@didamosa Ugh. Sent it to Ogre by mistake since he was on recent transactions and I was in a hurry. I re-sent to you. Hopefully he'll give it back to me. Let me know if you got it.
Just because she doesn't dissolve into a puddle of tears at rudeness doesn't mean that it's not more pleasant to be around people who are friendly and welcoming. But you're right. I'm sure you can handle it.
@eyyy im walkin here Who is the "her" who needs communism lessons? Blid. Communism doesn't work. There are many reasons I would never want to live under communist rule, but here are a few of them:
1. Personal freedoms disappear, including freedom of religion, which is very important to me. Everything becomes government-controlled, including what you're allowed to think and believe. I am an advocate for personal freedom. "My right to swing my arm ends where my neighbour's nose begins." (John B. Finch, 1882)
2. Equal pay for everyone, regardless of skill or effort, will result in another kind of inequality. The hard-working people will fully support the lazy and unmotivated. If everyone is given everything for free, what will motivate them to work for it? You will always have people who care and people who don't, people who work hard, and people who don't.
3. "Shared" everything means no one values it. People who own a home are going to care about it more than renters or freeloaders.
4. Free thinking and free speech are gone.
I enormously value the freedom I currently live with, even though those freedoms are being threatened more and more as certain out-of-control minority groups try to criminalize anyone who would disagree with them, to the point of imprisoning dissenters, all in the name of "TOLERANCE". It's more like, "TOLERATE EVIL! COMPLAIN, AND YOU'RE OUR NEXT TARGET!"