Author Topic: Speak up or be left out.  (Read 16535 times)

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Speak up or be left out.
« on: September 20, 2016, 08:56:26 PM »
Blid needs to be demoted or retire. Dellam needs to be banned on site and anytime he pops up. You all have witnessed your favorite game destroyed over and over. We can start new just imagine we are a single peon working our way to a castle and a massive army.

How many people have we lost because blid is an admin? Or the fact that we didn't listen to our own community?

1. Evil~Ryu
Yea fuck blid...

B itchass
L azy
I ncompetent
D imwit


Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

2. Tupac
Hey Mr della keep your nonsense in here. Just keep in mind spreading false rumors like that will get you killed, raped, in numerous places.

Good day mate!

So you admit it then ?

Sent from my iPhone using Warcraft Chat 2.12

I won't ever touch a child in a sexual way. I would protect them from sick fucks like you. I would spend my life in jail for murder over shit like that just knowing I could help one child it would be worth every second in prison.

So what's up dellam why is such a nasty topic being created and comming out of your mouth? Did you get molested as a kid you can pm that answer if you need your privacy. Do you touch underage children?

Why trash the mod section with your nonsense? Unless you can explain why you are bringing up topics about poor children in devastating situations you are now banned permanently from the mods and support section.

If iL, Blid, Mousey, foonat, etc. Say don't remove dellams posts I will as long as I have power too. Matter of fact let me send them all pms now I'm sure they would be happy with my decision.

3. Masta
4. EQ
Retire soon? Will be great for our communauty.

5. Gans
who will mod the mods?

6. Lance
I spoke on this topic already Blid.  My stance is simple.  I'll only entertain whatever iL asks me to do and nothing more.  iL hasnt even asked me to help out with the current server let alone entertain taking it over myself.  I was actually the first to approach him when he was having issues with Archer's UDP DOS and I was able to help him get it figured out with just 1 PM.  But again, it was not iL doing the initiating, it was me.  He also didnt post the source for his Hostbot on his own either.  I had to ask him to do that.  In order for things to improve,  it would have to be the other way around.  If he's having issues,  he knows that he's welcome to ask since I have told him that numerous times.  But he has never actually acted upon those offers.  Maybe he doesnt need help,  idk.  But whatever the reason,  it still makes it pointless to consider such options really.  Any "demands or promises" that I would even consider, would come from iL.  I certainly wouldnt acknowledge anything you have to say since 85% of it is based on false accusations/stories/misinformation, etc.  Anything you say is based on the FUD that has been circulating for years.  You're one of the biggest culprits of the FUD I've spoken about for many years.  And you know who admitted to it before you? (and that was a HUGE surprise to me because I thought he would NEVER come clean) Burnt is the only one to have finally come forward and admit that the shit that was said about me was completely false and done only to make me look bad because he was mad about whatever,  his life in general was not all cherries and roses as we all know.  The thread about that is on the old occult forum.  Maybe you missed it?

7. Usa~feature
8. Tk

Isn't it time we put someone who isn't biased and isn't retarded in as main admin?

And now blids gonna make u admin (for real this time )for a second just cuz of his/her personal obsession of going against me  8)

This fucking list is greater then 25 people trust me. That's just off the top of my head. You lost all the veterans just for one crappy admin. What's the point in bringing in new player when the pros arnt here to teach them? What's the point to keep blid an admin?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 01:11:24 AM by tupac »

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2016, 09:51:51 PM »
Your name is on that list, so I guess you quit because I don't think it's appropriate to e-stalk people and post their real life names and other personal information.  Hmm actually that's part of why I'm a good admin.  Also half those people still play.

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2016, 09:52:45 PM »
Like, tihs is the sort of thing that always happens though, someone does sometihng that's completely and obviously wrong, and I say "Hey don't do that" and they decide to take up a vendetta against me.

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2016, 10:17:00 PM »
Like, tihs is the sort of thing that always happens though, someone does sometihng that's completely and obviously wrong, and I say "Hey don't do that" and they decide to take up a vendetta against me.
You are full of shit. And you make horrible Judgement as an admin. You are apparently blind. This faggot posted my fake email which could of been real, harassing me, trashed talked, called me a child molester, spammed the sections I moderate, fucked up so many games because he is a warcrap user. But when his shit get posted and the table flips on him. You wanna play knight and shinning armor to protect a loser like that. It's time for you to retire period. There is way too many people who disagree with you and your actions. But yet you act like your shit don't stink.

Oh yeah tupac just woke up and decided let's dox the fuck out of jamie. No bitch I nuked his ass in his own war. But you rather sneak attack one of your own staff members. You all want to know why? Because blid knows he can be replaced in a snap of a finger. So he attacks me because he knows I can replace him!

You rather let the game die and kill what little we had left. You are a coward and a fucking disgrace. So go lay in bed with jamie I'm sure he is waiting on you.

