oh im sure u could edit the spells themselves (i cant) i can just move around whats in place..say make a spell last longer etc..i am kinda a purist but knights with unholy at 50? that is kinda a shield but it would have to be checked against lust for a balance check.
(that spell is a mofo and would compete with lust with a mana cost, its shorter duration and will take half health in the process of each cast,would require a fast clicker cause as spell is let up your knight is dead to recast,and after the battle knights would be killed easy.)
or just give them what the people want ..lust hell no!! we can doit humans we can beat lust!!
what about this people..i found a new unit while back(ill have to relocateor find my notes if i saved it)
u can turn the ballista into a elf/cat into troll and he is slow lol but he now has sniper powers,has the balista range and damage but when he fires there is no bolt,its a direct hit and this is in a pud so it would be a custom map no exe needed!
this unit may not need to be released as idk unfair to the other units keeping mages away and dk's in itself leveling towns with a group
to much op!(looking he will be found!)
may have lost the greatest unit of war2
unholy knights i just put back at heal cost,tuff spell
another alternative is we got a sc2 dude making it in it
unholy is a terrible spell lol
he probably may want help.i messed with a war3 editor far as i go..
final conclusion for me war2 should stay as is,other players with energy will find other ways to play the game..they just gotta be protected they are starting at 1996
ok the unit is no arrow..helps balistas out alot
but the good thing about this i can maybe fix my plethora map