Author Topic: lethal refuses to post ss  (Read 12776 times)

Offline LTFan

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2017, 08:48:54 PM »
he doesnt hack and even if he did all he has to do is come back and promise to take ss's from now on and get unbanned like yamon did 3 times.
and who cares if hes using lethal~viruz everyone knows hes not viruz he doesnt try to say hes viruz
he openly admits to NOT being viruz! if anything szwag shouldnt you be banned for account sharing with g3mini and 'abusing' ladder? so how about you all stop being so fucking petty and just move on.

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2017, 09:39:45 PM »
Every day i play this game, people are trolling hardcore.  I wouldn't let my kids get on these chatroom ever lol.  War2 is a worse case situation of people being online freely able to talk, with no kind of ban.

If people are going to ban over screenshots, there should b a way to post harassment, and a ban as well, of the ip.  /ignore doesn't work, when people decide to back each other up. Sometimes the person gets stop'd, sometimes they go on all day, or every time they see a person.  There should be a way to post screen shots, of non-stop harassing comments.

its okay to say you suck, and leave it at that, or fuk you man, i don't wanna play with you.  But once people start going to far with it, there needs to be someone who steps in.

I experienced some terrible times, when i'm all i'm doing is gaming.. if me playing the game, ruins your life.. maybe you need to be ban'd, or matter of fact.. ban me lol. I'm tried of war2 cruelty.  This is honestly stupid.  So players quick calling me a hacker since i posted, at least temporary, it doesn't take long for them to downgrade though.  Becuz i 4halled, and was having fun.  Next thing i know, i'm being insulted for 30mins, and all i say back is lol, lol, lol show some class, lol, lol, dude seriously?  Than they say something like, i play for fun?  Insulting me for 30mins after a game.. is fun for u ?  If you get so mad because u lose, and you take ur anger out at someone, you are hiding your true colors in real life, and eventually they will leak out at someone in real life.  War2 will b if not alrdy has been a catalyst for someone to practice hate and anger, than release it.  I am sure, without a doubt, someone got use to raging on war2, and screwed up in life, at least once. for damn sure.  To much rage, and anger on here. 

This ^^ is more concerning than a damn screen shot request from a smurf, it'd b more honorable, if the person wasn't a smurf.  Plus once again.. it was a 2v1.  The guy asked for a screen shot, becuz he through up a tower expecting a gay tower some where behind 5.  I do that all the time, especially in a 2v1, i would do it. 

It'd be different.. if you didn't have someone on here explaining wait a second.. i didn't see nothing wrong where the guy even showed slightest sign of hacking... A smurf, was raging becuz his gay failed.  N it was a 2v1.  I get there are rules.. but if your gonna b so strict, why not focus on something that will actually help war2 become a better gaming platform/experience for players.

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2017, 10:35:12 PM »
Ya boy OneOrc here. I play with lethal~viruz all the time and he definitely does not hack. Acting like anyone would actually ban him for this is bullcrap in my opinion. I have had more people cry SS to me in the last 2 weeks than ever before and I suck.... this literally should not even be an issue. (by the way, if anyone can figure out how to even take an SS with windows 10, let me know. Google doesn't even know so I've found.. (or not found....)

Ps. Yamon, you are good at war2. Doesn't mean you will win every game. There are other good players on the server... so what
Pps. Love you Yamon <3

Offline Szwagier

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2017, 11:53:50 PM »
he doesnt hack and even if he did all he has to do is come back and promise to take ss's from now on and get unbanned like yamon did 3 times.
and who cares if hes using lethal~viruz everyone knows hes not viruz he doesnt try to say hes viruz
he openly admits to NOT being viruz! if anything szwag shouldnt you be banned for account sharing with g3mini and 'abusing' ladder? so how about you all stop being so fucking petty and just move on.
i didnt say he hack
abusing? i did only cause i wanted give lesson for eq and i did it
and there isnt rules about u cant share account or i am blind, sory FAIL
ok, so now if someone will ask me ss i will say "u know me i wont make it "
even if he didnt hack, he should made this ss and upload it

