Author Topic: Addressing all new warcraft 2 players ( started 2010+)  (Read 3844 times)

Offline Yamon

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Addressing all new warcraft 2 players ( started 2010+)
« on: May 05, 2017, 08:41:01 PM »
it appears that we have the new regulars that we so desired on our server since it's inception in 2006.

Lets get a few things clear about the current state of war2 vs retail when it was played. The reason i am doing this is to convey some facts into some current talking points here on the forum that new players want to convey almost in a pattern and as a pact to try to get the desired outcome they want on the server.

So lets get this right out of the way, first things first.

A lot of people have been complaining about "verbal harassment" on the server.
Remember that this game was made in the 90s and back then political correctness was not a thing and everyone seemed to have thicker skin.
The internet was no exception for this rule. war2 is actually like 10x less toxic than it used to be when i started playing in 2004. But this sense of players coming to the server and wondering why flaming isn't more contained/controlled/better, are completely mistaken and should be taking it in the other direction, instead asking why is there so little trolling/rage/hate compared to how it used to be?

Back in the day you just had to have thick skin to be a regular on war2.

Regardless of whether you think that is irrelevant or not to today's war2, you are not going to convince an admin to adhere/conjure "harassment" rules on a 20 year old video game, that is inhabited strictly by adults. You are all going to have to learn how to either counter-troll, type /ignore, don't care, or log off.

When you go to an admin and say " hey he just called me a dobbleheaded dipstick, ban him!" it's not an appealing argument ESPECIALLY to an admin that was around in 2004 when people would tell each other to kill themselves and everything under the sun on a daily basis, even more so magnified by the great amount of competition and anonymity that existed back in those days.

I mean this isn't really my opinion either, it just it what it is, and it's not going to change because your feelings were hurt.

As far as other aspects of this game are concerned, there's no even a fraction of competition compared to what there used to be.

And in contrast to what the narrative is on the forums, players are much more friendly and the community is far more caring, and involved with one another than ever before since it's a smaller community.

Anyway i'm just tired of the whining.

Don't ask why the glass isn't full or empty, ask if it started out that way.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 08:50:23 PM by Yamon »

Offline Igognito

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Re: Addressing all new warcraft 2 players ( started 2010+)
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2017, 10:04:59 PM »
At least the guy got some exercise breaking the x-box  >:D

Yamon, everyone has hers/his opinion. I used to play in the 90s and I remember the endless flame wars on the forums. Or the fake alias people that would try to ruin your day.
It is not a part of the game. It is just soar losing. You can't start swearing to someone because he won you on a game.
When you lose, you say gg and step down. That is sportsmanship.

If losing makes you upset, then perhaps you should not play.
Now, I understand a rage from feeling cheated. But that is not what was discussed.

I'm not trying to impose you my opinion. I think you understood it and you actually see the reasoning behind it.
It is just that you have your anger and need to take it out.

Me personally, I just do a /ignore I do not need to listen when someone starts.
But I can see why new people will have hard time to stick to the group.


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Offline Yamon

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Re: Addressing all new warcraft 2 players ( started 2010+)
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2017, 11:14:04 AM »
At least the guy got some exercise breaking the x-box  >:D

Yamon, everyone has hers/his opinion. I used to play in the 90s and I remember the endless flame wars on the forums. Or the fake alias people that would try to ruin your day.
It is not a part of the game. It is just soar losing. You can't start swearing to someone because he won you on a game.
When you lose, you say gg and step down. That is sportsmanship.

If losing makes you upset, then perhaps you should not play.
Now, I understand a rage from feeling cheated. But that is not what was discussed.

I'm not trying to impose you my opinion. I think you understood it and you actually see the reasoning behind it.
It is just that you have your anger and need to take it out.

Me personally, I just do a /ignore I do not need to listen when someone starts.
But I can see why new people will have hard time to stick to the group.

you have no idea what you're talking about man :(

Offline apaulk

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Re: Addressing all new warcraft 2 players ( started 2010+)
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2017, 10:45:54 PM »
I just wanna say I asked Yamon if I can join his game and he told me to "eat shit." Totally random. I guess since the point of his post is that people are whining too much, maybe I'm proving his point.  :P

But I'm curious about this eat shit thing. Was it random? I don't think you know who I am, I've barely played 100 games on here. I don't randomly tell people to eat shit, even online. When I was younger I might have done that to get the thrill one gets from a prank phone call. But most War2 players are old now, I'd imagine. I've got three kids sleeping in the next room as I type.

The online world is often a cesspool of vented frustrations and neuroses. Some people think that this liberty is, in the long run, productive. Maybe so. Politically, I skew toward libertarian.

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Re: Addressing all new warcraft 2 players ( started 2010+)
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2017, 05:03:55 AM »
Lol, yeah war2 is full of weirdos. If your new here I would suggest not to take anything too personal and do your best to  enable the /ignore command when people are flaming you.
War2 is a great game but the user base is fairly unstable to put it mildly.
war2 > war3

Offline RipE[Eur0]

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Re: Addressing all new warcraft 2 players ( started 2010+)
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2017, 06:14:48 PM »
I just wanna say I asked Yamon if I can join his game and he told me to "eat shit." Totally random. I guess since the point of his post is that people are whining too much, maybe I'm proving his point.

rofl. ive just never stopped wonderin why the biggest c0cktards in the server like yamon,koorb,swift,adam,van etc. never understand themselves that they r c0cktards. they just act like fucking trash cunts and expect to ppl like them after all the shit :D lawl. we live in different dimensionz lol. anyway, yamon i must admit that u arent as bad as u used to be. u used to b bigger wanker in da past.

and i know many ppl hate me. but i think im more rational. since im a c0ck to ppl wh0 r c0cks to me. i have good manners to ppl who act nicely to me. GG 1-1.