I hate people that push their religious beliefs beliefs on others. This is a Warcraft2 video game forum and the op seems to really believe the best place to preach their religion is here. Clearly someone like this is detached from reality.
1. You hate me. I don't hate you. Yet you and others have hypocritically accused me of "hating" certain groups, which is far from the truth. You approve your own hatred of people who have different viewpoints or opinions, yet you don't want to be faced with anyone merely disagreeing with yours.
2. The statement that "people shouldn't push their opinions on others" is a self-defeating statement. That very statement is an opinion that you have just successfully pushed on others to the same degree that anything written is being "pushed" on people who choose to be here to read it. You should really put more thought into your viewpoints so you avoid looking silly by uttering statements that kill themselves.
3. Further hypocrisy is revealed when we look at not only the entire forum, which is FILLED with everyone smashing their opinions, frequently hateful and rude, on each other. You tolerate all this. The only viewpoint that it is socially acceptable to hate, ridicule, mock, silence, ostracize is the Christian worldview. You do not go tell everyone else sharing opinions that they should not be sharing their thoughts. You, as a group, all target the Christian. Personal insults and name-calling are constant. And you try to claim other groups as the "victims", which consists of having someone disagree rather than actually propelling hateful insults and death wishes. I think it's perfectly fine to attack, and even mock, ideas. Attacking people is not the same thing as attacking ideas. People should be able to treat each other with kindness and respect even when they disagree about ideas.
4. You randomly started pushing Islam (a religion) in this thread, completely changing the topic at the time, which was "Why Men Want Casual Sex":
So don't pretend to be against people "pushing" opinions on others (ie. writing them). You're not. You just have nothing besides hate, insults, and baseless personal attacks (like attacking my looks, breasts, skin color, intelligence level, and now being "homeless and destitute", which are actually discriminatory sexist racist bigotry and nonsense) with which to fight truth you don't like to hear.
And don't pretend to be against people sharing religious ideas. You did it yourself.