Jon you don't know me and I don't know you. I am curious thou do you live on the poverty line?
^^I asked you this question months ago you never answered me which is why I assume you live paycheck to paycheck.
You don't know me so assume you do.
Poor people and rich people have always existed. Anyone that has traveled to any 3rd-2nd world countries can see that America is a relatively good place to live even for the poor. If your really that passionate about helping the homeless and poor why not volunteer at your local homeless shelter or food bank? Maybe try and make more money to start businesses in lower income communities? There are lots of things you can do to help the socially oppressed. But it sound to me like your not interested in actually doing anything. You would rather just watch youtube and read about the evils of corporate America.
Also you say I'm a "disgrace" as a Muslim? Sounds to me like you have your own interpretation of how Muslims should be. Do elaborate I am curious to hear what a bad Muslim I am.