Author Topic: The State of The Servers  (Read 40624 times)

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2018, 01:03:34 PM »
You seem to be obsessed with swift.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2018, 01:39:25 PM »
Games: 0wned


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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2018, 06:23:51 PM »
Show me the evidence?


Did you really ban Tupac for beating you in free castles?

Set up one of your $$ prize challenges and you can find out how far out of my league he is. We can do it on mousetophers server, two watchers streaming the players to watch for macros. You and mousetopher watch. Don't worry he won't play me and let his lies be exposed.

Swift also said he will destroy War2Usa. Malicious attacks he wants to pin on other people would be one potential method.

You've seen Swift lie about and trash me. You've seen the way people in general and newcomers are treated at ru. You've seen the unjust mutings and bannings of innocent people while toxic people are not punished for any amount of vile conduct. You have seen people like Shotgun and Strata-G call for my death. You have seen van call for the death of all black people. And you want to support all that?

I stood up for you countless times. When van said you sound mentally retarded while you were streaming. When Sepi accused you of stealing W2 money. When Sepi brought up your criminal background. When people accused you of banning people wrongly.

Nice of you to do so but at the end of the day what they are doing is just trash talk, something the rest of us seem to be able to handle. What you are doing is far worst right now by openly supporting the guy and server responsible for attacking what we have all worked hard to build. That goes way beyond.

I supported your tourneys both by playing in almost every one of them for the last 2 or so years and made at least one $ donation. I did commentaries with mouse to add something different to your channel and people liked them. I showed you respect and treated you with kindness.

So for you to basically say I deserve to be harassed for two years by van and leeroy and have admins be indifferent and many others mock me for getting irritated shows me you're not the guy I thought you were.

I STILL defended you to Tupac all this time. I told him xurnt is a good guy, he's just influenced by Swift and co to think and act in accordance with the desires of Swift.

I still wanna believe that you're a decent guy based on my own experience with you over the last few years.

But when you don't have the spine to stand up against bullies, but rather join them to win their approval, that is what's sad.

You are stabbing your friends in the back when you align yourself with tupac and do this. Just because you are not present does not mean it has not went both ways. If you scrounge through hours of my streaming you will find me sticking up as a person + as a player. Even up to the first attack and people were on about you I told them ... wait ... she just hasn't seen the truth about him yet... wait until she logs on... but no you still sit here and defend him. The admins have went above and beyond to help you out and and cater to your needs. Your own forum section, banners??, setting up streams, and handling your countless complaints. It's not their fault you never posted that word you love... EVIDENCE about the "ongoing harassment"

I am not your enemy. I just wanna play W2 in peace. And the last week has been awesome playin W2 again. Everyone is so nice and it's just people talking, laughing, and having a good time. No harassment, no vulgar crap, no drama, just a great place to play a great game.

Let me play in peace. Stop falsely accusing me and/or Tupac without evidence. If you have evidence, bring it.

I am glad you are getting a good laugh out of it. You guys have personally made me miserable for the last week + I am sure countless others who are dealing with your bullcrap.

What I want to know is, is it possible for any computer expert to track down the person actually doing this?

If there is an unbiased professional outside of this W2 world who could learn who actually did this, I will offer $100 to the cause of finding out who did this, in the interest of clearing our names. If Swift is not doing it himself, and wants to help ru as he claimed, he says he has lots of money so he could also donate to this cause.

The person responsible should be banned permanently from ru and forum, and will also be banned from War2Usa.

Just take a deep breath and walk away from the monster that is tupac now. It's not too late. You already chased away Brando, don't let their be anymore casualties.

and also this...

You seem to be obsessed with swift.

you're so fucking right dude

« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 06:44:50 PM by XuRnT »

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2018, 07:16:02 PM »
Okay, the evidence you posted is actually evidence against Tupac being the one who did it.

1. You accused him *before* anything had happened, as if you had foreknowledge of what *would* happen. Tupac did not hear about what you said about him until *after* the attacks had already started and Tupac started getting accused for it. So your theory that he was attacking ru because of what you said holds no water. He did not know what you said until after he'd already been falsely accused.

