Well who did beta testing the loader?? Maybe start doing that before release software!? I think this is just the beginning of errors from players.
I released it as a separate utility several weeks before new combat, so that was enough time for beta testing.
I also 99% sure this problem is not related to loader. It uses absolutely the same execution way as nocdloader which worked for years. Of course need to check as soon as the problem appeared and topic started didn't accept the problem in loader as you see...
Ive done DEP for all executes and added War2Combat and BNE folders to my exceptions list on my anti virus, the weirdest thing is that it ran at first and then randomly stopped working.
And did you disable that hardware-based DEP for your computer?
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff
If i were you, i'd disable all the new win8 security checks and features to try. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of some modern last fashion security mechanism implemented to win 8 that prevents to execute old applications.
Unfortunately i still didn't research win 8/10 behaviour yet. Plan to begin in several days...