There is never a problem unless blid is involved. If you used your admin powers to ban the little fucker how would any of this been possible.

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2016, 10:20:48 PM »
Then let alone every peice of info I had you an dellam gave me.

1. You said dellams real name was jamie you contribute to his dox.

2. I talked the rest out of jamie because I hacked his mind and you all read it peice by peice.

3. He posted his wife's info on the forums... so hey let ban tupac for posting shit dellam already posted.

4. You have just been owned.

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2016, 10:48:48 PM »
Can you specify which injustices Blid has comitted? Its not like he prevents new players from playing. It's the veteran that ban new players or force them to watch. This game needs more people like mousey and xurnt who make games  that everyone play.

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2016, 10:54:45 PM »
Can you specify which injustices Blid has comitted? Its not like he prevents new players from playing. It's the veteran that ban new players or force them to watch. This game needs more people like mousey and xurnt who make games  that everyone play.
Okay here we go. Yes we are a very stubborn community most of our players. So the only ones left are hardcore assholes who have games ruined due to cheater like dellam. So in defense they ban new players.

1. Blid is the almighty admin he should of banned the hackers.

Most of our nice veterans have left because of decisions blid makes.. In which these where the players that spent time teaching newbies.

2. Blid fucking the cycle again

So it just created one hell of a circle that's only gets smaller and smaller.

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2016, 06:04:15 AM »
nothing wrong with having a voice of reason in this community. lord knows, we need it

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2016, 07:28:06 AM »
Dont get me wrong, i got my reason to want blid give his position to someone more competant.

But stalcking peoples and give any kind of personal informations is not about what it is.

But i also agree on the fact winchester spread editing pictures of me all over internet and blid did nothing against it.

So from a certain POV i can approve blid is biase.

ty for listening me.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2016, 07:46:17 AM »
This is way overblown imo tupac. If a lot of people dislike blid it's probably people in general are resentful of having authority applied to them (as I know from experience, Evil~ryu trashed me for like a year for giving him one freaking warning on the forum..) Your feud with dellam continues to escalate in large part because you continue to engage with him over and over again, and doxxing + spamming threads with your back and forth arguments is not something we should have to tell you not to do. 95% of your dellam issues would be solved by just ignoring the guy.

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2016, 07:56:53 AM »
This is way overblown imo tupac. If a lot of people dislike blid it's probably people in general are resentful of having authority applied to them (as I know from experience, Evil~ryu trashed me for like a year for giving him one freaking warning on the forum..) Your feud with dellam continues to escalate in large part because you continue to engage with him over and over again, and doxxing + spamming threads with your back and forth arguments is not something we should have to tell you not to do. 95% of your dellam issues would be solved by just ignoring the guy.
There has been many topics on how to ignore and block other members which is deemed pretty useless. It's pretty hard to ignore someone when they where spamming my threads and making up such non sense. Jamie is supposed to be perm banned he should not even own the dellam nick name period. 95% of the time that's not sense this whole forums is arguing. Look how you and blid went on in the eq threads. I could if I had the power to give you both a warning. But nah your staff so I would of went to a PM with you both.

I seen everything happen for the last 6 years on me being here on ru. Blid is a problem and has always been. He just does not make the correct decisions. I know im right.

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2016, 08:20:46 AM »
Well i actually agree with the fact Dellam account should be block, maybe this assshole can use software to keep login after ip ban but banning his main account will be really BUT REALLY REALLY GREAT!
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2016, 09:48:52 AM »
But i also agree on the fact winchester spread editing pictures of me

Pictures that you've posted on the forums, i didn't get that picture anywhere else. You've seen enough trolling in your lifetime to know that posting your real life pic on a forum with heavy trolling is a terrible idea.

With that in mind, did you even ask Tyrus or Pirate if you could post that picture and show their faces to everyone on the forums? The same forum with heavy trolling?

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2016, 10:03:24 AM »

But i also agree on the fact winchester spread editing pictures of me

Pictures that you've posted on the forums, i didn't get that picture anywhere else. You've seen enough trolling in your lifetime to know that posting your real life pic on a forum with heavy trolling is a terrible idea.

With that in mind, did you even ask Tyrus or Pirate if you could post that picture and show their faces to everyone on the forums? The same forum with heavy trolling?
Same with jamie he posted all the info and blid even contributed by replying in a dox thread. "I thought he said his real name is jamie....."
Jamie, I'll tell you the password to the dellam account, but in return, you need to
a) never hack again
b) never host a rigged map again

and if you're caught doing either, we'll use the hardware ban on you to erase you from War2 forever.

Is it a deal?

« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 10:06:00 AM by tupac »

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Re: Speak up or be left out.
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2016, 10:05:59 AM »
why so serious

dellam is a prankster = big deal
tupac = i have yet to see once on the real game server
eq = crybaby bitch  :'( :'( :'(