tk - is good at power washing and streams war2
van - can be entertaining for 30 seconds
kyle - taught me how to lust, and how to practice lusting, and has a yellow belt in karate
lux - will ally me and tell me its his fault even though i sucked badly and made us lose
blid - comes and plays ping pong with me. Sometimes we have a war2 date and i ditch him for the cool game, im sorry, but it will probably happen again in the future.
joe - drinks wine with me on fridays
youngsta - is a great doctor
ogremage - has a super hot wife
paperboy - will ally anyone, always hosting big games and letting anyone play, just enjoys playing
spb - plays any game any time any where ( 1s or 2s)
braviet - carried me to many victories
dugs - has big biceps
shotgun - has big biceps
ltfan - offered to help me plant blueberries
00steve - helped me become a better trader, has a pet pig
wargasm - chill dude, likes war2 positivity and is good at war2. wants people to get along. trys to keep me and tk from murdering each other
babyshark - is hilarious, and fun to play relaxed war2 with
vizzer - is good at making french fries
yamon - is good at having me order pizzas for him
startale - is fun to watch ufc with and talk mma with
esn - is good to me even though im a huge dick to him sometimes
angel~fire - is good at planting corn
mystical - powers like a wet napkin
burnt - loves war2, has worked hard to advance it
.ru team - done great work on war2, much appreciated
player - fun to play with, will play any game, smurfs alot
if i forgot you, well, you know.