Author Topic: Raging harrassment screen shot section  (Read 6444 times)

Offline kanca

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Raging harrassment screen shot section
« on: May 04, 2017, 10:18:25 PM »
Okay i'ma start taking screenshots of raging/harassment players. and post them in this thread.  What inspired this...

$corpin[is] and sx-5, we do a 2v3, vs yamon and swift (they are under smurfs).  I go middle, and 4hall, and decide to macro for fun... I'm thinking, i'm tired of one base lust, than expand.  I'm not going to gain the skill set by just always doing that.  well scorpin and sx-5 died, but they did kill yamon.  So it turned into a 1v1, and middle died with some resistance, i had 12/2 though and rebuilt.  I was pumping ogres.  It was pretty intense.

*the whole time, i see non-stop messages, i didn't even read them, but i glanced at them*
YOU FUCKING SUCK, WTF are you doing, your brain dead, your a loser, your a homeless bitch.  Your the worse player ever.  Sx-5 whispered me at one point, you know i'm not mad at you right? I just don't wanna lose. 

there was a lot more messages i didn't even see, nor did i want to.  Honestly i wouldn't be surprised if mentally i lost the game, becuz of that crap.  I just come back from my son's birthday....
first game i got into...  Scorpin was like, I heard you hack.  I said go read the forums, and stfu.  He didn't say another word about it.

so swift had some mad mages... was killing all my ogres, becuz I don't 4hall and macro, and than try to micro, it was a tough session for me, but enjoyable, because i know i'm increasing my keyboard skillz, and multi-tasking.  I recently started a typing game,, my WAM is avg 97.  So i'm taking advantage of these to increase my keyboard skillz, and speed. While also trying to improve my game, from onebase builds.  (which i imagine, i will shoot up faster than these rage players, than they will be pissed for some reason, and go back calling me a hacker).

so swift got me, we sit in game chat, and all i hear is, non-stop insults...  Sx-5 , "What do you have to say for yourself"? seriously... wtf, you think ur my daddy bitch?
scorpin, "you will always be homeless, you ain't going to do shit in life"
sx-5 " you are a joke homeless boy "

Me: lol... lol... lol... lol... I was praticing macro... it was a 2v3, i figured it'd be okay to four hall.

sx-5: your not a team player, you are permantly banned from my games, i will never play with you again.
scorpin: I'll never play with you again, worse player ever.

me: lol... lol... seriously? its just a game.

sx-5: what was you thinking?
scorpin: you eat ass, and suck dick

there was more...  should of started screen shot'n it. 

Correct me if i'm wrong, but that is harassment. cyber bullying.  actually it is illegal in some places.

so before i leave game, i'm like.. you know i treated you like my friends, and you are saying anything that was said to you in trust, to use against me, and hurt me anyway you can, because your angered inside, and deep down you would like to hurt something, or some body. i said.. that makes you a pure loser ;) * than left

I get in chat..  Sx-5 says,"we are online friends"

Me: Show some class dude...

he had some negative stuff to say acourse...

Don't put we, as you and me, as friends, none of you. period, if you call me your friend, i'll laugh at you.  ^^^^^^ you are not a friend of mine, you are an enemy to yourselve, and if your an enemy to yourself, you are going to take it out on me, and make me an enemy, when actually I am your friend.

Scorpin, in chat: lets vote, kanca the worst player ever, say I.

*some one said, Nay!"

Than I was whispered by a individual I won't say, but they said," my alliance is with you, those people are stupid."

At least, we have a couple of good souls left on warcraft 2.

final thoughts:  I don't care if we are online, show some class.  If I was in charge, i would hunt you people down, and punish you.  Cyberbullying is serious.  IT IS ILLEGAL IN MOST STATES.  This is a game represent by BLIZZARD,  Blizzard has sued the fuk out of people (6million dollars one time).  You call me a homeless guy becuz i told you i was homeless at times.

