I joined a private game 2/17/2018 around 8:30 PM and I was summoned to the conversation, upon my entry, of the biblical introduction and conclusion to be one of deceit, or wrongfulness, so much so, that it was regarded as evil by the company present. Kyle, and some others were of complete in their complaints of this manner; and if I had seen the others before the game launched, knowing even so much as their 'nicknames,' I would address them also, seeking not to cause their dissolution from their present livelihood, so to speak; but of a more perfect way.
If the bible be at fault, then the very fundamentals of the world are supposed to be of a different kind: the sky should be at the hand of a conventional person in the world, painting as the 'esteem' of the world enables him. That is to say, a man, thoroughly educated in the causes and ways of society, should be in charge of how the trees look, the seas... and their color... and with technological feasibility, to paint the glory of the sky in his arrangement. Would the resulting display of the world indeed be congenial to righteousness and wisdom? With propriety, and comeliness? With perfection, wit, and eternal life?
Would it enable a loving heart to continue? A person visiting the orphans by love alone, and the widows, comforting them, and enabling certain other factions of charity, and keeping themself unspotted from the world and its arguments, hatred, and murderous applauses, would the 'new world' so formulated by the view of the people of the world, that the trees, seas, animals, and sky were made according to their desires, with technological feasibility to do so, would (would the resulting display/color of the sky... say it was painted neon yellow with new techonlogy) it be so unanimous to the former (to the person unspotted from the world, and willfully with love visiting the orphans, and widows... would they be so enjoyed by this 'new earth distortion/creation with conventional-present-day mankind by new, hypothetical technology; in place of the glory of the sky as it is created today) without complaint ?
The bible is what perfect is, and as a thief comes to steal and to take away, the bible/Christ came that we may have life, and have life more abundantly. The earth is a 'creation,' and not an evolution... and being such, the bible is also approved as being the mirror 'text' of that 'creation.' If it be so that we are in a created world, it ought to be that we are given 'signals' of understanding and knowledge... wisdom... guidance in perfection to the way in which the world, with the glory of the sky declaring the glory of the bible, to be so apt to allow the propriety of the individuals therein to 'grasp' its allowable approach to life that is not corrupt, but pronounced... not empty, but glorified.
If indeed you regard the bible as 'evil' you not only do the world enigmatic wrongfulness, but you allow such to not only take root, but to lay war against those who, with the approach of all biblical circumstance, live their lives in Christ in such a way that his way remediates the wrongfulness of the world, which is not only wicked in its entirety, but puts to death or proclaims "evil," "wrong," or "insane," those who lift their lips to preach against it.
If you find the bible evil, therefore let it not only apply to me, that you are calling 'evil,' but Christ, for I am of his spirit.
Nonetheless... I don't follow the bible the way I did; due to contact with the Greys (extraterrestrials)... or I probably wouldn't have to write this... I would have probably addressed it as lightning.