Thats funny cause Jordan4385's piece of shit ass comments about my daughter facebook and doesn't get a ban even for the day just a "delete the comment", which started all this crap in the first place because Kyle and Jordan are fuck buddies so I love to troll them, when I saw the post it pissed me off and yes it was childish of me to comment on Kyle's page but they were commenting about my kid whispering on the server etc. I will only put up with so much bullshit from you nerds. I deleted the comment yesterday, still no lift on the ban because I left "one star" rating, which in reality anyone could come upon the site and leave that rating. Continuing to troll with the one star they reply that is not good enough to get back on (not that I truely give a shit at the moment) , if you think that this was just someone acting out irrationally you don't know what this shit stirring faggots say on a daily basis about my wife and kid. I consistently shit talk people yes, but they are mostly the biggest faggots on the server... and I don't ever say anything about someones family or kids unless they FIRST trash talk my family. I just figured I would air out the situation a little bit even though I hate the fact I posted on this gay ass forum in the first place but I actually respect some people on the server enough to let them know the situation. And Claw has threatened to post pictures of my wife and kid for going on 2 years now publicly in front of tora mouse and many other people on the server that could take action. You fucks are irrelevant to me but when you talk about my kid or wife I dont give a shit if it hurts your little feelies what I say and all I said on swifts page that he's the one that gave up in the first place (dumbass) said that I would never use his business and hes a crook. You reep what you sow, comment has been deleted so quit your crying little girls. Peace