You accusing him isn't evidence that he did it. It's the opposite. You knew what would happen. How would you know? Is it you? Is it Swift? Are you in on it?  Or do you really not know? I would like to believe you're not responsible for attacking ru and blaming Tupac. But I don't know anymore. How did you know what would happen before it happened?

2. I have not stabbed anyone in the back. I am very straightforward and open about my actions and motivations. I don't stab my friends in the back. If a friendship doesn't work out, I can tell the person directly and walk away peacefully. I do not seek out to trample and destroy people with whom a friendship was no longer meeting the needs of both parties. I am okay with telling facts the way it is, particularly when I'm falsely accused and continually attacked.

The admins have went above and beyond to help you out and and cater to your needs. Your own forum section, banners??, setting up streams, and handling your countless complaints. It's not their fault you never posted that word you love... EVIDENCE about the "ongoing harassment"

I can tell that you are getting your information fed to you from other sources. These aren't your own thoughts.

The moderated section was my idea, and mousey did say she would give me a section where I could keep it clean and civilized and free of vulgar language, name-calling, and vacuous hate. She then revoked the entire thing and randomly unbanned everyone, including herself, then changed the rules, and I was no longer allowed to keep such a place, in spite of having done nothing but adhere to the posted rules we had agreed to. So that was a fail. It became just like the rest of the forum (that most normal people want nothing to do with). I set up my own stream following the guidelines posted publicly for everyone. Banners? I have no idea what that is. I made my own banner for my own tourney. She made one because she volunteered it, not because I asked. So so far, nothing like the "special treatment" you're imagining has happened.

With regards to harassment, there were numerous SS's of Leeroy harassment.

Leeroy was banned at least once by mousey, but Tora just immediately unbanned him. Leeroy continued his harassment up to the time when the "Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam" thread was posted. Van was also harassing me repeatedly, regularly, routinely, and one-sidedly over the duration of the last minimum one year but closer to two years.

So not only did I not get "special treatment" as you're implying, but I didn't even get basic human treatment of having persistent harassers stopped. And it's easy for you to say "just ignore" when it didn't happen to you. I ignored it for close to two years, and then one day I'd had enough and decided I was done with that.

And "endless complaints" is complete nonsense. Most people complain a lot more about a lot less. You can look at my 857 forum posts and see that a very small percentage of them can be categorized as complaints. And none of my complaints are illegitimate complaints. Persistent harassment is something to complain about. It should not be happening. Period.

Quote from: LiveFreeorDie on Today at 12:53:56 PM

    I am not your enemy. I just wanna play W2 in peace. And the last week has been awesome playin W2 again. Everyone is so nice and it's just people talking, laughing, and having a good time. No harassment, no vulgar crap, no drama, just a great place to play a great game.

    Let me play in peace. Stop falsely accusing me and/or Tupac without evidence. If you have evidence, bring it.

I am glad you are getting a good laugh out of it. You guys have personally made me miserable for the last week + I am sure countless others who are dealing with your bullcrap.

We are not laughing *at* anyone. We are laughing and having a fun time playing Warcraft 2 because there are a lot of nice and fun people who don't spend their lives trying to tear other people down. You can watch some of the games that were streamed here:

These are not vengeful, angry people. They are just people who like playing Warcraft 2 in a friendly atmosphere.

I am not the one who chased away brando.

Open your eyes to who the toxic people are. The ones calling for death to human beings because they can't play a video game. The ones obsessed with a few nice people playing W2 on another server to the point they are attacking RU to try to defame and discredit that server and the users on it. The ones being rude and hateful.

I personally liked brando.

If admins had dealt with toxic users like van and Leeroy when users were complaining about them, everyone would probably still be gaming at ru like one big happy family. Ru condones and promotes toxic behavior and harassment. Ru unjustly muted and bans innocent people for no wrongdoing. Ru is full of toxic people. Ru's problems are caused by bad leadership and someone corrupt on the inside who wants to malign a little bunch of people who want to happily mind their own business and play W2.

