Planing n hope to get a small LAN party in Sweden, but not sure what components I need 2 get it work.
Plan A - Everyone takes their own mobile broadband. If all get it we could play as ususal at
Plan B - If plan A fails I need to get a local network, what components I need for this, is a standard business network enough (the party gonna be at my work)? Or should I buy a separate hub?
Ofc if someone not Swedish wanna join let me know and I could consider that, the Lan party will be somewhere between 14-19 July.
1. Download a pvpgn server.
2. Everyone connect to the wifi (you can use a cheap wifi router no internet needed).
3. Download gateway editor and create a entry like
A. Name = LAN party
B. IP of your current machine running pvpgn.
C. Export as a .reg file
4. Install war2combat on all machines make sure to check random port option. That is very important on a LAN.
5. Open the .reg file to add your server to the war2 server list.
6. Crack open a beer everyone login and game.