I was banned when i was spaming claw

if he didnt make a ss, he should be banned for 1 week, if Yamon would ask me i would make ss or just turn on stream,

so lets hack since everyone knows everyone, LOGIC
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 12:03:39 AM by Szwagier »

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline kanca

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2017, 12:09:03 AM »
okay maybe he should of did the screen shot, but lets not forget.. it was a smurf, who was raging, and i was in the game! in the picture, darkwingduck *suck gas evil doers!* lol.  Thats me.  Lethal didn't do nothing...  it was a 2v1.  He was raged at.  For no reason.  After yamon lost his gay towers, than catapult.... EVERYONE disconnected.  Virus said, probably was yamon, he's probably going to blow up the forums.  The next game we played.. he alt tab'd out and back in, and said yeah.. it was yamon.  In all fairness, yamon was doing like babyshark said, going crazy.  Rage hate.  Than we all randomly disconnected, like.. disconnect hack or something... We all were in the chat lobby but yamon.  He disappeared to these forums probably.

If lethal gets banned becuz, he was in a 2v1, and wasn't hacking, thats crazy.. Especially after we all got disconnected.  Soon as yamon unpaused, we all disconnected... The more i think about that.. thats fishy on yamon's part. 

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2017, 02:13:21 AM »
Currently we only ban people for hacking or for taking harassment out of the war2 realm and into the real world.
war2 > war3

Offline Paper_Boy

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2017, 02:39:29 AM »
"szwag shouldnt you be banned for account sharing with g3mini "

ahhh that explains a lot. I caught u8 hacking in a couple games, maybe it was g3mini on his account a known hacker.

It was u8 vs Brav in a 1on1... It was a boring 1on1 where everyone turtles for 10 minutes and brav was behind cuz u8 magically slipped by his scouts to lumber bash. I had some saps ready near the lust stage to make things even. Then, out of the blue  he scouts the hidden watcher area for no reason and kills all my saps and unvisions ASAP. Did this another game too from a different hiding location. Was suspect as shit. Or maybe both the eur0 trash hack. I never reported it cuz I hardly game with these faggots any way nor am I very active.

I would also like to file a grievance against Baby Shark, she tells me she's gonna rape me hard with Humans on multiple occasions and I mean NOBODY calls me CHICKEN. She also refers to me using the wrong gender pro noun. I feel I shouldn't have to tolerate this abuse and sexual innuendo. I'm a person with feelings too. Can we create a safe space channel where me and Kanca and other like minded individuals can shield ourself from war2 micro aggressions?

This dood seriously just discovering there are immature people on war2?? LOL I mean, if you're that sensitive maybe you shouldn't disclose so much about your personal life and expect model citizen behavior from every single person with in a community. I've found most people aren't that serious even when they're raging. There are only a few people that really are dark clouds that I try to avoid gaming with if I can, but it is a small community so sometimes its unavoidable. You're out of your mind if you think this qualifies as actual harassment, intimidation or has actually caused harm. Let me give you an example of policing priorities in LA: A year ago I saw some girl getting beaten up as I was leaving an apartment, she was locked behind a gate so I couldn't intervene. The operator I spoke with was like "is that it, is she KOO now"... She was like "we can have someone out there in an hour, we have more important cases right now" lol... Are you expecting the federal authorities across state lines to coordinate a man hunt for the guy who called YOU A FUCKING PWNED NEWB and spammed u at s9???? Lol...Since you're so sophisticated and such an adult, don't game with people that insult you, it's pretty simple. Or write another 9 page diatribe tattle tale post on here, they're entertaining!! lol
Good luck with your real life struggles, i'm sorry your war2 life is in tatters!

Offline Szwagier

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2017, 02:55:26 AM »
Pb u are stupid, g3 hasnt got my password, i was trying make exp at 2 and i saw your peon was going with gold so i knew u made bulidngs and u are going sapp, only u are doing it and destrpying 1x1

U still belive u are better than me

Shark yes if he can refuse without ban i can also refuse without ban

And i dont know him. Now i know about him only that he refuse ss
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 04:54:50 AM by Szwagier »

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2017, 08:00:45 AM »
This is a lotta words people, to explain why someone can't push 1 key when asked for ss

@Lethal~Viruz please take sss on request, the rule applies to everyone.

