Oh, and you mean we won't need the bound: bot+GameBot anymore? Just 1 GameBot always waiting with it's game all the day until someone joins? And then start, quit and create the next game?
I think i got your idea now, it's really great.
As for "help", if you have the hostbot already coded, then whats the problem? You gotta delete most of its functionality and add a couple of memory read lines
#include <NomadMemory.au3>
$hMemory = _MemoryOpen(ProcessExists("Warcraft II BNE.EXE"))
$player1 = _MemoryRead(0xFFFFFFFF, $hMemory)
just insert proper hex values in 0xFFFFFFFF, idk if its a variable for players in game if each spot has its own boolean which needs to be scanned, either way its a matter of addresses only.
as for player name, tupac gave me this:
004D975 - slot 1
004DA7F - slot 8
read these bytes for the player name
but i never made use of that. Maybe its as simple as reading it and if its "open" then the slot is empty, else its full.