Author Topic: We will always remember you Babyshark!  (Read 11446 times)

Offline Lambchops

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2018, 12:17:57 PM »
@Lambchops stop pretending to be my therapists.. That's what van is for and hes doing a fan-Fucking-tastic job ... All you need to focus on is what you're already good at: sucking @ war2.

Shit man. I'm all over it already ;) been sucking@war2 already for hours today.

Hello!. To clarify a few things there are 2 different issues here;

1) There was a serious complaint/accusation that in-game admins
 can address.

2) No admin muted anyone on Discord. I did. I muted both Van and Babyshark.
These are two different issues.

  One has to be absolutely absurd on war2bne discord to get muted. As up until recently, I am only aware of one player muted before on discord. It was Yamon for trolling voice chats.

Both Van and Babyshark were muted on discord.
Their "dicussion" had turned beyond toxic on discord.

They were asked by me a number of times to address the issue  outside of discord with admins, given the seriousness and how heated it was.
@Lethal~Machete after both of them told me to screw myself, their "discussion" still continued for many pages before mutes were handed out.
There were multiple warnings given to take the issue outside of discord.

The situation became even more toxic after they were asked to stop and at the time a mute was necessary on discord. Both of them got a 3 day temporary mute.

The mute was not an admin decision, but mine as a Discord MOD.
I would make the same decison again.

I made this decision as a 3 day mute and reported the situation to the discord admins. Things were very heated and only going to become more toxic on discord. It needed to cool down and wait for an admin to deal with.

I wasn't there, but as described this sounds quite reasonable. I would probably have done the same thing when it got to that point. For me this isn't the issue is all the stuff that caused it in the first place.

its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

Offline Szwagier

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2018, 01:08:28 PM »
P.s. its toras fault I didn't stay retired. He msged me every week askingg to come play.. Bastard.

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2018, 01:32:46 PM »
^^I did msg tk quite a few times on FB to come play as I do everyone that disappears for a while.
war2 > war3

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2018, 01:42:43 PM »
Sad that even here people can't relax and just have fun... If smbd is aggressive to you on war2 and you take it seriously.... Most of us are not 15 years old.... Of course being aggressive to someone on war 2 is the same...  When you grow up you learn to ignore shitty people, and you learn to see when smbd is bad for real, and when just an gaming alter ego is attacking you... You must feel very incomplete to be hurted on wsr 2 forum/server or any other Virtual place. Adult people invented irony and sarcasm to deal with this kind of aggression. Evrbd must understand that if you give reaction to any action it will continue. If you don't care its not fun to attack you anymore. I love this shitty aggressive atmosphere of oir war 2 sever. Evrbd says that this will kill the server, but they forget that all nice (almost all) people don't play it anymore. Only some ,, strang e" aggressive incomplete people would play it so long. What ,,normal" 35 years old person woild play it??? Most of us are narcomans, drinkers, and people with problems in life. We keep the server alive, we don't kill it, we are it's last hope....Cheers

Offline tk[as]

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2018, 01:52:00 PM »
HAH szwag! In your kurwa face!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 02:24:52 PM by tk[as] »

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2018, 01:59:06 PM »
HAH swag! In your kurwa face!

pfff lies!
* Lambchops hits pause

ss tk
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2018, 04:59:26 PM »
I'm so sorry to tell you this but Babyshark has retired from war2 since she has been muted and betrayed from one of the admins in here, this is one of the saddest days in war2 community. I guess it won't take long for the server to die if admins keep making this kind of decisions. Babyshark was one of the few players who hosted and made games fun for everyone. I don’t even recall her ever been toxic to anyone yet admins always keep protecting toxic shitty players like van, yamon, and many others. I’m pretty sure I’ll retire soon if there are no other non-toxic players to play with but for now thanks to Babyshark for all of those fun games we and many other players played with you. I know many players like me will miss you!


i know babyshark was very upset after receiving a mute on the discord server, but to clarify -- 1. she got into a flamewar with van on there & talked shit to a mod (kurtz) trying to break it up. BOTH users gave kurtz shit, not just van. 2. BOTH users were muted as a result, so no one got special treatment or was "betrayed". 3. discord isn't the war2 server, it's a standalone thing and actually has decent enough moderation features that we can deal with such situations and keep it somewhat nice, so that's what we did & will continue to do. any discord server/forum/online community anywhere has the right to deal w/ problem users at its own discretion. just like on the forum, we have different technology at our disposal here & can split/delete flame wars, warn/mutes users, etc. which isn't possible to do on the war2 server. i don't consider it a double standard to use the tools that are available where we have them to keep the various war2 community hubs operating smoothly.

