cause lust is imba, and i didnt lost cause it
i lost cause i wanted play long game where he is best, if u watched all games u should see one game where we were nib and i won in 5 mins?and lucky spots, whenever i got 6/8 he had 12/2 ^_^ 5 ogre with bloodlust attacks a level 5 knight: ((24 -
+ 8 = 24. The ogre will do 12-24 damage per hit. That's 3.0 times as strong as the ogre without bloodlust.
12-24 "random dmg u can be lucky, your ogre will hit 24, u can be unlucky your ogre will git 12 ^_^
still random dmg will win
its not like in sc where marine got "5dmg" and he will hit 5 dmg vs 0 armor
lvl 5 will be usefull in 12v2