@bs we only have rules that we can realistically enforce.

Offline Yamon

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2017, 08:47:17 AM »
people overthink shit way too hard. The fact you can't ask for ss on this forum without getting flamed and every action that's ever happened ever is recounted is absolutely ridiculous and people need to wise up. As for viruz, i was almost sure he was hacking, as an extremely experienced player, I have nothing against viruz at all, or anyone on ru for that matter. I had good reasoning for asking for SS, and the fact he refuses to post is reason enough for a ban. I truly believe he was hacking. And when confronted all he does is name call and talk nonsense. All of this coming to viruz's defense doesn't help him at all, and it makes anyone who does look like an idiot.

This began as a non-personal for me, and it still remains non-personal. I helped viruz fix his hosting just a few weeks ago for free ( or attempted to, i can't remember if i fixed it or not), and i did so happily. I think he's an intelligent young lad and i admire him. And i actually like him. I'm not trying to be mean or "spread hate" by a simple ss request. My student Lone has asked me for ss over a dozen times, and all i do is laugh and post.

It's nothing out of the ordinary for new players to experiment with hacks, I did myself when i was new.

Does he need to be permabanned for it? No, does he need to be ridiculed for it? No. He just needs to learn that he will be caught if he hacks and that it's not accepted on the server. That's it. Nothing more Nothing less.

However my accusation was very vague, so let me elaborate on this accusation.

The game just starts, i Immediately go to 5 from 6 after getting a mill RIGHT after farm, go to 5 immediately, and start towering it.
As soon as my towers were finished, his towers got finished like a second before and started upping. He didn't scout anything, and he had no reason to throw up defensive towers what-so-ever. The only thing I can think of for those towers is he is new and doesn't know they had no purpose. So because of that, i ended up vising him to see if he would respond, and he did not. Then i asked for SS and typed /ping.
It looked super suspicious and when he refused to post and ignored me in chat channel it became obvious.

P.S. There should also be a rule for off-topic rage/hate posts including ltfan and babyshark. Just delete the fucking posts they add nothing to the dialogue.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 09:07:50 AM by Yamon »

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2017, 09:38:57 AM »
I also find Yamon unpalatable, but the only thing that matters here is that the other guy didn't take an SS. So, he deserves a one-week ban.

Offline Igognito

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2017, 09:54:42 AM »
Hi all,

as a neutral party I would like to say my opinion.
Lethal~Viruz should have posted an SS that is for no doubt. And unfortunately, he should be punished for not doing so. That is the rule. In that part I will agree with Yamon.
But Yamon, sometimes (lately pretty often) you behave like an !#%@#$@ and to be fair while currently there are no rules to impose you a penalty the community should express you their displease to your actions. When someone insults me I just do an \ignore and let it go... I think I have done a few of them to some of your smurf accounts lately :-P

I have a few suggestions on that:
1) We could rule that smurfs are not entitled to the rights of the community (in other words, as Yamon was smurfing he can not ask for a ss).
2) We could rule that users that slander and use insulting language. (Proved by a ss with /ping) Get banned. (Not everyone will use a ss to ban a user that speaks badly. But I do believe the rule will make people think twice before insulting.)

To bring an other similar topic in discussion.
Lately, I have experienced some spoofing (as I think it is called). Someone is taking the accounts names of other users. I am assuming that this is not allowed and the person should be banned.

With the first opportunity I will try to get the spoofer on a SS.

Generally, lets not forget that this is a game! We play (at least me) to have fun and relax from reality. Obviously, no one likes to lose and especially to lose from a cheater. But what is worse than losing is to get verbally attacked and insulted. To be blamed, to be treated like stupid or called cheater.

As you know, I'm one of the newest members of the community (1 year active) and the hardest part of being part of the community was to tolerate bad behavior. From being banned for no reason to people that spoke badly to me or even call me a cheater.

And while hacking is simply wrong to do, to be honest I do not think is the worst thing that happens on the server. I played hackers and they didn't ruin my day. For example: Dellam. I played a few games with him and got to fight his lusted ogres when he only had stronghold :-D. No problem, if he wants to win like that! He never bragged or spoke badly to me! When he lost his game he would go: gg, re? I also never told him I knew he was hacking! I would play with him, and let him do his thing and try to win him.