I have way more heart than most of you.  People who know me, they say that guy right there would give you the last bite of food, even if he was starving.  I have been known to give my tent, and sleep bag away to women, who are homeless.  I have taken people in off the street, and protected them and guided them.  I used my resources to help people get jobs.  I am self taught.  I learned html css3, python, advance techniques on windows, and linux.  I am learning 24/7, i applied to 50 different jobs in the past couple weeks.  I have more heart than any of you.  My family left me to die.  I have seen people like yall, and jsut because your not in a situation to be exposed.. I know what you would do.  If you had nothing, and it was -40 degree's out, you wouldn't give up shit, to help someone out.  I already know. :).

I have been logging the ip addresses, so if you think your just gonna change names and causes hell. no... I play war2, and i did rage when i first came back, so I understand, there are periods where it may happen, but myself I quit, i realized if war2 makes me rage, i need to quit, so i decided to quit to keep playing. but this is a community where you can't hide really. all you can do is change names... and with ur ip address being log'd, you can't hide.  yall really have ruined the war2 experience for me.

I was a dedicated war2 player when it came out, I think most of us, was all sad when war3 came out, such a let down.  The day war2 died, it was sad.... than years went by and i found  I was so excited, i literally played non-stop.  Than I was in a relationship with a girl, and she took everything from me, I lost my house and everything.  I was on the streets because of her, and bad decisions.  I came back though. 

Now you players, you just.. ignore the fact, that we are together a community, that we are originals of the rts gaming world.  Shows that you have character flaws.  Braviet, u8, Mousey, and a few others, they get it.  They are good people.  They are about the community.  They don't listen to people raging, and take alliances to ruin someone's gaming experience.  They will take newbs in, in a way lol.  I have respect for those types of players...

I will be posting your screen shots of cyber bullying...  I will figure out the laws on posting people's IP's, seriously... Don't fuck with me, and don't fuck with my war2 community.  What you don't get about this homeless bum.. I was 13years old, i taught myself to play texas hold'em. I turned 20$ into 6grand at 14 years of age, i made thousands.  I gave someone enough money, to go to college at age 16, becuz i am not heartless like you selfish bastards.  This homeless bum, can teach himself to do amazing things.  I had to walk 30miles a day sometimes, get no sleep at night, becuz i was watching out for girls on the street, who would get raped, and I'd make sure we didn't get snuck up on, by some nigga.  I have multiple computers now, I have kali linux, ubuntu, scripts, wireshark, nmap, i'm learning python to master it.  You call me a hacker, you are right I am a hacker.  What you really meant to say is... We think you maphack on war2, now that.. you have been proven wrong about.

Keep this in mind... Unless the people who run the server, decides to ban me.  War2 is mine, just as it is your's.  I will be around.  If you insult people cyber bullying, am I am there, I will screen shot you. I will track you.  Yall have taken it to the wrong level.  Just like when I had to wake up from no sleep and walk 30miles in a day, to get the tasks down. I met the challenge.  I will meet your challenge as well.

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2017, 12:46:12 AM »
If you insult people cyber bullying, am I am there, I will screen shot you. I will track you.  Yall have taken it to the wrong level.  Just like when I had to wake up from no sleep and walk 30miles in a day, to get the tasks down. I met the challenge.  I will meet your challenge as well.
i skipped the post, but doxxing will get u banned, nigga. not sure what you mean tho

Offline Winchester

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2017, 01:58:55 AM »
I don't care if we are online, show some class

Says the guy who raged at everyone because he was simply asked why he was flagged as unknown, and started threatening them on other usernames. All because of a legitimate question. You won't get sympathy like this. People would've listened to your reason/theory of being flagged unknown, specially if your knowledgeable with computers.  All except for bhc-master since he thinks his the only person in the world whos allowed to hack.

Offline dwarfighter

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2017, 04:09:39 AM »
Just playing a devil's advocate to let you guys get a full picture: how about we stop whining and prevent/handle those situations by adhering to the following set of simple rules? See below:
  • Refrain from hacking of any kind
  • Don't lash out at people for nothing
  • Stay trollproof
  • Play the game instead of chatting when you don't need to
  • Be fucking mature about it

Offline kanca

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2017, 05:49:36 PM »
simple ask, "unknown"... it was simply asked, it was we heard you hack, you hacker, *mass whispers, you hack*, after I win a game... You only won because you hack...  You are flagged as unknown that means you hacks.  That guy said you hack, even that guy said you hack.. and your unknown that means you hack.  Don't speak about something you don't know.

