Alright. If you're featured in at least half of them, you can get Xurnt and Mousetopher to share the other 5 if they are willing or one or both could comment with you, even. If you want to have 2 or even 3 commenters at a time per game, that's fine. Any way you can work it out amongst yourselves is fine so long as you are in half.
Xurnt, are you the leader of this Warcraft 2 gaming group? Would I be able to forward the funds to you and you allocate them to the series winner and then yourself and/or Mousetopher since BabyShark is painfully rejecting it?
I will also need all participants (both players and commenters) to return an email consent waiver that will allow me to use your videos in whole or part/voice/screennames/etc. in any manner, such as advertising, in public or private events, such as and old games nostalgia celebration event etc.
Xurnt, Mousetopher, are you willing to share commenting duties with the slightly paranoid reluctant one?