What is my point here? I do not support hacking. But among the two evils: Hacking or Bad behavior. I do find Bad behavior to be worst! And I would like to see rules for bad behavior as we have rules for hacking!

Cheerios all
ps: Yamon no offence meant, I hope soon you will relax a bit and behave nicely again :-).

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2017, 10:33:42 AM »
Hi all,

as a neutral party I would like to say my opinion.
Lethal~Viruz should have posted an SS that is for no doubt. And unfortunately, he should be punished for not doing so. That is the rule. In that part I will agree with Yamon.
But Yamon, sometimes (lately pretty often) you behave like an !#%@#$@ and to be fair while currently there are no rules to impose you a penalty the community should express you their displease to your actions. When someone insults me I just do an \ignore and let it go... I think I have done a few of them to some of your smurf accounts lately :-P

I have a few suggestions on that:
1) We could rule that smurfs are not entitled to the rights of the community (in other words, as Yamon was smurfing he can not ask for a ss).
2) We could rule that users that slander and use insulting language. (Proved by a ss with /ping) Get banned. (Not everyone will use a ss to ban a user that speaks badly. But I do believe the rule will make people think twice before insulting.)

To bring an other similar topic in discussion.
Lately, I have experienced some spoofing (as I think it is called). Someone is taking the accounts names of other users. I am assuming that this is not allowed and the person should be banned.

With the first opportunity I will try to get the spoofer on a SS.

Generally, lets not forget that this is a game! We play (at least me) to have fun and relax from reality. Obviously, no one likes to lose and especially to lose from a cheater. But what is worse than losing is to get verbally attacked and insulted. To be blamed, to be treated like stupid or called cheater.

As you know, I'm one of the newest members of the community (1 year active) and the hardest part of being part of the community was to tolerate bad behavior. From being banned for no reason to people that spoke badly to me or even call me a cheater.

And while hacking is simply wrong to do, to be honest I do not think is the worst thing that happens on the server. I played hackers and they didn't ruin my day. For example: Dellam. I played a few games with him and got to fight his lusted ogres when he only had stronghold :-D. No problem, if he wants to win like that! He never bragged or spoke badly to me! When he lost his game he would go: gg, re? I also never told him I knew he was hacking! I would play with him, and let him do his thing and try to win him.

What is my point here? I do not support hacking. But among the two evils: Hacking or Bad behavior. I do find Bad behavior to be worst! And I would like to see rules for bad behavior as we have rules for hacking!

Cheerios all
ps: Yamon no offence meant, I hope soon you will relax a bit and behave nicely again :-).
since you're new here incognito, nobody cares if someone is trolling you. war2 has been a shit show since it's inception and to impose rules on chat/conduct would totally be bringing the game in a different direction than it has remained since forever.
trolling/flaming is part of war2, it always has been. I was trolled and flamed probably more than anyone when i was new.
It's just good natured ribbing.

The only time i am against trolling/flaming is when it's on a forum post that concerns server rules etc. something of that nature, in which people who complain about trolling/raging etc. do so in a public forum on an official topic. It's super counter-intuitive, but i don't expect anything less from these morons.

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2017, 10:34:40 AM »

I have a few suggestions on that:
1) We could rule that smurfs are not entitled to the rights of the community (in other words, as Yamon was smurfing he can not ask for a ss).
i proposed this one many times, many years ago, but blid was always against it. Gee i wonder why

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Re: lethal refuses to post ss
« Reply #29 on: May 05, 2017, 10:36:31 AM »

I have a few suggestions on that:
1) We could rule that smurfs are not entitled to the rights of the community (in other words, as Yamon was smurfing he can not ask for a ss).
i proposed this one many times, many years ago, but blid was always against it. Gee i wonder why

because smurfing is part of the game. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should be abolished. Good thing you don't serve on the supreme court. Antonin Scalia wrote a thick book on why people like that are retarded.

I don't like custom maps being allowed on the server, do you think that is a server rule worth pursuing? No, you don't. Because you like them.
you're a fucking hypocrite.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 10:39:21 AM by Yamon »