Dang right I raged. lol.

Than i realize, let me get on the forums.

Anyways, I won't b posting the screen shots of certain people..  It is taking care of...  No1 is really calling me a hacker, and no1 is trying to persist with certain downgrading.  Sometimes when you stand up for yourselves... you get shot down in some area's, told your wrong... and than you get people who feels the pain, and they come to you and let you know, yeah your right. 

by all means.. i know i raged, and i know i didn't handle it the right way at times.  But I give my self props, for eventually taking care of it the right way.

Anyways i'm done with this,  a couple people let me know, they were on my side, and people let me know they are done with it.... I thank yall for that.

Offline kanca

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2017, 05:50:34 PM »
Show some class, is what I did.  Just becuz I was being cyber bullied, and lied on... and it pushed me to anger.. doesn't mean in the end, i didn't show class.

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2017, 05:52:52 PM »
and its funny how you choose the point of view as, LOOK WHAT YOU DID WRONG!  instead of being like.. ya i see what your saying...  You realize I stated, I couldn't log onto my name.. without getting whispers from people, of harrassment, i couldn't join games, no one would join my games.  I had to defend myself even as a watcher..  So i made a new account just to play, and I still would get whispers, so someone knew even with my different account, that I was kanca.  Why don't you comment on that, instead of one time, I raged about it... dummy

Offline shesycompany

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2017, 06:28:35 PM »
ive done 10 miles barefoot, lost my crocs in the process of taking the cops offer to walk back to my county ;D i recommend staying in your safe zones.

it wasnt that bad kinda made me feel like rambo. moral of the story dont trust cops..would be a asskicking time and been my ass lol.

ah homeless yeah can happen to anyone..glad you back man.

yeah hacking seems boring as shit to me...some one like dellam would enjoy it.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 06:50:53 PM by easycompany »

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2017, 06:47:17 PM »
#weridos on war2
war2 > war3

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2017, 07:15:46 PM »
 ;D ahh ok there tora  ;D

Offline Winchester

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2017, 10:54:25 PM »
instead of one time, I raged about it... dummy

Because you always raged about it..... dummy
Show some class, is what I did.

Threatening people in real life because they thought you might be hacking in a video game is not classy

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2017, 01:02:48 AM »
nice muscles u putin bitch gotta baseball bat behind me seat :P

Offline kanca

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2017, 08:03:29 PM »
since I posted, everyone laid off.. but I guess someone doesn't bother with forums.

ask for screenshot any time...

I find it funny how no one asks me, and out of no where, I am a hacker, with fake zeppelins.

Offline kanca

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2017, 08:10:37 PM »
ive done 10 miles barefoot, lost my crocs in the process of taking the cops offer to walk back to my county ;D i recommend staying in your safe zones.

it wasnt that bad kinda made me feel like rambo. moral of the story dont trust cops..would be a asskicking time and been my ass lol.

ah homeless yeah can happen to anyone..glad you back man.

yeah hacking seems boring as shit to me...some one like dellam would enjoy it.

I had three black guys try to jump me, and slice my face with a razor, I dodged and weaved it, didn't get touched, but I did lose my shoes in the process, and my bag. *this is in chicago IL*.  Than the cops showed up, and I didn't know these guys, never met them before, just some *gangsters on the block*.  I said the N bomb lol, cop looked at me and said, I'm a N (he was white).  He drove me 15miles out of my way, and drop'd me off. lol xD

I had cops try to beat my ass a couple times, I put one in a head lock, and there was like 7 of them.  that was a mistake lol.  They made sure to make me feel the concrete.

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2017, 10:02:33 PM »
 :o get out of that city if you lucky made quite a few friends we got our own personal bar no more of that shit for me :P

not done near the shit you have.

my shit is 3 am  small county cop raids they abuse thier power on bars...aint no telling what the fuck they do..
i was at one bar coming in to get my cigs i left there and they huddled my ass
« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 10:45:23 PM by easycompany »