Author Topic: The State of The Servers  (Read 36375 times)

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #60 on: October 03, 2018, 09:05:20 PM »
Like I mention before but you doubt my intelligence!

Finally we agree on something

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #61 on: October 03, 2018, 09:17:23 PM »
Out of curiosity about the whole Lance server thing I keep hearing about but know nothing about, I started to look for old threads on the topic. I found this interesting tidbit.

Burnt is the only one to have finally come forward and admit that the shit that was said about me was completely false and done only to make me look bad because he was mad about whatever,  his life in general was not all cherries and roses as we all know.  The thread about that is on the old occult forum.  Maybe you missed it?

There is too much history for @XuRnT to try to lie rofl!!! Trust me there are way better threads with burnts pics, etc posted. Ahh the good old days and his criminal behavior come back to haunt him.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #62 on: October 03, 2018, 09:27:11 PM »
Everyone knows what happened with {Lance}. He tried to take the server away from the Russians and they took it back. I have tried to make peace with these guys over and over so that they would stop their DDOS attacks but Tupac continues to do it.. so now he is being exposed!

At least {Lance} seems to have changed his ways.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #63 on: October 03, 2018, 09:29:25 PM »
I'm going back and reading Tupac's old posts starting from page 180. I've looked through 10 pages worth of his old posts, and am seeing only a good-natured guy who regularly helped the community.

None of us are perfect as human beings, but this guy is not who he's being made out to be.


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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #64 on: October 04, 2018, 10:36:51 AM »
Tupac, you keep threatening everyone all over these boards, talking about what you can do to them.  That's fucked up and you're being a bully.  Babyshark, you claim to care about being good but you can see this guy saying how he's hacked us before and how he can do it again, and so on.  There's no place for this stuff.

whats stopping you guys from just walking away?

You're through with us, right?  done with .ru and this community?  So why are you still posting here.  Just go your separate way and enjoy playing on your own server.

Serious question, do you need to be here?  Ask yourselves that honestly and think about it

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #65 on: October 04, 2018, 10:53:13 AM »
They can't stop themselves from reading the posts here and responding here when their names are mentioned.
war2 > war3

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2018, 12:24:18 PM »
It seems I found a bad time to return to the game...

@Babyshark, I won't even try to understand what you are trying to achieve...
But you and @tupac clearly are making a mess...

My suggestion for punishment is the following:
For a weekend Tupac and Babyshark will play as a team for at least 6h per day!
Everybody will team against them and r#%e them badly all day long. We are talking for 2v6 (or what is available at the moment).

All games will be twiched by Babyshark and she is forced to give comments and say how much she regrets what she did! (I would say the same for tupac but I dont think he twiches)

After this brutal punishment I'm sure we will get several people watching the stream and even joining the game in hope to enjoy a r#$e against them!

After the Brutal r#%e weekend we can re admit them to the community again!

 >:D >:D >:D

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #67 on: October 04, 2018, 01:19:03 PM »
Tupac, you keep threatening everyone all over these boards, talking about what you can do to them.  That's fucked up and you're being a bully.  Babyshark, you claim to care about being good but you can see this guy saying how he's hacked us before and how he can do it again, and so on.  There's no place for this stuff.

whats stopping you guys from just walking away?

You're through with us, right?  done with .ru and this community?  So why are you still posting here.  Just go your separate way and enjoy playing on your own server.

Serious question, do you need to be here?  Ask yourselves that honestly and think about it

You are a dumb son of a bitch aren't you? Defending myself from the lies of burnt. You mad his ass got exposed. Some bully huh!? Tupac did this, tupac did that. Oh shut up I have a right to defend my name against anyone who speaks negatively about it. If that makes me a bully then so be it.

They can't stop themselves from reading the posts here and responding here when their names are mentioned.

Well don't speak and spread rumors about people if you can't handle being confronted. Common sense!

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #68 on: October 04, 2018, 01:42:53 PM »
Nobody believes your crazy claim that you beat burnt or that he banned you for it and nobody ever will.

And threatening to hack everyone goes beyond defending yourself.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #69 on: October 04, 2018, 02:04:54 PM »
Nobody believes your crazy claim that you beat burnt or that he banned you for it and nobody ever will.

And threatening to hack everyone goes beyond defending yourself.
Well its official you are fully retarded. I never said I would hack anyone show me.

What do you mean burnt even admitted it on the old forums. You all even unlocked my tupac account and we called it a truce. Do you disagree on the truce we had? It was in a thread lancelight made.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #70 on: October 04, 2018, 02:13:06 PM »
I remember you used spambots constantly on the server and finally agreed not to.  I don't recall Burnt ever banning you or anyone else for beating him, and he was admin for years, and no one else has ever made such a claim.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #71 on: October 04, 2018, 02:40:54 PM »
I remember you used spambots constantly on the server and finally agreed not to.  I don't recall Burnt ever banning you or anyone else for beating him, and he was admin for years, and no one else has ever made such a claim.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and hope you just forgot. The other part of me is calling your bluff you know exactly what I'm talking about. You better hope the waybackmachine doesn't let me see the archived thread. I know you where posting all in it.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #72 on: October 04, 2018, 03:02:16 PM »
Why would you keep defending yourself in a place and in front of people you said you wanted nothing to do with anymore and you wanted to die out?
If you do not care about people here or wish they were out of existence maybe just... be gone?

You clearly stated you wished the attacks to never end so you do not get to complain about being targeted I am sorry you cant have it both ways .
You keep saying people here wrongly accuse you aw poor little you, well guess what, they cant prove that you did it and you cant prove you did not. These things happen all the time now there is a mature and a very immature way of dealing with these types of accusations:

1) You defend yourself by recusing and then proceed to make position known and build your case.
2) You yell, gesticulate, shouter louder than everyone else threatening, attacking, or pressuring directly every people that makes accusations by showing your muscles like a freaking angry gorilla.

I will let you guess which one we expect from a 14 years old growing puberty hairs and which one would be the more mature way.
Oh and also which one make you look the more guilty and the less sympathetic.

Keep that in mind: The more aggressive and loud you stand the less credible you are.
Aw and I am talking about you but overall really these conversations are shit shows and combined with these childish attacks they are not leading to anything more than people being driven away from war2 so :
Good job everyone since this all started you have been destroying the community faster than we had it growing for the last 3 month with our streams and advertising, be proud of yourselves at least there is one thing you will be remembered for :thumbsup:

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #73 on: October 04, 2018, 04:04:56 PM »
Quote from: tupac
Let's have a legal UFC match and start accepting sponsors. :) after all you are only a few hours from me as we discussed. So let's have a real challenge. I bet I knock out all of your front teeth with one punch. We can do this the legal way.

You sound like a very intimidating, fierce human being.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #74 on: October 04, 2018, 04:48:42 PM »
Quote from: tupac
Let's have a legal UFC match and start accepting sponsors. :) after all you are only a few hours from me as we discussed. So let's have a real challenge. I bet I knock out all of your front teeth with one punch. We can do this the legal way.

You sound like a very intimidating, fierce human being.
What's wrong with a legit fight with rules. I think it's great! He can't ban me after I whip his ass. Cool side gig to promote war2.

Quote from: tupac
Let's have a legal UFC match and start accepting sponsors. :) after all you are only a few hours from me as we discussed. So let's have a real challenge. I bet I knock out all of your front teeth with one punch. We can do this the legal way.

You sound like a very intimidating, fierce human being.

lol did he really say that xD I'd accept that in a heartbeat.

I doubt you would make the weight to be in the match with me.