attacking burnt's computer in a thread just yesterday, openly threatening me for being banned on the server just a few days ago (i didn't ban him). so weird that you think the sun shines from his ass. truly baffling

whatevs. sg was right, maybe it is just an attention thing after all

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2018, 06:09:34 PM »
If you had people lying about you and wishing you dead for things you didn't do, and then they slipped on their own vomit and bonked their head, how sorry for them would you feel?

This is a game it’s not real life.
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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2018, 06:20:17 PM »
If a convicted murderer makes death threats to a person because that person insulted him (Burnt made accusations here nothing more it could be taken as an insult nothing more).
Do you take it seriously? Do you put him under restraining order or not?
Do you try to justify his actions because, that man really pushed him and hey maybe he was not serious about it?
Do you give that convicted murderer the benefit of the doubt?

This is worse than some random racial insult on a public chat this is a real case of bullying toxicity there is no undermining it, I am sorry it has to be taken seriously.
And Tupac wanted Xurnt to take that threat seriously there is no denying that.

We wont ever know who is really behind the attacks there is simply no way for us without server access to prove it and even if we had these we would need a lot more resources to expose him than he needs to attack us.

What we can talk about though is how this guy behaves regarding the community and if he effectively is acting in a way that will harm the community.

And I am sorry he is not a child he should be able to behave other than just out of anger or whatever especially when he has that history.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 06:23:19 PM by Cel »

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2018, 06:22:47 PM »
also, why are you defending tupac so bad? you do know he's openly admitted to attacking the server before, right? i was made channel mod to help get rid of tupac's floodbots (that he admitted were his) and dellam years ago. he also openly admitted to attacking burnt's computer in a thread just yesterday, openly threatening me for being banned on the server just a few days ago (i didn't ban him). so weird that you think the sun shines from his ass. truly baffling

I don't know what transpired around here when I wasn't playing.

What I've heard is that Tupac was playing Free Castles with Burnt. Burnt lost and banned him from ru when he was young because Burnt did not like losing. And Tupac didn't like that.

Maybe there was some kind of pissed off response to being treated badly in the past, I don't know, I wasn't there.

We can delve into everyone's history and rattle out some skeletons. How many ru players have a criminal background? How many are drug addicts?

If you ban everyone who has ever done anything in their lives that someone could frown upon, you'd ban every single last person that's ever lived.

We are looking at the current situation, what's happening right now. I don't know Dellam. I don't know Archer. I've heard the names, but I had no awareness of anything going on. But if occasionally someone who knows some computer stuff gets bullied and harassed by toxic people to the point where they want to get back at the rude people, that wouldn't surprise me too much. And it wouldn't be fair to pin full blame on the parties who were brought to that point while ignoring the bullies who pressed them to it.

If you'd like to show me the thread(s) where these transpired, I'll give them a glance to get a feel for what went down.

But that isn't what happened here.

Tupac put a lot of time and work into making a nice W2 server for people to play on, investing his own money into the project. It's not logical for him to sabotage his own project. It just isn't.

You have people wishing me dead for things I didn't do, so I know how it feels to be wrongfully accused. If I find myself getting angry at people and wanting revenge, I take it to God. God knows who did what and God is the source of peace and joy, and can replace sore and angry feelings with compassion, kindness, patience, gentleness, self-control. God tells us to pray for enemies, and I do. And it has power.

Love is more powerful than hate.

Forgiveness is more powerful than revenge.

I choose kindness, not because I don't know how to be mean, but because God chose kindness towards me in spite of my not deserving it.

openly threatening me for being banned on the server just a few days ago (i didn't ban him).

According to your own logic, you did ban him. Your logic states that if someone ever did something, then they did it every time it happened. Therefore you banned Tupac.

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Offline woofy

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2018, 06:32:58 PM »
openly threatening me for being banned on the server just a few days ago (i didn't ban him).

According to your own logic, you did ban him. Your logic states that if someone ever did something, then they did it every time it happened. Therefore you banned Tupac.

yeah i skimmed past your standard willful ignorance and just saw this. sums up your thinking really - straightup cuckoo

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2018, 06:44:41 PM »
Alright so you are saying hey we cant ban all convicted criminals they were punished already I agree!

But are you saying threats coming from a convicted criminal of the same kind have not to be taken seriously?
Are you saying if a convicted criminal shows you his record and tells you you are next it is the same as if some random guy does it and has nothing to back it up?
Why then would he even mention it then if it has no importance? Because it is relevant!

Now I am not saying you should judge him for the skeletons in the closet but you should based on what he does now with that skeleton.
In my country and in yours too if a convicted murderer makes death threats he is under restraining order there is no question asked this is just straight mechanical for a good reason.

Are you saying your non-toxic server is accepting that level of toxicity after all, is that what you are saying?
According to your server and it's policy harrassing someone and threatening him with proof that you can do it and all is ok?
Or are you making an exception here just for that one person?

And dont tell me he acted on his feelings and anger we are not talking about a 14 years old that has hormones issues here.
The guy is litteraly the server admin and talk here in your server's name.
I think I am not being unfair here.
He is really not doing things right and I think you should honestly realize that.
And yes, no one is perfect but this is beyond that.

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2018, 07:02:17 PM »
What I've heard is that Tupac was playing Free Castles with Burnt. Burnt lost and banned him from ru when he was young because Burnt did not like losing. And Tupac didn't like that.

I'll leave this here as well

Set up one of your $$ prize challenges and you can find out how far out of my league he is. We can do it on mousetophers server, two watchers streaming the players to watch for macros. You and mousetopher watch. Don't worry he won't play me and let his lies be exposed.

Offline woofy

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2018, 07:19:55 PM »
she fails to see tupac is still threatening people. everyone needs to stop giving her attention

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2018, 07:24:49 PM »
she fails to see tupac is still threatening people. everyone needs to stop giving her attention
+1 dont feed the troll people.
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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #29 on: October 03, 2018, 09:56:14 PM »
I sont think she's trolling.. I think she is so disconnected from reality she is blind to it..

but none the less, nothing productive will ever be accomplished by attempting to have a meaningful discussion with Babyshark .. she literally has some serious emotional/psychological issues, and were all aware of it