I would GLADLY walk away from this crap forum forever if people would stop throwing around false accusations against myself, Tupac, or War2Usa.

You have not provided evidence that Tupac is responsible for the attacks on ru. I do not believe that he is. I am willing to donate $100 towards hiring a professional computer expert who can find out who actually did this. If you don't want to do that, why not? You believe Tupac is responsible. If you want to back that up with evidence by finding an unbiased party outside of W2 who is professional and reliable, let's do it. If Tupac can be shown to be guilty, he will lost my trust for lying to me, and that will pretty well be the end of the War2USA server you all are do desperate to destroy.

Moneybags Swift was waving around $5000 to throw at destroying War2USA. He can pitch in. It would destroy War2USA if Tupac could be shown to be guilty. I believe he is innocent.

If on the other hand RU reps are reluctant to find out who actually did this, that starts to make the shadow of suspicion darken and lengthen over RU actually already knowing who did it and not wanting that to be revealed.

As a final point, I would completely ignore and avoid Swift if he didn't insist on joining my games as seen in attached replay from June 30 and if he didn't insist on spearheading a Smear Campaign against me and the new server as seen below.

As you can see in these public Discord quotes, Swift is addressing Tupac, as if he is the good guy, and he is trying to smear, slander, and trash *me* to Tupac.

Since that didn't work, he then sent envoys to trash Tupac to me.

Since that didn't work, now Tupac is being painted as a "monster".

When Swift was asked for evidence about his claims, he became silent.

When asked what he wants, he remained speechless. He prefers to talk about people behind their backs rather than confront the person when they are there to speak for themselves.

What is it to him if I want to play elsewhere with a few friends? It's beyond me to understand why it's so distressing to him. It's really none of his business.

What is bothering ru now and pissing a lot of people off are these attacks. It's pissing me off too because you people have made it my problem with continual false accusations without evidence.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 07:38:31 PM by LiveFreeorDie »

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #34 on: October 03, 2018, 07:32:08 PM »
she fails to see tupac is still threatening people. everyone needs to stop giving her attention
+1 dont feed the troll people.

war2 > war3

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2018, 07:38:24 PM »
He admitted to Strata-G that he was going to do it... its right there in the post. RIGHT before it happened. Open your eyes.

Those are all the original SS's from this thread,3919.30.html that they handled. You gave the admins no more screen shots? So you have no EVIDENCE? What do you expect them to do?

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2018, 07:41:15 PM »
she fails to see tupac is still threatening people. everyone needs to stop giving her attention
+1 dont feed the troll people.

Right I feel the same way, just don't want people misguided with how they are approaching things.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2018, 07:43:19 PM »
He admitted to Strata-G that he was going to do it... its right there in the post. RIGHT before it happened. Open your eyes.

Show me that ss where Tupac said this to Strata-G?

That is plenty of screenshots to show that van and leeroy were both routinely harassing me, because you can even see in one of them that leeroy is taunting me about van being mean. There's even a video as well.

Pirate's Lagoon 4v4 - YouTube (time 11:53)

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2018, 07:44:27 PM »
Show me the ss's of you being harassed?

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #39 on: October 03, 2018, 07:59:42 PM »

(this was his response to being warned for violating the code of conduct at the new discord server)

I already posted plenty of SS evidence above with regards to Leeroy, and you have multiple witnesses as well.

This is the guy you all wanted to protect and support.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #40 on: October 03, 2018, 08:04:03 PM »
Those LeeRoy screenshots were already addressed

Leeroy's unprovoked harassment of TGS & other players has continued unabated since this thread was made & he supposedly agreed to stop hassling TGS. I think a "1 warning" policy for every single he player he does this to (i.e. we warn & give him a chance to stop before taking action) is excessive, so i've given him a 1 week ban

So you have no screenshots of harassment on .RU only on USA server?

Can we ban tupac from his server for posting toxic messages on .RU forums recently?


Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct
The mission of this Warcraft II community is to provide an enjoyable place for as broad a range of people as would be interested in playing this game to have a non-toxic, welcoming, friendly place to play the best video game of all time. Whether it’s a 15 year old girl or a 65 year old grandpa, everyone who can behave with a basic level of propriety should feel welcome here.

Intolerable behaviors include:

– harassing other members by private or public messaging
– obscene, vulgar comments

– unwanted sexual messages
– curse words (including attempting to circumvent censors)
– uncalled-for rudeness (such as calling new players garbage or telling them to uninstall the game or kill themselves)
– threats of real life death or violence
– racist comments (dehumanizing, promoting hatred or violence towards people on the basis of skin color)
– sexist comments (objectifying, dehumanizing, inciting and promoting hatred towards males or females based on gender)
– pornographic content or links
– promoting illegal narcotics or posting links
– posting or sharing anyone’s personal information (name, address, photos, etc.) anywhere without their consent


You are a disgrace too mankind! You like to blame me with these server issues going on, but you hide like a complete pussy! Tred lightly mother fucka!

What happend last time you choose to fuck with me? That didn't end to well for you did it? I bet you are behind all these attacks going on! It's a way to keep a dying community under your control. I caught on to your bullshit! None of these attacks happend until you literally tried to talk me and babyshark out of the new server in a discord voice chat. I went afk for 4 minutes and you disappeared to never to return again.

or does that not fit into your agenda?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 08:14:58 PM by XuRnT »

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #41 on: October 03, 2018, 08:22:58 PM »

Now you summoned the all might tupac. You wish to challenge me now years later? I haven't played free castles professionally in years. How dare you deny abusing you're admin permissions. @lance you remember you're thread about him banning me because I owned him. I remember you also stating you wont release the host bot unless burnts admin is taken away! That's why you don't see burnt with admin access no more.

Burnt you can believe lies that strat-g told you. You can make people think I'm behind this all. If it wasn't for lance it would of been me flooding bots but I retired from that years ago! I set an alliance with war2 the day they unlocked my war2  tupac account. He got banned for violating the rules and he turned against us.


I will not disable account creation the addacct command is no longer in my version of pvpgn. I cant manually make accounts like mousey.


I've told you how to handle these bots attack in the discord since I saw all the complaints. I told you put wordfense or another firewall in front of the I also told you to increase the connection limit above 1,000 so it's not at the default. You choose to not take advice that will benefit your server. I can't help you without access you have to rely on il.


Good job on destroying what was left. All you did was get people posted at the wrong person I'm sure that was your plan to take advantage of people and what they don't know. Stop trying to make people thing you are the savoir to war2. You know damn well those horns grow back everytime you cut them off. You are a coward, pussy, liar, criminal. Background checks do not lie. I still got your jail pic if you give me permission to post it.

Fuck you all for not believing in me and being 2 faced. Throwing stones with no proof. Judgement day is not far away for you burnt.

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #42 on: October 03, 2018, 08:25:01 PM »

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #43 on: October 03, 2018, 08:30:47 PM »
Lol sure let me train and I will reck your ass 007 it is. There will be no watchers. You have friends that will whisper what I'm doing to you. I'm on top since you are pussy anyways. So you admit to abusing your powers and want to reverse that you admitted too in public? Where is your admin at? Oh that's right It got removed. GG no re bitch!

"Aww tupac gonna hack my PC I don't want to talk about it to him" is that your pussy as cover story? Another failed attempt. Why did you disappear from the voice chat last week? You ran like a little girl. Lied to babyshark to destroy something positive? Seems that didn't work either.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 08:34:21 PM by tupac »

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Re: The State of The Servers
« Reply #44 on: October 03, 2018, 08:34:47 PM »
Mousetopher and BabyShark watching with stream...I will be streaming too... nobody's cheating... You scared?

I could be a admin anytime I want to be. In-fact I am right now while I was banning your bots. I choose not to be a admin because I am not power hungry like yourself. I can do everything I need to do without a admin account. I have /announce , and don't need it for anything else. I choose to build the game.