no one interfered with babyshark's formal complaint thread here on the forum. i did my best to offer a resolution to that situation as well but she outright ignored my comments in her thread & also my previous offer to help deal with the leeroy harassment, so there wasn't much i could do. i get the impression that the only solution babyshark would accept would be to ban outright & forever the people she decided deserved bans because she decided that they deserved them, but the community in general + the practical realities of doing so simply don't agree with that outcome

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2018, 12:43:53 AM »
I think we should ask an expert whether it's fake retirement or not @tk[as]

lmfao @ randoms ripping on tk

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2018, 09:42:40 AM »

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2018, 10:57:16 AM »

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2018, 12:34:06 PM »
You just got vandalized, vanimal style.

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2018, 11:48:48 AM »
I'm sorry, but this is just really stupid. As terrible as it sounds, they are both equally responsible for this. War2 is becoming WWE. It's not about the actual fights but all about the drama. Yawn...

First off, Van is Van. Not an excuse nor am I trying to enable his behavior but every single person on here knows how Van is. So, let's just establish that now. Van talks shit and always has. Guess who he talks more shit to? People that let it get to them. Who is going to talk shit to someone who literally 100% doesn't respond? It gets too boring. It will get old eventually and it will die out like anything else.

When you continue to argue with him and give him a reaction, then you have just fueled the fire because he is now getting the response that he wanted.

Next, when you are on an online game and you are Facebook friends with people, speak to them on discord, and let everyone know that you are a woman, you have to be able to identify the crowd and understand the potential consequences. We are 30+ year old grown adults still playing a 20 year old game. Know your audience. Regardless of what everything should be like, in an ideal world, you know that it isn't always going to be that way. A rich white man (yes, other people race/gender would qualify) doesn't walk around in the ghetto for a reason. SHOULD he be able to? Of course, but that just isn't reality. You can fight it and try to do it, but don't complain when you are robbed, shot, and have a dildo up your ass for being ignorant.

Van is at fault as well for Facebook. Don't friend people or make your profile available without knowing there could be consequences. This is not the first time Facebook has been an issue on here.

Questions- Why was van not squelched whenever she would log in? Pretty useful tool. Why did Baby choose to participate with van on discord instead of muting? Why didn't Baby smurf? At least until the heat dies down. There were multiple tools that were not utilized to negate the situation.

She knew what was going on, yet continuously put herself in a vulnerable position because she told me she shouldn't have to change those things and shouldn't have to take his abuse. Yes, but SHOULDN'Ts aren't always reality, as I mentioned above. Baby, you can try to change the world 1 Warcrafter at a time but know that there will be resistance, like anything else. Baby, when you don't know how to handle the situation, this happens. Don't be ignorant. Be an adult.

Van, you too. Leave the girl alone. Not everyone can talk or take as much shit as you. Sometimes you gotta chill a little bit. Everyone is on here to have fun, I think. It's fun to talk shit but sometimes I think it gets too easy to get carried away with it. Just let it go and move on. Don't get me wrong, I'd be pretty pissed if someone messaged my wife too but that is just because this has obviously gone too far already.

Nobody wins at this point and when you take a step back and look at the situation. Hopefully, like me, you are all thinking, this is really STUPID. There are a lot more important things in life. Get over it, both of you.

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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2018, 12:08:09 PM »
I don’t personally have much love for Babyshark but I would always prefer to see users stay rather than leave.

Babyshark seemed to have deluded herself into believing she had actual friends on our gaming server. She also believed she had actual enemies that wish her harm in real life.
She took this video game and internet life far too seriously and for that reason it is probably for the best she takes a step back from it until she is ready to see it for what it is. A multiplayer video game with people who are trying to entertain themselves.

Many user make friends on war2 but I haven’t seen too many users take this online friendship and online feud as seriously as Babyshark has over the past 2 years.
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Re: We will always remember you Babyshark!
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2018, 07:57:05 PM »
i think babyshark did have actual friends on the server, but let them fulfilling their moderation duties get to her too much, and also let an obvious troll get under her skin too much.  But, that's the pov of an old person whos been flamed by the likes of van for like 15 years.  it doesnt mean anything to me at this point, when i see some disgusting insult from him i just laugh.  but that doesnt mean we should expect evreyone to have the same reaction, only old boiz maybe...