To be fair, I've seen enough creepy and weird behavior over the years that I wouldn't be surprised if female players are disproportionately harassed on the server at a greater level due entirely to their gender. That tends to happen in gaming and online communities generally, and War2 attracts people from both of those audiences.
Historically, I have been in the camp that it's best to just let vulgar/harassing/etc behavior go, because the alternative--to attempt to police that behavior--potentially sends us down a path where some admin might one day try to enforce their censorship views in ways that crosses lines way beyond just restriction of the most egregious behavior.
However lately, I've found myself wondering if maybe it's time to change a bit. War2 is now a game played primarily by adults, many of who are in their 30s and 40s and are (or at least should be) perfectly capable of managing their behavior responsibly. Society is also changing, with tolerance for this sort of behavior at an all time low, and while i personally think it's not right, there are certainly those that support not just holding people accountable for what they say, but also people who "could" or "should" have done something about it. All it takes is for someone to come along who cares more about taking a stand than the community and the game, and there's a potential for a lot of collateral damage even for those that have never uttered a single aggressive/negative thing.
We've taken strong positions on overt racism, at least on the forum, before. Perhaps it's time to take a closer look at that boundary, along with some other commonly excepted societal boundaries, like sexism, and establish some bare minimum expectations of decorum, with defined penalties, similar to our policies on hacking. It's understood that enforcement will be difficult since people can just create another account through a VPN, but that could all be spelled out in whatever artifact describes the expectations.
Ultimately it's basically impossible to stop someone from logging in to an open server and harassing a particular player if they really want to, but we could, at the very least, establish that the vast majority of the community and the admins do not condone it and will at least create a little bit of a barrier to the most egregious of behaviors.